Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

Not even a little bit!

Plans for this evening are to get the top completely assembled minus the covering (still need to order it) and prep it for primer. I think once I have the carport done and assembled I will figure out the drip irrigation so I can just pop it on with a timer. :)

Here is what I have so far. I decided to stop there until I can get the top installed. The sides that I have are a tarp material so I think that I will mount that on the fence side to discourage peeking on the neighbors side. Even though I don't think it will be a problem they may take interest in the new carport top. As you can see I pulled out one section so that I can match the area that I had last season as well as not having to take out the tree on the right.
The 6mil plastic is the best.
You can get 6mil greenhouse film from Farmtek that's made for greenhouses. $27 to cover a carport


Can only find it on the Farmtek site by the roll? $356 for 110', but if it's got a 4 year guarantee, that would see me through 2028. Not overly certain I still want to be kickin' that long!
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Here is what I have so far. I decided to stop there until I can get the top installed. The sides that I have are a tarp material so I think that I will mount that on the fence side to discourage peeking on the neighbors side. Even though I don't think it will be a problem they may take interest in the new carport top. As you can see I pulled out one section so that I can match the area that I had last season as well as not having to take out the tree on the right.

Crackalacking ! looking good.
ad be getting all exited :shock: . i din't get to follow your last grow , (slowly skiming right now) but what do you use for pest control ,
ad be getting all exited :shock: . i din't get to follow your last grow , (slowly skiming right now) but what do you use for pest control ,

I will be using Safer, Sevin, and neem. I should be okay but better safe than sorry with those bugs.
true true , was that sulfur ? and do you get it from onions and garlic or do you buy it
looking good angry im back remember me looks like you have learned alot man looks excelent deffinetly pulling up a chair for this one you better be watching my grow this year! :)
So no pics until later tonight but I scored one for greenhouse tonight. I picked up a cut of Ken's GDP from River City Phoenix this evening so that will be 1 of the bushes. :)

Nice pick up abm were on the same page
I was gonna grab a cut of kens gdp on Friday along with some others.
Great song selection too