Well-Known Member
This is my point they are all one thing,with different ideas on how to do the one thing.Skull and Bones? Shit yes! And for your information, that POS, two-faced, lieing-muther-fucker, John F'n Keary is ALSO a Skull 'n Bones. And he would have done the same damn thing Bush has done. To these low-lifes war and the threat of war, is a way of life.
Maybe there are some good society's,this is entirely possible and probable as well.
All people have to really work out is what the one thing is.
None of these people give a toss about any of us,they are full of hate, jealousy,greed,selfishness the works of crapness.
As soon as people can see through their glamor all hell will break loose.
This is one of the reasons pot is kept illegal.
They know full well it removes their glamor.

P.S. yeah man the addition or removal of the word "the" from that section of your post made a hell of a lot of difference in meaning with that particular sentence.
No worries