Humble Servant's 1000W One Plant Fully Organic Orange Crush SCROG Journal

Hello, all!

I've been growing for a couple of years now, and I've gotten a TON of advice from rollitup and similar sites out there. Without these sites, so many of us medical patients and hobby growers would be absolutely clueless as to how to grow our own. So, let me begin this, my first grow journal EVER, now that I am experienced enough to not post and look like a total effing NEWB, by lighting up a fat joint of my homegrown, and thanking all of those that came before me, all of those that will come in time, and all who follow the light, the love, the blessing that is this BEAUTIFUL HEALING PLANT!! :bigjoint:

Now that that's out of the way, Welcome to my Grow Journal!!

Here are the details:
  • One plant (Orange Crush)
  • in a 15 gallon organic soil pot
  • under a single 1000W HPS Ushio HiLux OptiRed bulb, powered by
  • magnetic ballast
  • in a 6" Sun Systems rectangular, air cooled reflector
  • cooled by a 6" 440cfm fan
  • inside of a 4x4 Secret Jardin grow tent
  • using all organic nutrients
Said soil medium consists of:
  • Roots Organic base, mixed in a 3:1 ratio with
  • Fox Farms Ocean Forest
  • Plus about 3 cups of worm castings mixed evenly throughout the bottom 2/3 of the soil
I mix this soil up in the method described by Subcool and others, layering the soil so that the roots work their way down into the hotter soil as they age.

Nutrient Line:
  • Normally, I build a living, organic soil, and give the plants nothing but water and some mycorrhizae for the first two months. They slow digest all the nutrients in the soil, working their way into the worm castings in the lower level of the roots. At about two months of vegging, the plant is ready to go into flower.
  • At this point, I top dress the soil with another 2 cups of worm castings, and begin using mild flowering nutrients for the first two weeks of 12/12. The worm castings give the plants enough Nitrogen to get through the stretch and they always make the leaves turn a nice glossy green right before the buds set in! ;-)
  • In the past, I have used Advanced, House and Gaarden, Dutch Master, and Green Planet nutrients.
  • As I have gone more and more organic, I have gotten away from using these products, and I now use only "sugars" as Subby would call them, like Bud Candy. I also really like Green Planet's "Massive" product. Amazing stuff. They say it is organic, as does Advanced regarding Bud Candy. As such, I have still dabbled in them.
  • However, for this grow I am using Nectar for the God's full line.;-)
  • I got the amazing cut from a brother of mine (a friend who is really a dear brother) who grows for a dispensary here in Colorado. I got the nutrients, also for free, from the same friend, via another friend who owns a hydroponic business. You gotta love the generosity of stoners, eh? :lol:
  • Nectar for the Gods used to be Harvest Moon, who used to be the brains behind Roots Organics, supposedly, before they got into a big fight and Roots became Aurora. Long story. Anyway, the nutrients are top quality, I got them for free, and I'm loving them so far.
A little about the strain:
  • This strain, Orange Crush, is a clone-only cut that came to Colorado from Oregon in 2009, via that same awesome brother of mine. (I swear, dude is always hooking it up!):bigjoint:
  • It made its way out here in a WalMart bag in a backpack, on a bus.
  • Only 9 people in America are growing it currently, all of us friends of friends or family members.
  • I say this not to be a dick, or because I'm an elitist, or because I think I'm better than you or my shit don't stink, but because I recognize what a RARE gem I have come across!! And this is, without doubt, my favorite strain of all time. Now, I realize that that's a lot to say. In over 6 years of smoking, on multiple continents and in multiple countries and states, I cannot recall a better high, or a better taste.
  • It produces rock hard nugs that literally "tink" when they hit the glass bottom of the jar. You could slingshot these things at an elk and kill it. The rock that David used to kill Goliath with? It wasn't even a rock. It was a fully cured Orange Crush bud. I shit you not.
  • These rock hard buds are also purple. Like, Rick James in a purple pimp coat Purple. Purpler than Barney purple. Purpler than Wesley Snipe's black ass at midnight. I'm talking PURPLE, straight through to the core. This color sets on in about week 4, and gets more and more intense until the whole plant finishes purple, leaves and all, at about 70 days.
  • These rock hard, purple buds are also COVERED in trichomes.
  • And lastly, they smell from across the room, have flaming orange hairs, and taste like orange peels when you burn them. Honestly, can it get any better?
And so, now that I have introduced you and set the background, here is my current grow. I begin with pictures of the grow space, followed by the plant.

Tent set up.jpgView attachment 2043306Crush 15 gal pot.jpgView attachment 2043308View attachment 2043309Crush Scrog 3.jpg

The method:
  • In order to SCROG this one plant, and make it worth my while in a 4X4 space, I wanted to make sure it filled up the tent as much as possible.
  • I started by growing the plant straight up, and topping it by pinching out the apical node of every branch until I had 6 main tops on a bush, with one top being slightly dominant still. This is where you see the plant in the first picture.
  • From here, I went down to about 12" from the top of the soil, and pinched each branch to help her bend over. The Crush has such a fat stalk on her that I actually had to take pliers to two stalks to get her to lay at 90 degrees. I went gentle on her, but I had a mission to accomplish!
  • A couple of bowls later, and I had bent every main branch over.
  • I then put a screen on top of her, and gently lifted each branch and wove the screen over/under/over/under down the branch, and then tied it to the corner.
  • I did this until all four corners were tied down, and the room was filled 4 feet by 4 feet with a canopy of branches.
  • I then flipped her into 12/12 that night, and let her go!
  • These pictures go up to week 2. More are soon to follow. If I can find pictures of previous harvests or any purple bud shots, I'll upload them as well!
Happy growing to all of you!
Haha, many thanks, ricehead! She's a true beauty... I've kept her going for almost a year now, and I've flowered her out five times so far. Each time I swear she gets better, but really she's probably been incredible all along and I'm just learning how to bring out her potential!! Anyway, I'll upload more pics tomorrow...
Alright, you guys have inspired me. This is, as I said, my first grow journal. Having people officially "sub" my journal is definitely motivation to post some shots from day 21!! Oh, what a difference a week makes!! Crush week 3.jpgCrush wide wk 3.jpgCrush canopy week 3.jpgCrush canopy 2 wk3.jpgWeek 3 close up.jpg


lol still nice looking plants. 1000w shows way more bud in a week then my 400w its like damn eh


Active Member
  • Nectar for the Gods used to be Harvest Moon, who used to be the brains behind Roots Organics, supposedly, before they got into a big fight and Roots became Aurora. Long story. Anyway, the nutrients are top quality, I got them for free, and I'm loving them so far.
Aurora innovations owns roots organics. Roots organics is basicly just a product line-up. I believe soul synthetics was aurora innovation's first nute lineup then they came out with roots. I used to live on the same street just a few blocks down from their headquarters here in eugene. Have a few buddies that work for them too. Overall a VERY real and top quality company. I love it because their products are half the price here then they are all around the country:D

Not tryin to bring neg. energy. Just sayin;-) subbed up.
Hey, like I said, "supposedly". :) We're out here in Colorado and don't have as much knowledge on the politics of Oregon companies. What I've heard is through a couple Oregon friends, and basically the word was that Roots had been started by some cats who then had a disagreement, and one dude changed the name and kept Roots, while another dude went off and made Harvest Moon. Really, it's all kind of irrelevant, though. It's top quality organic nutrients, and they were all free. :)
While flipping through my camera this morning, I came across two old pictures of the Crush in full purple glory. She was in the back of my garden, so I didn't get any macro shots, but I fortunately got a couple of her compared to her green siblings. She definitely stands out in the crowd!! Purple Crush shot.jpgPurple crush shot 2.jpg Man, ho man, I can't wait to see that beautiful purple start coming out in the next couple weeks... :)
That plant finished up at 5 ft 4" tall and yielded 3.5 ounces in a 15 gallon pot. This was two cycles ago. I'm really hoping to push a bigger yield out of her with the SCROG this time around... Happy growing to you all! :bigjoint:


Active Member
Hey, like I said, "supposedly". :) We're out here in Colorado and don't have as much knowledge on the politics of Oregon companies. What I've heard is through a couple Oregon friends, and basically the word was that Roots had been started by some cats who then had a disagreement, and one dude changed the name and kept Roots, while another dude went off and made Harvest Moon. Really, it's all kind of irrelevant, though. It's top quality organic nutrients, and they were all free. :)
Don't quote me on this one but I believe they were all in the same "circle" and butt heads so yes you are right about that one. I wasn't aware of people goin to harvest moon but I know there are a few heads that went to AN which is in southern oregon, just a couple hours away. Lots of drama between aurora and AN around here...sometimes you will buy a product at a hydro shop and they will give you a free sample of the other companies rival product and guarantee you better results. Kinda makes you scratch your head and go "wow really...":rolleyes:

but anyways sorry about the sidetrack. Back to growing :) :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks for asking...but im growing out a new trainwreck clone I picked up from my buddy. Trichs to the leaf tips and a strong lemon pie smell coming on at the end of week 4 :)
Thanks for asking...but im growing out a new trainwreck clone I picked up from my buddy. Trichs to the leaf tips and a strong lemon pie smell coming on at the end of week 4 :)
Very groovy!! I LOVE trainwreck but I haven't grown it out yet! I'll get some pictures up of my veg room at some point in the next couple days. I only have the one 1000w for flowering, and it's currently on day 22 of the Crush SCROG, but next door I have a couple of TGA Flav's growing nice and bushy. I've been topping one into a sweet little bush, and the other I've got LSTraining. I grew out a 6 foot Flav tree last round that yielded 6 ounces... Sadly, it's running out. Shit tastes like blueberries and candy.

Matter of fact, I got a few pictures of one of those little ladies right here...

View attachment 2045394View attachment 2045395View attachment 2045397

I'll upload some more soon... Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
might have to look for the flav sometime. Sounds tasty. Good looking plant too. Plushberry is a good tasting and smelling variety. I would bet ace of spades since it is half black cherry soda would be fairly tasty as well. Keep up the hard work. Peace.
It's day 24 of the Crush SCROG. I'm going to hold off on posting pictures of the buds until tomorrow... I just went down and unzipped the tent, though... Wow. That plant is LOVING being in there on its own. It's just eating up the light and organic nutrients!! :bigjoint:

On another happy note, I had 100% success with the Jiffy Pellet dome and my clones!! I am now the proud parent of 6 more Orange Crush babies and 4 Flav babies!! Nothing like assuring the next round of dank ass purple weed!! :bigjoint:

In honor of the clone's success, I decided I'd post a little photo shoot from the veg. room!

Aerogarden clones.jpg So this is simple enough. I just put the clones into jiffy pellets, mist them once a day with a light mix (about 1/4 tsp per quart) of Root 66 and water, leave the lights on 24/7, and leave them alone! These little clones all popped roots within 10 days. The five earliest ones, all Orange Crush, started popping roots at day 7.

Humidity dome.jpg It stays nice and humid in there. I don't let the clones stand in water. I keep the jiffy pellets moist, mist the leaves daily, and let the moisture build up on the walls.

Success!.jpgCrush roots.jpg As you can see, they pop roots out in every direction, and they are all very happy and white. The next step is just dropping them into a solo cup of Roots, and making sure I'm not too high to label them properly! :bigjoint:

Nice green clones!.jpg8 lil ladies.jpg The leaves are nice and green, and there is already signs of new growth on the crush plants that were put into dirt two days ago. They will take off very nicely from here... In the second shot, we see the 8 little ladies I could fit under the light basking in the warm fluorescent glow. And now onto the teenagers...

Flav mini-tent.jpgI plan to SCROG a couple of these lovely Fav bushes in about 6 weeks. I'm going to put two or three of them under a screen and see what kind of bulk I can push under the 1000W!! Right now I'm getting this month-old Flav to grow a bunch of branches along the 5 main branches it already has. It is currently under 3X50W CFLs (the 150W replacements) in a Dark Propagator flipped on its side for extra height.

Here are a couple of other teens I am growing in the same room. They are about 6 weeks old. They've been topped so many times I've lost track at this point, and they each have about a dozen heads on them. They will get flowered along with the Flav in LST in about 6 weeks. I don't even want to think about how massive they will be by that point... No, wait, I actually do. :)

Flav LST lights.jpgTeenagers T5.jpgThe crush teen is on the left here, and another Flav is on the right. Both of these strains are fruity, colorful, and very potent. :)

Happy growing to you all! I'll post an update of the 1000w Crush SCROG tomorrow for day 25 of flower!!
