Wanna Grow Shrooms Eh?

hello all, well ive been growing shrooms for 2 years now
and i see alot of questions here that are being questioned repeatedly..
hopefully ill clerify things.

shut ur mouth. dont tell anyone.

sterilization is key.
i dont give a rats ass if u say ur no pressure cooker method works everytime with no contams..
i call bullshit. you ABSOLUTELY need a pressure cooker or PC for short.

if its your first try, check out the BRF tek... do that and you'll learn most of the shrooms life cycle, then u can go with monobins, trays, ect.... for bigger grows.
and u can use different spawn besides BRF, i.e. Corn, wild bird seeds, rye, white millet, and the list goes on and on..

i have a list of REPUTABLE spore vendors (if u do not have a print to start off with) that u can order from.
if u want to know em, PM me.
please note, it is NOT illegal to posess spores, unless you are in california, georgia, and idaho i believe..
spores are for microscopic purposes only, so do not ask or email the vendors on how to grow shrooms... they'll most likely ignore u or cancel ur order..

here are things u need (BRF tek)
BRF (brown rice flour)
half pint or pint wide mouth canning jars
vermiculite and perlite (u can pick those up at gardening store)
storage bins, like sterilite, rubbermaid, ect... just a storage bin that locks an closes.
rubber gloves
91% alcohol

okay lets say u bought all this shit, ur spore syringes, u innoculated them, now the question is, colonizing...
u can do a couple ways
use the TiT (tub in tub colonizing method) that requires a fully submersible aquarium heater
or the cabinet above ur refridgerator.
as long as temps stay between 78-83 ur fine.

after u have bought these items u are on ur way to the shroom journey..
if ANY of u guys need help, ill be way more than happy to help u, just shoot me a PM.


New Member
I call bullshit to,
I have a pc and I see no need in using it on brf cakes.
Grain is what you need that pc for because the kernel protects endospores.
Vermiculite is very contam resistant by its self and brown rice flour is very easily sterilized under heat without the pressure.
A 90 min steam bath in a pot with a good fitting lid is all you need for cakes.

Sterile technique beyond the substrate is where most people fuck up, a good spore source is worthless if you don't know how to sterilize the needle.
Making sure your needles are sterile and using a glove box is pretty important and something you did not include.

You need to follow your number one rule and keep your mouth shut, you don't know when your private messaging a cop.
Giving them sources for spores and info on how to grow them is enough reason for them to search your house.


Active Member
I want to start growing but I live in Cali an i have every thing i need at home exept for some spores which are illegal here. no reliable dealers around ether. I Feel like mushrooms won't find me any time soon


Well-Known Member
I want to start growing but I live in Cali an i have every thing i need at home exept for some spores which are illegal here. no reliable dealers around ether. I Feel like mushrooms won't find me any time soon

Well, there is always this.

Try as hard as you can to buy any mushrooms from anyone, reliable or not. From that point it is fairly easy to manage to recover spores from the bag you got them in, or the dried caps themselves. From that point you will have to put the spores in water - wait a few days for them to hydrate and then dilute the water. Spread some of the water on a series of agar dishes and wait. You will see all sorts of contamination but if you see anything that looks fuzzy, cut it out and put it into a new dish. If you have too many innoculation points - to where one thing is growing on another, dilute the water more and try again. Eventually you will be able to isolate a haploid spore. Now you will have to do this several times to beat the odds and get two compatible spores and mate them but it can be done. Of course the other way is to have a friend who lives in another state.


Well-Known Member
Well, there is always this.

Try as hard as you can to buy any mushrooms from anyone, reliable or not. From that point it is fairly easy to manage to recover spores from the bag you got them in, or the dried caps themselves. From that point you will have to put the spores in water - wait a few days for them to hydrate and then dilute the water. Spread some of the water on a series of agar dishes and wait. You will see all sorts of contamination but if you see anything that looks fuzzy, cut it out and put it into a new dish. If you have too many innoculation points - to where one thing is growing on another, dilute the water more and try again. Eventually you will be able to isolate a haploid spore. Now you will have to do this several times to beat the odds and get two compatible spores and mate them but it can be done. Of course the other way is to have a friend who lives in another state.
best thing about cali is they grow natural.. find a cow feild and make an Lc from a fresh mushroom. I've done this before to avoid odering more spores while adding a new variety. of course you could just get spores from those shrooms but outdoor shroom more likely to have contams i've seen spiders crawl out of the gills underneath mushrooms before. and unless your canndo, you probably wont take the time to mess with dishes to seperate contams from mycelium (just fuckin with ya canndo you know i got mad respect for your grows)

if you clone on petri dish or make an liquid culture clone from fresh outdoor mushroom wash it with peroxide or iodine before cuting into it and only use the flesh from inside of the cap, nothing thats exposed to the outside air. cloned Liquid cultures are sooo easy.. and dishes are an extra step and soem extra time, but for an even better stronger growing mycelium..

of course what canndo said is another option, as well as just ordering from places that say they dont ship to cali, i know some will even though they say they wont but its a game of roulette..


Active Member
Is it possible to grow liberty caps ? They grow freely around here so i could ( not in winter ofcourse)
But would it work if i would take that soil with libery caps and put in pots ?? The root system is same so would it grow new ones ?


Well-Known Member
Any "CHEAP"$$ places to order pasturized compost from??
You can use coco coir. $3 a brick at the local pet store. I'll be posting pics in the next few weeks of a coir tub once it finishes colonizing I spawned it about a week ago. My last one pulled in over half lb dry using 5 quarts popcorn spawn. I was skeptical of coir myself until I saw the results. The best part about coir, I think, is that it is fairly standardized. You know exactly how much water to use so it takes a lot of the guesswork out of it for someone trying it out the first time. No more pillow cases of wet poo hanging from your shower curtain either. :)

Damion5050's Coir Tek

This is the tek I've been except I only use 1 quart of verm instead of the 2 he calls for.


im intrested in learning how to grow them i have watched videos and read alot in the last couple weeks and i would like some more help.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
growing mushies is soo simple all you need is patience and lysol or iso. Of course patience is key! and if you can get mushrooms to trip you can grow them!

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Shit just grab a few mycelium cowpatties off the local field and throw them in them in the backyard and water with hot water:lol: