wondering what to buy for my first grow.


Active Member
hey, im looking for a setup for my first grow im really interested in the complete setup including this one tell me what you think the thing is i live in canada, alberta and the shipping is $258!! so idk what do and when i try to buy individual parts i get confused in what i all need i have done my research on growing tho :lol:


Well-Known Member
i wouldent invest in a AC. the setup your looking at looks legit, your going to want a better fan and a cool tube. the inline fan is nice but with ducting and the carboin filter it wont cool your light that great.

if you can find a kit with a air cooled hood i would go that route, then 2 more fans (1 oscilatng fan for inside the tent and and inline fan made for pushing through ducting and a filter something like this


other than that your going to need pots and a medium and nutrients , and of course beans and you should be on your way :) good luck.....

ps 283$ for shipping is redicules, have you looked on amazon.com?


Active Member
yea there is some good grow tents on amazon i might but no full setup i might end up going without full setup and thanks for the advice ill check it out.


Well-Known Member
have you checked out HTG grow setups? they have options so for an extra 30 bucks you can get a cool tube. not sure how much shipping will be tho


Well-Known Member
yea there is some good grow tents on amazon i might but no full setup i might end up going without full setup and thanks for the advice ill check it out.
if you go on amazon order the following.

600w mh/hps (a 4x4 tent can handle a 600w and its like 40 bucks more worth the extra money) with aircooled hood (240$)
grow tent 4x4 (104$)

both items should ship free (over 100$ i believ ships free)

you will need some 6 inch flexible ducting and a inline booster fan at the least. these things dont qualify for free shipping so your local home depot or canadian equivilent should have these items.

then just need a small oscilating fan and you should be all set.....

if smell is not a issue for you then dont even bother with the carbon filter or just do a DIY (do it yourself) one theres alot of tutorial vids on it.

after you get all this shit dont all you need is medium and planters/buckets and nutrients wich you should be able to find locally without having to pay shipping costs.


Well-Known Member
yea there is some good grow tents on amazon i might but no full setup i might end up going without full setup and thanks for the advice ill check it out.
if you can go with the 4x4 tent i would, its about same price as a 3x3 and you can get a 600w in it wich is only a few bucks more than a 400w but if your hellbent on the 400w then go for it, im not trying to stop ya :) just trying to help you see what options you have


Active Member
k sweet what about forgetting the tent and building a grow box out of wood any size i want and the smell is not an issue.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can build a box, personally i think the tent is just as good. and alot less work. i guess it depends on how good you are with working with wood and building stuff like that. i am alright with it but i find myself spending more to build my own then it costs for a tent wich is already made to grow in. plus the tent is easily dissembled and moved if you ever have to. by the time i get dont buying all the lumber and other materials plus any tools i may not have and hardware it comes pretty close to the price of a tent and you gotta do all the work.

some people who are handy with that shit can build some nice boxes fir a fraction of the cost because they likely work in the trade and have all the tools and hardware and even some of the materials to build it. just my 2¢

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
These tents are all the rave but I'm old school... I have a 3 x 3 veg room (which actually had to be forced into use as a flowering room now) all you need are the following.

6 (be safe 7) 8' untreated 2 x 4's
box of wood screws
some 90 degree brackets ( get 20 and take some back)
white plastic or mylar sheets

Sorry I don't have pics as it's in use and wrapped in plastic

cut 10 3' length pieces from 2 x 4. 4 will be your base, 4 will be your top, 1 will go across the top (to hang your hooks) and one will go across the middle to mount fans and anything else.

Simple, the 2 x 4's should cost about $2 each ($14) box of screws $7 but if your hardware store sells screws by the lb you only need about 50. brackets are like .70 each ($14) white plastic isn't bad in price probably around $15 - $20

There you go $50 tent, easy to setup and quick to tear down if need be.... bonus shipping cost is your gas.


Well-Known Member
and if the smell is not a issue i wouldnt even bother with a carbon filter unless it becomes a issue or make a DIY one wich only costs around 30$. the carbon filters they sell are almost 90$ or more then you have to buy the expensive replacement filters for them, a DIY one to replace the carbon will be cheap.

[video=youtube;t0cM3yLHk8E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0cM3yLHk8E&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.c om%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Ddiy%20carbon%20f ilter%26source%3Dvideo%26cd%3D7%26ved%3D0CGcQtwIwB g%26url%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv %3Dt0cM3yLHk8E%26ctbm%3Dvid%26ei%3Dx-wxT-uXIuiCsgLM8Z3TDA%26usg%3DAFQjCNGessYFoYPvENUMX2mrT mj1ovGPbg[/video]