hazehead noone has the alien tech male.. obs lost it...so i had to use alien kush for the V2 hybrids
I don't believe anyone paid any $6000.00 for seeds,i call bullshit.I think it's a scam.He gets people to believe somebody paid that much for seeds and when he drops the price to $1000.00 a pak people will buy them thinking they got a good deal.
As long as there are sheep there will be shearers!!!
I don't believe anyone paid any $6000.00 for seeds,i call bullshit. I think it's a scam. He gets people to believe somebody paid that much for seeds and when he drops the price to $1000.00 a pack people will buy them thinking they got a good deal.
As long as there are sheep there will be shearers!!!
Thanks for the reply.
Little confused then, why did you say you have the original Alien seeds from obsol33t then?
If you have those seeds like you said you did then why not grow them out and find a new male of pure Alien Tech?
my friend reread what i said i never said anything about the alien tech male..I have the original alien lines OBS put out(alien kush, alien 4, grass knuckles,alien dog). and i have at no point said i had the alien tech male.. i had an alien kush (alien tech leaning male) that was used to make the alien dog v2, grass knuckles v2, sour aliens, alien bubba, alien og
so not to sure where you read alien tech
word. lets see what his BIN show up for.. everything else on that site is 60 bucks, if these things post for over 100, well, beans here will be the winner for calling this scam.. I would love to hear about some new super dank strain BUT both parents are F1's the whole bid process is anon on top of anon, the blatant censoring of questions.. it reeks of a scam.. like i said, me personally I would love for this to be a new true elite strain, which would eventually filter down to the growing population, but i doubt it..
NO WAY! i'm more than happy blazing $35 haze skunk by high quality seeds or simarly priced 8 miles high by mandala when that returns in 2013 and expect to like most of the stuff i'm testing right now like thai skunk, jack's cleaner 2 & malawi gold.
i've argued against $100+ strains all along. that's just insane greed. sorry, no single plant should be worth 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars! i don't even think all of the indica dominants that are out now are worth even a $10 an eigth as i was getting REAL columian gold for just $40 a 1/4 a year before it was replaced by $50 an eigth indicas that STILL pollute the streets with a totally useless sleeping pill buzz and zero high.
that's the problem... greed! it makes everything it touches suck!
for $250, i'd expect the beans to be delivered & planted by a french maid with a happy ending included! LOL
They're up. 200, 400'and yes 1000'per pack
word. scam for sure. 1000$ BIN? 200 BIN is ridiculous.. seen any grow outs? any seed testers? seen any Q's about that on the farm? nope, cuz those Q's get deleted.. scam