Omg someone save the girls


IDK why my plants are doing this the tops are a lighter green then the other leaves and on one plannt thier highligher yellow but keep growing now as fast though take a lookmessagepart k.jpgmessagepart.jpgmessagepart jhk.jpgthe one all the way to the buttom left is highyellow or highligher yellow please help


Well-Known Member
DOnt harsh your mellow they look fine to me. Maybe add a little more Nitrogen if you want but if it was me I would let em' be.


They look fine, you are just too worried about your babies! something that I am also guilty of!


Active Member
IDK why my plants are doing this the tops are a lighter green then the other leaves and on one plannt thier highligher yellow but keep growing now as fast though take a lookView attachment 2046800View attachment 2046803View attachment 2046804the one all the way to the buttom left is highyellow or highligher yellow please help
i am more inclined to ask, how old are they, whats your ph, what and how often are you feeding/watering them, whats your soil? if your soil is new you should add nutes after a week or two and gradually. ph is a fickle thing yet must be tended to 6.5-6.8 is ideal. your soil must drain efficiently otherwise water will stagnate at the bottom thus reducing oxygen intake. this affects feeding schedules as continual watering/ feedings will progress stagnation and nute build up...and then even ph imbalance. temperatures can also induce the previous statement if its to cool. try just foliar feeding for a while and straight ph balance water to the root zone.