What was your shadiest success?


Well-Known Member
"Basically, a good rule to remember is that if you grow a plant for the fruit or the root, it needs full sun. If you grow it for the leaves, stems, or buds, a little shade will be just fine."

- http://organicgardening.about.com/od/vegetablesherbs/a/shadeveggies.htm

^thats great news... im thinking about growing under many trees... I understand I wont have monsters, but after a long season they should be a fair size and at far less risk of aerial detection.


Well-Known Member
If the plants are in too much shade you will end up with long skinny plants with light fluffy buds. Im not saying the smoke wont be awesome as the quality is up to how you treat them. Im just saying I like full hardy stiff buds.


Well-Known Member
If the plants are in too much shade you will end up with long skinny plants with light fluffy buds. Im not saying the smoke wont be awesome as the quality is up to how you treat them. Im just saying I like full hardy stiff buds.
why do I see such hardy shrubs and saplings on the forest floor? It leads me to believe an experiment is long overdue. I have a variety of strains to test this method with come spring.


Active Member
Do it. Filtered sun all day makes killer weed. I've had the pleasure of smoking some stuff grown under a shade screen - absolutely fabulous.
Pine/Saw palmetto forest is also filtered light, but you're in Canada.
You just have to make sure it gets enough light to dry it out.
Just over four ounces.


I've always found the more sun the better, but unfortunately that means less cover for our plants. I can't wait to get outside and find some spots, still some snow on the ground though, and nothing is filled in yet. ): If I were you, I would experiment a little, put a couple near trees, and maybe a couple in direct sun.

josh b

Well-Known Member
Fact more sun is better better percificly morning to dry prevent mold.

Im testing some shaded locations this year as there is alot of it to play around with and its good to kno you can have numbers :lol:

Biological Graffity

Active Member
raised grow bags in swamp areas scarcely populated by small underdeveloped trees is the best, you usually can find theese on the drain side of most beaver dams...good luck...prolly 6 oz's per plant, hard to tell coz I harvest all at once, also, this is verry important , use burlap and spray paint to camouflage your buckets/grow bags....


Well-Known Member
Technically the buds are the fruit of the marijuana plant.
Incorrect, our beloved herb is not a fruitbearing plant.
It is herbaceous and seed bearing directly.

The buds are merely the equivalent of dandelion blooms, they only exist with the intentions of reproducing. And their dispersal methods in nature are not in need of fruits to surround it.


Well-Known Member
Last season I used a shaded location, I only went to water them 3 times the entire summer (had lots of rain) they grew to be 6-9 feet tall had 7 plants.
they were very stretched out, lots of space between nodes. This was my first year in the shade. I would recommend doubling the number of plats you put out and put them closer together to have a total yeild your happy with.


Well-Known Member
my shaded spot had half the weight of my full sun spot. both tast and smoke the same. i dont worry about fly overs never had one get found in 15 yrs. and iv seen them fly over them from my bathroom window.

Big N' Tasty

New Member
Incorrect, our beloved herb is not a fruitbearing plant.
It is herbaceous and seed bearing directly.

The buds are merely the equivalent of dandelion blooms, they only exist with the intentions of reproducing. And their dispersal methods in nature are not in need of fruits to surround it.
Welll if you wanna get technical, they do bear fruit. The cannabis seed is actually an achene, which is a dried fruit that surrounds the actual seed so closely that it appears to be an outer coat. haha

But still, OP, You probably wont be able to yield much and as someone already said you might get some pretty airy buds. Having never personally grown bud in the woods, I dont know for sure. But I do know that full sun is best.
If you plan on trying it, good luck (that wasn't sarcasm, just to be clear lol)

hope full

Active Member
Not a good outdoorfresh. Dont plant in numbers unless your legal even then I wouldnt spread that shit out so if spot gets fucked you dont lose all your plants, all ways god to ave a bunch going but dont do them all together your asking for trouble..


Well-Known Member
Incorrect again: achene also akene *(-kn)
A small, dry, one-seeded fruit in which the seed sits free inside the hollow fruit, attached only by the stem of the ovule. Achenes are indehiscent (they do not split open when ripe). The fruits of the sunflower and elm are achenes.

Or :
Noun 1. achene - small dry indehiscent fruit with the seed distinct from the fruit wall
key fruit, samara, key - a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple
fruit - the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant

Not to be a dick, but misinformation Is like a highly contagious disease.
It spreads very quickly.

Big N' Tasty

New Member
Incorrect again: achene also akene *(-kn)
A small, dry, one-seeded fruit in which the seed sits free inside the hollow fruit, attached only by the stem of the ovule. Achenes are indehiscent (they do not split open when ripe). The fruits of the sunflower and elm are achenes.

Or :
Noun 1. achene - small dry indehiscent fruit with the seed distinct from the fruit wall
key fruit, samara, key - a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple
fruit - the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant

Not to be a dick, but misinformation Is like a highly contagious disease.
It spreads very quickly
True. Thats how trends like watering your plants with boiling water at the end of the life cycle get started (or maybe the growers in my city just arent the sharpest tools in the shed...)

But still, cannabis does produce an achene. As well as dandelions and roses. Maybe you meant my description was incorrect?

Also not trying to be a dick, all just friendly discussion
True. Thats how trends like watering your plants with boiling water at the end of the life cycle get started (or maybe the growers in my city just arent the sharpest tools in the shed...)

But still, cannabis does produce an achene. As well as dandelions and roses. Maybe you meant my description was incorrect?

Also not trying to be a dick, all just friendly discussion
You weren't being a dick, you actually owned him on that one. http://www.floridata.com/ref/c/cann_sat.cfm


Well-Known Member
I grew a garden in a spot that had about 5 hours of direct light, and I had 1 plant that grew 22 ft, tall, and was 18 ft. wide at the bottom. I got 3/4 of a p off it. Same strain grown the next year in full sun was 10 ft. tall, and just as wide, and yirlded 3 1/2 pounds. The smoke tasted the same and was same potency.