World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
your deffo not getting much at the minit are ya m8 3/4th post from ya bout sex lol go av a wank n be done with it lol

dont u work mdb? i always thought u had a job a real 1 like?


Well-Known Member
Lol hardly 3/4 post,mayb a lne or 2 lol..

Anyways am away 4 a wank n take the mrs out food shoppin. Was gonnae jst put shoppin but then u's.mite think am loaded or somethin lol


Well-Known Member
Lol hardly 3/4 post,mayb a lne or 2 lol..

Anyways am away 4 a wank n take the mrs out food shoppin. Was gonnae jst put shoppin but then u's.mite think am loaded or somethin lol
ya missed a couple in the uk thread m8 poor ol mdb aint had any for 3days now lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na mr sambo i had quit work 2 3 year ago. daughter had sleep apnea(cant spell it) but at night she couldnt breathe. so i had quit to help out. it all done now she had operation to get it sorted. but i tell u nothing more worrying then hearing n seeing ya child stop breathing. u have run in room(i used sleep on her floor next to cot) n soon as struggle breathing sit her up rub her back till she gasped for air again. it near sent me sideways trying do full time job as well. now i cant get a job but beleive ive loads interviews
i will work by next year i will do a pest control course and set up mini company. i ent squeemish so killing things should b ok. and for the money they make i b a happy camper
i dont do well working for peeps i hate standing around twiddling thumbs
sod the wank fella mrs b back at 6 i told her im a man on the edge n she promised lil tlc. has been a mare off a week tho.;-)


Well-Known Member
na mr sambo i had quit work 2 3 year ago. daughter had sleep apnea(cant spell it) but at night she couldnt breathe. so i had quit to help out. it all done now she had operation to get it sorted. but i tell u nothing more worrying then hearing n seeing ya child stop breathing. u have run in room(i used sleep on her floor next to cot) n soon as struggle breathing sit her up rub her back till she gasped for air again. it near sent me sideways trying do full time job as well. now i cant get a job but beleive ive loads interviews
i will work by next year i will do a pest control course and set up mini company. i ent squeemish so killing things should b ok. and for the money they make i b a happy camper
i dont do well working for peeps i hate standing around twiddling thumbs
sod the wank fella mrs b back at 6 i told her im a man on the edge n she promised lil tlc. has been a mare off a week tho.;-)
that must have been fucking scarey m8 really scarey, i panic all the time around me lil girl thinking shes gonna fall etc so couldnt even begin to imagine what hearing that would have done to ya nut.

i always thought sleep apnea was a old/fat person thing never new youngsters could have it.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na it quite common i was lead to believe. yeah fattys n old peeps get it, but kids to. where tonsels and some weird duct thingy near nose is to big for childs head. they removed the duct thing.
if i was out work for any other reason the mrs wood sent me packin but she nos kids mean world to me n stood by me, shes a top lass really.
but wot id give get back working gets degrading after a while.
i stopped signing on to cos i couldnt handle some lil weasel telling me apply mcdonalds n shit 20 mile away from my home. wankers. my temper just couldnt hack it in end
the docs told us for ages we was over reacting till i threw a head fit, but hospital was shocked by docs and said as we was so on it at night we prob saved her from getting brain damage( lack of oxygen), while docs did nothing, she fine now and smartest lil kid u will see way ahead others in nursery


Well-Known Member
na it quite common i was lead to believe. yeah fattys n old peeps get it, but kids to. where tonsels and some weird duct thingy near nose is to big for childs head. they removed the duct thing.
if i was out work for any other reason the mrs wood sent me packin but she nos kids mean world to me n stood by me, shes a top lass really.
but wot id give get back working gets degrading after a while.
i stopped signing on to cos i couldnt handle some lil weasel telling me apply mcdonalds n shit 20 mile away from my home. wankers. my temper just couldnt hack it in end
the docs told us for ages we was over reacting till i threw a head fit, but hospital was shocked by docs and said as we was so on it at night we prob saved her from getting brain damage( lack of oxygen), while docs did nothing, she fine now and smartest lil kid u will see way ahead others in nursery
that is some serious shit m8 just glad for ya that its all sorted now.

the work thing i dunno cause havent worked in 6-7yrs it aint a prob aslong as ur earning still i get to spend lots of time with me daughter and earn alot more than i would be in a min wage job cause i got no skills mdb none at all m8.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
growing is a skill fella. under rated one at that haha.
is hard with no skills mate im in same boat.
i dont even drive so that goes against me too. doing lessons tho


Well-Known Member
growing is a skill fella. under rated one at that haha.
is hard with no skills mate im in same boat.
i dont even drive so that goes against me too. doing lessons tho
same here m8 i dont drive, i see ya post about the pest control ive gave that a thought a good few times is good money but ya need a license, i wana get a job not for money but so i aint gotta lie to the kids in a few yrs.


Well-Known Member
Well lads spent tge afternoon makin some more gumby hash. Just waitin on it all settlin so a can syphon it off n get it dried out asap as we have no weed and dbt fancy payin a score or another G :-(


Well-Known Member
Well lads spent tge afternoon makin some more gumby hash. Just waitin on it all settlin so a can syphon it off n get it dried out asap as we have no weed and dbt fancy payin a score or another G :-(
fuck that scot 20 a g that is a joke ya gumby will kick arse on ne weed a good friend of mine from riu w dragon made some gumby a few months ago with trim from livers,pyscho and white russian, sent me up 6g of it was the best hash ive ever smoked.

i actually prefer good hash to weed i like the mongy buzz.


Well-Known Member
fuck that scot 20 a g that is a joke ya gumby will kick arse on ne weed a good friend of mine from riu w dragon made some gumby a few months ago with trim from livers,pyscho and white russian, sent me up 6g of it was the best hash ive ever smoked.

i actually prefer good hash to weed i like the mongy buzz.
A no mate a fuckin liberty at that price, but fuck it if a sell any of the Ronnie or Blues it'l be the fuckin same, if not am gonnae puff the lot..... A like the mongy buzz tae smoke a joint n feel like a whitey after it lmao, jst heard theres sprayed shit doin the rounds up here as well :-( Think am goin to use the ma nxt load a trim for butter never tried it before never mind made any lol....

Am in the mood for a bevy the nite, think al b sending the mrs to the shop for some dragon soop, 3 cans n a need a sleep lmao


Well-Known Member
man i just farted and it stank so much i was almost sick lol

anyway hows it going scotty ;)
Lovely mate you know its a bad yin if you're feelin sick yourself lol...

Am good mate, just wish gumby settled n dried faster, just about to go spend £20 on a gram a weed, was so tempted to just go up n chop an arm of the Blue cheese but it gettin another 2 week at least..... How's you the dy matey?


Well-Known Member
Lovely mate you know its a bad yin if you're feelin sick yourself lol...

Am good mate, just wish gumby settled n dried faster, just about to go spend £20 on a gram a weed, was so tempted to just go up n chop an arm of the Blue cheese but it gettin another 2 week at least..... How's you the dy matey?
haha you should of used abit of the trimmings to make some dry hash while you waited for the gumby to dry ;)
fuck spendin £20 on a gram wtf ... cant billy bob sort ya owt out ?

not making the diy for abit m8 , got to wait till i moved into the new house to get it all sorted :(
its a ball ache not being able to grow .. dont realise how much i miss it !!!! lmao
if you dont get the dog to pop mate then once ive got one sorted ill speak to the fairy bout getting you a cut ;)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good matey. Think the 2nd 1 will pop a kept the better one for 2nd attempt.

Jst got a bit of trainwreck,really smooth,stinky n tasty. Think am goin to jump on n get a coupla ghs trainwreck its fuckin lovely if grown right :-D


Well-Known Member
Well a gve the ladies a dose of the clap,a mean pk13/14 today goin 2 gve the 2 of them that till sunday,the ripen for the bx for 2 wks. That should take to 9 wks & feed the livers for another week then ripen 4 2 wks which should tale that to 10 weeks.

Dragon sooped oot ma tiny little mind again,mrs hoggin laptop n me bored shitless :-(


Well-Known Member
when you harvest how much leaf would you usually leave on with the bud? i chopped them down today and it took me 8hrs! and its still got a lot of small leaves on


Well-Known Member
when you harvest how much leaf would you usually leave on with the bud? i chopped them down today and it took me 8hrs! and its still got a lot of small leaves on
Whatever you feel comfortable with if its all percy then ad take.most if not all ;-)