thump easy
Well-Known Member
well thats good you didnt get burned but word out hear was pritty bad plus growers were being done dirty.. im happy you got delt right.
putting this here until the link for this site is made, please be patient...
"Would you support litigation to remove the 25 Mile Rule form the AMMA?"
please vote in the poll, make your voice heard AZ growers
No social media accounts here either . . .
I am currently in Phoenix Arizona. I am on a mission to find other people with my same interest... To grow marijuana for patients. A caregiver may grow (12) plants for (5) patients. That is (60)plants for one caregiver.
I want to come together with other people that want to grow the HIGHEST of quality of buds...
If growing marijuana is your passion, you are not alone. Lets clash heads and be the first people to start growing in AZ and take over the growing industry...
I want to hear feedback from people in ARIZONA
Get with the program phxfire!!!! Ha ha that is exactly how mine is looking only 24 0-4 weeks and 24 4-finishBasically the same thing only less work for me. Trying to manage that many plants every 2 weeks is soooooooooo much work. You would need a team at that point. If you give yourself a month it seems to go a little bit smoother.
I was just explaining that to an investor. Telling him what I do, I consider it an art. Anyone can grow weed but it truly is an art to grow medicinal quality flowers. I'm about to go full time here soon...just left the grow shop :/
I think our state is going to rewrite or "revise" certain aspects of this proposition. They will soon hear the voices of many activists. Just like in other states, "revisions" are common. No need to worry IMO. And if worrisome comes your way, go get a least that will add an extra year regardless of what happens.