Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

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Izoc 666: you said u nute every time u water? So would that be twice a week? Do u think
I will need both there grow and bloom formula for the flowering phase? Or will I be ok with just there protekt and bloom formula,? I just don't want to add to much with my base already having organics in it.

yes, in the flower stage, ladies drink a lot of water and nutes. but its my grow practice...everyone have their own method to grow. I have two different grow method, one is non-organic soilless, i only got 2 gallon pot to grow , thats for syntheic nutrients, as you can imagine small pot with soilless tend to dry out faster in just one or two days , its easy to push this plant to the maxium.
another grow is organic, with ogranic shagnum peat moss and pre mix with organic powder fertilizers in five gallon buckets, no syntheic needs, i wont use syntheic for ogranic soils. i dont want to lost the beneficals, you know what i mean ?

in the veg stage i use primary Grow and use Bloom as base , in the flower i use primary bloom and Pro-Tekt and use grow as base. Till 6 weeks of flowering (depend on what strains i grow it can be 9 weeks or 12 weeks) i will stop GROW but keep doing with bloom and Pro-tekt till harvest. remember thats my grow practice...I hope you can figure it out thats best work for you.

happy growing and peace

I have dynabloom 1 quart. but am using GH grow bloom micro f[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]loralicious. could i use i bit of that as a supplement to add a lil umphh and use it up? if so how much would u think ?[/FONT]
i called dynagro a couple of weeks ago on thursday and asked about a sample and it was in my mailbox the following monday.DSC02269.jpgDSC02272.jpgDSC02271.jpgDSC02265.jpgDSC02264.jpgDSC02314.jpgDSC02316.jpg the first two pictures were taken on the 22nd of january , i got the dyna gro on the 25th and just took the last two pictures on the fourth of february . (yesterday evening)

p.s. before i got the dynagro i was using botanicaire .
personally, I like it when others say they use something other than DG, it gives me something to laugh about...
so you have no first hand knowledge of the "facts" you are spouting?

No, what I meant is I'm basing it on the results of the whole system, which does include a few things besides Dynagro.

For flowering (Hydro RDWC)

1800 ml DG Bloom
600 ml ProTekt (you have to mix with 5 gallons of water, then add)
300 ml DG MagPro
50 ml Super Thrive
300 ml Hydrozyme
300 ml Canazyme
8 scoops Great White Roots
150 Gallons of Water

Basically, that's the base, and you run it for about two weeks. Any water that evaps (which is a lot) you replace with water / bloom / mag pro, but you try and hit it so your res is near empty at the end of two weeks.

And the last fill up before the flush, you don't put in hydrozyme/cana/great white unless you have root problems, to save money.
yes, in the flower stage, ladies drink a lot of water and nutes. but its my grow practice...everyone have their own method to grow. I have two different grow method, one is non-organic soilless, i only got 2 gallon pot to grow , thats for syntheic nutrients, as you can imagine small pot with soilless tend to dry out faster in just one or two days , its easy to push this plant to the maxium.
another grow is organic, with ogranic shagnum peat moss and pre mix with organic powder fertilizers in five gallon buckets, no syntheic needs, i wont use syntheic for ogranic soils. i dont want to lost the beneficals, you know what i mean ?

in the veg stage i use primary Grow and use Bloom as base , in the flower i use primary bloom and Pro-Tekt and use grow as base. Till 6 weeks of flowering (depend on what strains i grow it can be 9 weeks or 12 weeks) i will stop GROW but keep doing with bloom and Pro-tekt till harvest. remember thats my grow practice...I hope you can figure it out thats best work for you.

happy growing and peace


ive heard of a lot of commercial growers doing both organic and sythetic nutes and they can push yields another third of their original w/ only sythetic, you need microbes regardless so id say use the basic humic acid and mycorrhyzal supplements if you can, fish emulsion is another one you should look into. sythetics are great but they cant replace everything a plant needs, but they have some good nutrients to offer if you use them at the right time and avoid burning them. small amounts of tip burn is good in flower although, you can get a lot more trichs and weight if you use just enough.
I have dynabloom 1 quart. but am using GH grow bloom micro floralicious. could i use i bit of that as a supplement to add a lil umphh and use it up? if so how much would u think ?

Go out and get some DG grow and then throw that 3-part in the trash ;). Better yields, stable pH, cheaper. Those two lines don't match up well otherwise I'd tell you to use them together.
Where u been homebrewer ???? Great post again so dg doesnt need any additives also do u ever foialr feed home brewer ?

I use their silica additive and magpro which is recommended if you use RO water. DynaGro supplies plenty of P and K so I would not suggest using any NPK additives with DG. I don't foliar feed, never saw the need.
I use their silica additive and magpro which is recommended if you use RO water. DynaGro supplies plenty of P and K so I would not suggest using any NPK additives with DG. I don't foliar feed, never saw the need.

during veg how much do you DG do you use per gallon? i have been putting 3ml/gal and it seems like magic juice. what do you do Homebrewer?
p.s. i want to thank you cause it was one of your threads that introduced me to the power of Dynagro. Thank You Dude!!!
during veg how much do you DG do you use per gallon? i have been putting 3ml/gal and it seems like magic juice. what do you do Homebrewer?
p.s. i want to thank you cause it was one of your threads that introduced me to the power of Dynagro. Thank You Dude!!!

If you use 3mls per gallon and it works, then keep doing that. My pot size, environment, strain, watering frequency and medium would all affect how much I feed so I don't know that what I do would help you if you're already getting great results.
If you use 3mls per gallon and it works, then keep doing that. My pot size, environment, strain, watering frequency and medium would all affect how much I feed so I don't know that what I do would help you if you're already getting great results.

should i use just water every so often during veg or feed my 3mils every watering? i just started using DG and am not quite sure of how to use it best yet.
should i use just water every so often during veg or feed my 3mils every watering? i just started using DG and am not quite sure of how to use it best yet.

Just keep the plant healthy. Feeding a few times when you shouldn't have isn't going to kill your plant, it's doing something incorrectly for an entire grow that kills plants. Use your best judgement, feed when you need to and learn from your mistakes.
Just keep the plant healthy. Feeding a few times when you shouldn't have isn't going to kill your plant, it's doing something incorrectly for an entire grow that kills plants. Use your best judgement, feed when you need to and learn from your mistakes.

you got to get it wrong to get it right!
Hey guys I'm about to start my first grow and I've decided to go with DG for my nutes. Was wondering if this chart: http://www.hhydro.com/files/Instructions/dynagro.pdf is a pretty good starter point for me to base off of, having read Homebrewer's comments as well as other research to know that my set up, different strains, etc. might call for some tweaking of this schedule. Also what supplemental nutrients would you guys suggest? Will be growing in a flood and drain system.
Hey guys I'm about to start my first grow and I've decided to go with DG for my nutes. Was wondering if this chart: http://www.hhydro.com/files/Instructions/dynagro.pdf is a pretty good starter point for me to base off of, having read Homebrewer's comments as well as other research to know that my set up, different strains, etc. might call for some tweaking of this schedule. Also what supplemental nutrients would you guys suggest? Will be growing in a flood and drain system.
Foliage Pro , Magpro, Protekt is all you need all the way through
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