Light and eye damage

I've tried to read a thru a couple of websites, but usually the info is not specific to HPS lights.

I have plants growing under 2x1000 watt HPS lights in a average-size bedroom. I've had a past history of retinal eye damage, so I was wondering if polarized sunglasses are enough protection from these lights for further damage.

Anyone know this info on eye damage w/ HPS lights?


Well-Known Member
I would say yes. I know that light cant be good for you. my eyes have a real hard time focussing when i leave the garden. shit now if there isnt a 1k hps on its dark in any room lol


New Member
according to another thread says they do not put off uv and would say no. i say dont look at the light. never had sun glasses thinkn about getting some tho but i dont think i will damage your vision as long as you dont stare into the bulbs often


Well-Known Member
UV aside I would suggest you wear something to dull the intensity of the lights, can almost guarantee you'll be doing yourself a favour in the long run!


Well-Known Member
I bought some shade 5 welding glasses... they're almost too much for me with just 538 watts of T5's... I have to take them on and off to look at plants closely. Might be ideal with 1000 watts of HPS going, but I kinda wish I got the Shade 3's.


Well-Known Member
I always have my glasses. If I'm going to be in the room for more then a few minutes it's a must. You should here long sleeves. But I don't. A cheep pair of safty glasses should stay in the room.


Well-Known Member
There's an excellent thread over at THCFarmer on this very subject. The problem with regular sunglasses is they are dark and open up your pupil more than normal allowing UL and IR light in more than normal. THese below are the very best on the market, but are a little expensive. People with eye issues or are long term growers, they are essential. They also filter out the yellow tinge from HP lamps, so everything in the room looks normal making it easy to spot leaf problems. This includes a comparison to welder glasses that some people use. Here's a link for those interested in pic's and a further analysis:


Method 7 glasses called "THE RESISTANCE"

*German lenses with "rendition technology"
*Italian frames
*Cleaning cloth
*Filters UVA, UVB, UVC and Infrared wavelengths
*Corrects color perception

Lamp working/Welder glasses
*Lenses with either special glass or an outer film applied to glass
*Most likely made in china frames
*Filters UV
*Reduces sodium flare
*Some block Infrared wavelengths

So Method 7 glasses are of the highest quality components(Italian frames, German glass etc). Lamp working/welder glasses vary in quality depending on where the parts are sourced from.

Key differences:

Method seven protects against UVA, UVB, UVC and Infrared wavelengths and they corrects color perception

Lamp working/welder glasses protects against some UVA, UVB, UVC and sometimes Infrared wavelengths. They reduce sodium flare witch makes it seem like the flame is "smaller" on a torch making it easier to work but they do not change the color of what you see.


If you want to protect yourself from UVA, UVB, UVC and IR($35 extra most likely) then get Lamp working/welder glasses($65-100)

If you want to protect yourself from UVA, UVB, UVC, IR AND you want to correct your color perception under the HPS light for added perception in determining plant health and identifying deficiencies and/or problems then get Method 7 glasses($200)

I feel like being able to identify a deficiency before it gets too late could easily save you the $200 you spent on the glasses. Just my 2 cents. I'll be ordering them in the coming future to give it a shot.

By the way thanks for posting about the glasses ismokepot. I was eager to check out someones honest opinion that actually has them. Those pictures you posted are incredible!


Well-Known Member
A little expensive? Holy shit 200 a pair! Guess what I'm never gonna have. Maybe if they where around 50-75


Well-Known Member
Well, I tend to agree. But what's your eyesight worth? $200 divided by 10 years of growing is only $20/year. When you're 60 and you have eye damage from prolong exposure to HID lights, you may feel differently.


Well-Known Member
If I knew they would be here for 10 years yes I would get them. But I can't get glasses to last 2 months. And for my eyes? I'm a welder so I'm screwed in another 15


Well-Known Member
LOL..... I felt the same way. I believe the average pair of sunglasses only lasts 2 months before they are either lost, broken or left in a restaurant! I keep them in one of my rooms, in it's case and for $200, I treat them like gold.


Well-Known Member
LOL..... I felt the same way. I believe the average pair of sunglasses only lasts 2 months before they are either lost, broken or left in a restaurant! I keep them in one of my rooms, in it's case and for $200, I treat them like gold.
I have a 200$ pair of sunglasses...

if they were a 20$ pair they would be scratched and lost by now...

I tend not to lose things whne they cost 200$ lol
Damn, thanks for all the replies. I'm definitely going to invest in protective eyewear. I'll just have to get over the ridiculousness of wearing goggles, in a small enclosed space, for my hobby hahaha...

Jar Man

Active Member
Sorry, but I've never heard of anyone getting any degree of tan or sunburn effect from even several MH or HPS lamps in their grow room. And unless you invest in an expensive pair of glasses, they may not do what you need anyway. Granted I don't suffer from any prior retina damage, but I've used a simple and cheap baseball cap for years that works well enough. The bill of the cap effectively shades my eyes even if I'm not looking directly at the bulbs. And as I'm slightly nearsighted anyway, that way I can see the buds and trichs up close and personal without having to briefly remove a pair of glasses.


Well-Known Member
I think you're missing the point. You can't see or feel the damage being done but there's been a lot written about the cumulative skin and eye damage from the UV and IR from HID bulbs. Even some the manufacturers of these bulbs place warnings on their websites. Baseball caps may be of some help but I'm guessing not too much compared to long sleeves and good glasses. I guess it's similar to the sun........not much will show up as a teenager or young adult, but when you're in you 50's and 60's, it may be a different story. Fair skinned people probably have more to worry about than darker skinned growers too. Remember, it's proven to be cumulative and the issues compound as we get older.