KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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First off coco is notorious for needing calmag how many times have you done coco? Second that cheisel is getting burnt up too hot on what your feeding it. The widow wants cal mag is what it looks like to me but it's hard to tell it could be something else. The spots aren't quite rust colored. I would start with a solid flush. Then go to a full strength cal may regimen on it and give it some nitrogen and see what happens. Note any change you may see. If it doesn't improve in a few days back to the drawing board.
reason coco makes your plant go mag def. is it blocks it out and doesnt allow the plant to uptake it! simple salution over adding tons
of mag/cal is to look into using organicares nitrex, this product solves this issue :)
it dosnt allow the coco to limit your plant uptake of mag/cal so its a must to use this stuff, you can dose your plants with
high levels of mag/cal to achieve the same thing! but its a waist of nutes in my opion! also if you try coco mix it 50/50 with
I always run perlite ;) I figured that tho I was more after how it achieves these results lol ;) but thanks for the info on that I'll probably give coco a try if It makes it behave a bit more like soil
yea this is my second time in coco and i had very similar problems last time too
i bet its probably bc im not loading it full of calmag so other problems are arising
idk im going to straight fuckin hydro after this so i dont have a stupid ass medium slowing me down
ow shit it just dawned on me kona and kaptin lolz no dude im trien to dump the stuff lolz thats y you guys were laughn at me lolz
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