Question for Finshaggy and Urca


Well-Known Member
wow rainbow brite, you read alot into an encouraging statement for kuroi, I was happy for april and I wanted kuroi to be happy to, but people become vicious on the rag, dont take it out on me
Oh my dear God. You should have stayed on April's train, cuz you didn't really wanna ride this one.


Well-Known Member
Well its our disagreement, not hers.
and we shouldnt even be in disagreement, nothing I said was meant to be insulting about your relationship.
I meant no harm, only trying to encourage a friend down in the dumps, then you decided it was offensive and jumped down my throat.
It's YOUR disagreement, not mine, huh? So, it's ok for you to step out of the lines of what is and is not your business but when I do it, (oh here it comes)....i'm being meeeeeaaaaaan. It's a forum board. Not everyone is going to be nice to you. Not everyone is nice to me either. If you can't handle that, then you shouldn't even be on here. I have to say, i've seen so many people diss Shaggy, and while it always makes for a good thread read, at least he brings it back. You wanna bring it, and then hide behind other people when it's coming back at you. People baby you because they feel you need protection, that's not something to be proud of. And i'm not taking my "rag" out on you. Alright, alright alright. Hair thing was bad lol. I bit my mailman today too.


Well-Known Member
Well ya that's the look I was going for obviously.

Why don't you put me down there with Uncle Buck on your sig? Make me proud.


Well-Known Member
I was over it. I was talking rainbow cupcakes, pies, and french fries. For that matter, so was April and everyone else. She brought it back up, and then when I respond...See? Seeeeee? Double standards.


Pickle Queen
I don't have a dog in the race and not jumping on anyones bus, but I was a little shocked that April took offense at Urcas' little statement since she told everyone herself. Also IMO she came off a little strong when she said they were not friends. Hell I thought you all were friends before all this.....Just sayin'.....
Well u seem 2 have alot of opnions on the subject, funny how u guys are still bickering over something Urca and i settled ;)
But if u must know it's not people bringing it up that bothers me since i do answer questions when asked and make the occasional cheeky comment, but more the way she said it, Many times i came to Urca's defense/protection whatever u wanna call it ( we all remember the many threards and rude attacks ) and in return i got insulted multiple times, so i do take it personal when someone who has a history of insulted me takes cheap shots for her own benefit, My friends are welcome to poke all they want, i don't dislike Urca but i would not consider her a friend since she offered me no loyalty, i had her back, she only had her own, not cool, im not only a mod but a fucking person also people.


Well-Known Member
Whether or not you understand what she said, it was a cheap shot. I do not care how many people don't believe Urca is capable. I know a cheap shot when I hear one, and that was one indeed. I'm going to let it go because i'm my hormones are in overdrive and I need to hit the bong again. But April was in the right on this one.


Well-Known Member
OK let me put it this way - arguments are not about right or wrong. They're about perspective. It doesn't matter how Urca meant it (although I think people are naive if they think there was nothing behind that) what matters is that April was offended. And April, being the confident mature female she is, put it plainly and simply she didn't appreciate it and she didn't want it happening in the future. It could have been done right then and there. But instead, Urca played the victim card and everybody just immediately jumped April's ass.

I like happy, peaceful highs. You wanna light one up with me, April? Forget this BS and just smoke lol. They'll never understand. This is really personal to me because i've been exactly where April is right now. People never take into consideration her perspective of things because she has a strong personality. It SUCKS. NOBODY gets that until they've been there. April is the type of woman who gets labeled a bitch just because she's not afraid to confront people. If she were a guy nobody would think twice about it. All i'm saying is everybody is so quick to defend without even considering April's side of it.


Well-Known Member
Well u seem 2 have alot of opnions on the subject, funny how u guys are still bickering over something Urca and i settled ;)
But if u must know it's not people bringing it up that bothers me since i do answer questions when asked and make the occasional cheeky comment, but more the way she said it, Many times i came to Urca's defense/protection whatever u wanna call it ( we all remember the many threards and rude attacks ) and in return i got insulted multiple times, so i do take it personal when someone who has a history of insulted me takes cheap shots for her own benefit, My friends are welcome to poke all they want, i don't dislike Urca but i would not consider her a friend since she offered me no loyalty, i had her back, she only had her own, not cool, im not only a mod but a fucking person also people.
I have heard about the rude attacks, but it was before my time. I can't tell you how to take what she said, but from an outside perspective it did not appear like she was trying to insult you. I thought you were friends so I thought it was odd. Since everyone else was putting in their 2 cents I just put mine it too. I stand corrected though.:peace:


Pickle Queen


Pickle Queen
Maybe I can make Kuroi howl !

Ahh i know this move, similar to past nintendo cheat codes, u must get the sequence just right, belly scratch with both hands, back of the ear rub with left index finger while tickling her chin with ur right pinky, don't back pet or she might tinkle on ur shoe;) Ps. she's easily startled so no fast moves



Well-Known Member
Ahh i know this move, similar to past nintendo cheat codes, u must get the sequence just right, belly scratch with both hands, back of the ear rub with left index finger while tickling her chin with ur right pinky, don't back pet or she might tinkle on ur shoe;) Ps. she's easily startled so no fast moves

I have a friend that has a female dog that will pee on your foot if you pet her within the first ten minutes of arriving. I found out the hard