The UK Growers Thread!

can you help, I am a first time uk grower. i have ten lovely ladies. but a couple of them have curly leaves, by the way; love the avatar. I want to be a leaf

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's such a tough one, i want to say manchester so i can say fuck youuuuu ya talentless cunt to my twin, but at the same time, who the fuck would want those manc bastards to win the bunch of overpaid pricks lol

Best to post a picture mate, curly leaves come in many shapes and can mean many things.


Well-Known Member
whats it matter neway neither of ya northan twats will win the league................. that will be 1 won by another northan numpty!!! with more money....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd swap him for 1 fresh lobster lol. I know nothin about current football, last time i watched a tottenham game it was Lenon or somesuch kicking arse on the wing :D Supported them since i could talk though, and hated mancs since i was born, so yeah :D lol, think glory supporter was the term of choice back then.


Well-Known Member
I am, but tottenham will go for some foreigner with champs league coaching experience. I'm sure ol' moyesie wont even be on their radar.
moyes has been on the radar a few times for spurs he proved himself n also had enough of u lot and ur whingeing at £19 steak dinners lmao


Active Member
Hmmmm we'll see. I'm still not convinced. spurs like to play champagne footy & moyes seems to like a bit of hoofball followed by the old 'try & nick one off a corner'.
And it was £19 pub dinner, not even a restaurant! Your always banging on about food! lollol


Active Member
As I said earlier, Jose for England until Fergie retires and then the jobs his
Hate to be racist but unless your an Englishman with a grandfather who fought for queen & country and you like your HP sauce then your off the shortlist.
Jose wouldnt take it/isnt the right man anyway