See in the dark???


Active Member
hi guys...

just ran into an issue and realise that i need some night vision goggles for in the future.....

problem is the ones on ebay look about as good as owning a dead dog! most were labelled "night vision" and were just some glasses with a regular bulb on lol.....
i understand that true night vision goggles are a lot of cash...but surely there should be something cheap that will let me sneak up on my ladies at night if needed???
i think i read here before about a green spectrum being safe??
any help is appreciated


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeah buy yourself a green light, they're cheap available and do the job. i picked up an l.e.d head lamp one for about £12 from my local hydro shop and it has served me well in the few weeks that i've had it. i like it for the peace of mind knowing that i can do whatever needs to be done in the dark and not have to worry about stressing my plants out


Uhm can't you get a green led screw in light. I read that you can use those at night without disturbing the plant.

Can anyone with more xp back this up?

*** Edit - Sry never looked at the link*****


Well-Known Member
I don't like green lights as the plants still sense some of it.
If anything I'd go with LEDs as their spectrum is much narrower than the green CFLs or incandescents.

If you got some electronics skills its really easy to rig up a led torch with a 9V battery.

The ones that fit the household mogul are pretty damn expensive.

I just leave my plants alone in the dark. Works very well so far ;-)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
These work great. They have a switch that keeps light on and easy to hold in your mouth to do a quick job.

$4.50 for a pack of 10 shipped? Can't be beat.
they're the wrong colour light mate they say that they're bright white, the casing on them is green but the light emitted will be visible to the plants you may aswell use a normal torch or headlamp and save yourself a few quid, i'm pretty sure the op wants something that won't interfere with his/her dark period, if you click the link i put up you'll get a rough idea of what the op is asking about


Well-Known Member
just turn low level light on, if you need to work during the dark hours
they will be fine
once you eyes have adjusted you only need 20-100 lumems or so to see enough to work,
that's like a 2 cell flash light or a small night light
doesn't need to be green lol , another grow book myth

peace :)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
just turn low level light on, if you need to work during the dark hours
they will be fine
once you eyes have adjusted you only need 20-100 lumems or so to see enough to work,
that's like a 2 cell flash light or a small night light
doesn't need to be green lol , another grow book myth

peace :)
i think it depends on what you need it for there are many examples where a green light can be beneficial, for me i had to do a few hours work in my room and low level lighting and stumbling around with my plants next to me with my hands full didn't seem like a good idea. from what i understand light during the dark period is never a good idea low level or not especially for extended periods of time. also i'm pretty sure that green light wave lengths aren't just another gimmick produced by hydro/lighting companies i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure there has been extensive research done on the subject over many years by plant biologist etc like i said i could be wrong but eitther way for a few quid is it worth the headaches of not being able to see properly and also stressing your plants out over time


Active Member
I haven't heard of anyone complaining about plant stress directly related to the use of green bulbs. That being said however, I don't beleive the "green light" theory is perfect. It's the safest way if you need to get into your room in the dark for quick maintenance, but ideally you want to avoid it if possible. Plan your light schedule around your free maintenance time. I have a seperate switch for some green CFLs, if I ever need to get in to do pesticides in the dark or something. I do know people who spend hours at a time under green CFLs working on their grow per harvest. Different plants/strains are more suseptible to stress that others however.


Active Member
just turn low level light on, if you need to work during the dark hours
they will be fine
once you eyes have adjusted you only need 20-100 lumems or so to see enough to work,
that's like a 2 cell flash light or a small night light
doesn't need to be green lol , another grow book myth

peace :)

use a candle as it is just one lumen, though i wud not recomend any light off anythink near them if poss !

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
they're the wrong colour light mate they say that they're bright white, the casing on them is green but the light emitted will be visible to the plants you may aswell use a normal torch or headlamp and save yourself a few quid, i'm pretty sure the op wants something that won't interfere with his/her dark period, if you click the link i put up you'll get a rough idea of what the op is asking about
You're right, I put the wrong link up. The link below is for the same thing I described in my earlier post, except these are green leds, same price.

Sorry for the oversight and again, they work great!


Well-Known Member
You need to develope the habit of staying out of the cabinet at night. Peeking in on them is a bad habit to get going.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I use the LED on the back of my phone and have never experienced any side effects :) I've never once encountered soemthing happening in my grow room that could not wait until the lights came on. Only kind of things i can think of that would effect the plant so rapidly in such a short period of time would be say the light falling on it, in which case you simply set your room up wrong, i've never found a need to check on my plants at lights out other than from boredom and why not, but never for a specific reason.


Well-Known Member
Some generation 3-4 night vision will run you a good 10-15,000 bucks. gen1-2 about 700-5000.

You could invest in a grow room.