The Seed Collectors Thread

i read a dude let dead animals get ripe in the sun, he turkey bag'd them, and hid these rotting animals from trained bird dogs... never found.

i read a dude did the ^ dog bisket thing in a similar style... and dog found it.

Cant speak on dank house. But some of my friends love their gear.
Take a good hard look at KOS. Iron Cindy and black Malawi. The shish99 is a straight fruity monster.

I was eyeing that Iron Cindy pretty hard black Malawi not so much...that's be4 taking a little peek...then I had a peek at deep phase... Now I'm trying to compile a friggin list because this is gonna take a month to order everything..(I don't like bundling orders incase of mishaps) sorry I'm geeking out a little bit..haha

THANKS TO EVERYONE! You guys have showed off so many banks And breeders it's like finding attitude for the first time all over again :)
Gud I got you. I'm going to school to be a dog traIner. Sadly I don't have a dog at the moment. But my best friend has already graduated. His sheperd is certified in tracking. Might take a few. But I'm on it. He's probably gonna make me mail him turkey bags. Cheap bastard.
I was eyeing that Iron Cindy pretty hard black Malawi not so much...that's be4 taking a little peek...then I had a peek at deep phase... Now I'm trying to compile a friggin list because this is gonna take a month to order everything..(I don't like bundling orders incase of mishaps) sorry I'm geeking out a little bit..haha

THANKS TO EVERYONE! You guys have showed off so many banks And breeders it's like finding attitude for the first time all over again :)

I have deep phaze hanging right now. Also has monster yielding phenos. Purple resin. Smells great. Recommended.
bro i need to know 100%.

clean hands, clean counters, clean everything, use a pair of tongs for the bisket, and everything like that.

seal, hide, and let seek!

try same thing again with bisket in bag for THREE or FOUR days.

see what im saying?

get it done & dont fake the data cause you know it VERY important if i asked.

i can mail a bag right now.
yes those too!

but nothing you do can stop a single odor molucule from escaping the packaging over time.

three or four days tops...

& since a dog can smell "one single molecule of odor" its wise to layer methods as batman noted.

going to wally mart for a sealer this week. cheap one. seal product. wash sealed bag. then package further.

plus i use this wally world chem called "odoban"... check it dudes.

plus imma use that, containers, sealer, dryer sheets, and turkey bags.

work clean... cause most of these idiots gets busted ...for smoking while packaging, touching shit with weed hands, and working in a "dirty environment".

from cuts to beans to product... i hope y'all are listening.
Just spoke with my buddy. He's down to try it. But he said the same thing. His dog will find it. He even said he will use the special dog treats that his dog loves that he never gives him. He is excited to try it. I'll mail him a few have him get creative. But the dog will find it
Gud I got you. I'm going to school to be a dog traIner. Sadly I don't have a dog at the moment. But my best friend has already graduated. His sheperd is certified in tracking. Might take a few. But I'm on it. He's probably gonna make me mail him turkey bags. Cheap bastard.
you gonna do Shutzhund? that shit is badass!

ill test the turkey bag thoery out... my dogs can find a racoon or fox just about anywere...if it can fool my female then it works :) that lil bitch finds everything, shes like Wyat Earp ffs
work clean.

real clean.

get a 2 pack of turkey bags for $3.

one bag... load with a now search
one bag... load & set out at least 3 or 4 days later.

do it bro.

i cant stress the importance to me enough... cause i need to see to believe.

read for days & days about odor science, dog biology, training, & more.

now's the time for some real data.


a dude made a pipe bomb like container out of thick sewer pipe type PVC.
loaded it with dank
gave it a pro seal
welded this transport device inside a gas tank
filled truck with gas
got arrested at the border.

they pigs swore the dog smelled the herb through gasoline.

i say no way.

dude must have left a "weed print" somewhere.

& i've spent several days reading about how peeps get jambed.

you see where im going with this?

do it.
i must know.
dont play games.
Pretty sure if a few people in this thread alone teamed up..(with the bank vaults of seeds some have)..something absolutely amazing could be done:leaf:

I lurk this thread on the regular, as I do at CZ and others and right now I am waiting for the bodhi release at cz (and i'm on the table, due to money, about the OG stompers) that being said. IF a projecct was done between the crew that circles this thread, i'd be a tester in a second. just throwing that out there
dogs are pretty tuff to fool man....they been bred for 100s of years to just smell stuff lol

my prediction is this will fail pretty quickly
yes those too!

but nothing you do can stop a single odor molucule from escaping the packaging over time.

three or four days tops...

& since a dog can smell "one single moluecule of odor" its wise to layer methods as batman noted.

going to wally mart for a sealer this week. cheap one. seal product. wash sealed bag. then package further.

plus i use this wally world chem called "odoban"... check it dudes.

plus imma use that, containers, sealer, dryer sheets, and turkey bags.

work clean... cause most of these idiots gets busted ...for smoking while packaging, touching shit with weed hands, and working in a "dirty environment".

from cuts to beans to product... i hope y'all are listening.

vaseline works good at making a barrier of sorts

What I'd try if I had a dog

plastic sandwich ( no zip) wrap in 2-4 seal with vaseline re-peat then place in turkey bags then vacuum sealed but, yea dogs are a MOFO in that department... kind of there specialty lol
vaseline works good at making a barrier of sorts

What I'd try if I had a dog

plastic sandwich ( no zip) wrap in 2-4 seal with vaseline re-peat then place in turkey bags then vacuum sealed but, yea dogs are a MOFO in that department... kind of there specialty lol
i used to try to fool both my dogs by hiding their bone or a fox pelt but they always found it, mighta took a few extra mins but they always do. After seeing my dog locate a fox in the rain that was holed up underground im pretty sure she can find a pelt in a turkey bag or 3

you gotta think when it coems to scent dogs..they arnt working when they smell stuff, there playing....its jus a game to them like fetch or attack the paperboy...they jus get trained to smell say weed and sit down or bark..then they get a treat or a fav toy..its kinda least my dogs are pets first than working dogs...cop dogs are liek soldiers , they dotn take food from anyone but their handler so they wont be sniffin out steaks instead of stash lol

im still gonna try this out tho with a pelt or soem roadkill on mine
you gonna do Shutzhund? that shit is badass!

ill test the turkey bag thoery out... my dogs can find a racoon or fox just about anywere...if it can fool my female then it works :) that lil bitch finds everything, shes like Wyat Earp ffs

I have three course on shutzhund. It is pretty badass. Nothing like knowing a dog is about to tear into u to get the blood pumping. I like the tracking part best. As a matter of fact my buddy that I was speaking of is on his way right now to the multiple time world champion. One of my buddies customers is paying him to take customers dog to be attack trained and act like its his dog. Cost like $6000 to have dude train your dog. So my buddy is getting paid to get exp from the best. Maybe he will pick dudes brain for me.
I have three course on shutzhund. It is pretty badass. Nothing like knowing a dog is about to tear into u to get the blood pumping. I like the tracking part best. As a matter of fact my buddy that I was speaking of is on his way right now to the multiple time world champion. One of my buddies customers is paying him to take customers dog to be attack trained and act like its his dog. Cost like $6000 to have dude train your dog. So my buddy is getting paid to get exp from the best. Maybe he will pick dudes brain for me.
thats tight to have I II and III , you got a basass opertunity there mango ... and yea soo true...credentials are everything to a dog guy...papers mean the world when it coems to working dogs...there was an old german dude that used to live around here (hes dead now) that used to breed and train Germ Sheps .. all eastern blok dogs, he sodl alot to the cops and soem to the army but he would sell unpapered dogs to certain people for about 350 back in the late 80s, its hard to find deals liek that now adays...most eastern blok dogs are a few grand for jus a pup or unproven dog. Learn everythign you can man, that shits golden!

check yur PMs in a few i got a vid for you to see i cant post on here
i want a dog too.

& imma train him like these weed pigs do.



well.... another dude wraped a couple of elbows in layers of plastic, rubbed vasaline all over, and pressed in cayanne pepper.

he's in jail too.

again.. we dont know methods used & how clean he worked.


im trying more for false positive than trying to trick an animal that smells the whole soup (onion, carrot, chicken, broth, etc) as individual smells & then as one smell.

wtf? damn you evolution!


still i know for a fact fact fact that what im postulating can be done.

i believe i can trick your dog.
but that doesnt mean its true.


its strictly theory though.