I run an ebb & flow sog/scrog system under 2 1,000 watt HPS lights(bought them used but they told me were used only ~60 days or so). I have 540 CFM fan pulling air through both hoods and into the attic. I was attempting to put the lights lower to increase density but have had multiple problems with heat and light stress when too close to the canopy. I now have the lights about 1.5-2 feet away from the tops of the plants. I have a small 4 inch can fan blowing in intake when the room gets above 78 degrees. The room stays 70-79 during both light and dark periods with a RH of 40-60%. I put in a small heater to avoid temperature dips when the light is off. I grow in rockwool 6x6 cubes and flood and drain as the plants need it being sure to check my res temps, ppm, and ph always have ppm 1500-1900 and ph of 5.65. My genetics come from a reputable dispensary (Harborside) and I grow high yielding strains like atomic northern lights, grand-daddy purple, etc. My only noticeable issues have been light/heat stress and small outbreak of white flies which is being controlled by fly paper. I've been getting really low yields ~1/4 ounce per plant which is way lower than I expected. Does anyone have any tips I can use to increase my yield?
Album of room: (sorry for duplicates!)
Album of room: (sorry for duplicates!)