**Two x White Widow Clones, CFL SCROG**


Hello everyone,
I decided to go with two white widow clones and ditch my seedlings, I really think the soil was stopping the roots from growing and maybe over watering :( ... My cab is 28"x18"x60" wrapped in Mylar with a passive intake and two 80mm exhaust fans (one is on the way). I picked up the clones yesterday and they are very healthy but I think they're getting a little root bound in these little cups. I am transplanting them today to 3 gallon pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil with 25-35% Perlite mixed in. I plan to hold off on nutes for 2-3 weeks, we will see how they do and adjust that if needed. I'll be using FF trio for nutes.

Right now I have 6x23 watt CFL 6500k bulbs and plan to go up to 8 as soon as I go to the store (maybe a few more later on). When I get to flowering I will have 10-12x23 watt CFL 2700k. Temps are running around 77F and RH about 25-30%. I plan to start the SCROG when they are recovered from the transplant, are they large enough now to start? If anyone want's to to post their pics of their SCROG or info on that feel free. Or any other helpful information :) :leaf: I bought a soil moisture meter so that should help me with over watering.



Active Member
some good looking plants
sounds like you have a solid plan going on.
keep us updated on your lovely babies!
and best of luck to you


Just got them transplanted into their new 3 gallon pots (I believe 3 gallon they are 10" in diameter and a google search said that was roughly 3 gallons). I filled the pots with about 70% Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and 30% Perilite. I then slowly poured about 32 ounces of RO water into each pot, however, I didn't see any run off. Dug a small hole in the soil, tipped over the cups and they both came out of the cups really nicely in a solid root ball and placed them into the holes and packed the dirt around and then gave a little water around each stem.

The guy who had the clones kept them on a 21/3 light schedule so I thought I might as well just leave them on that. They lights just turned off now at 5. The temp is staying right at 77 degrees and almost instantly when I put the larger pots in with the water the humidity went up to 40% (It's usually around 25%). Anyone have any advice on when I should place the screen in for the SCROG and how long I should wait before I switch to flower if anyone has experience with WW and stretching during flower, I read between 8-12" for the screen height? Thanks :lol:



Hey everyone, I was hoping to be having the SCROG up by this time but they don't seem to be looking so well. All of the leaves are droopy and one of the plants are browning on the tips of the leaves on the new growth, 2-4 of the leaves (on the top only). Here are some pics. The temps have been staying in the high 70s and no higher then 83. Humidity is between 35-45% but has been pretty constant right at 40%. I transplanted them on 02-10-12 into fox farms ocean forest soil, but I figured they would have rebounded by now?? Any suggestions on what I could do, or should I just wait it out and see? Thanks! :lol::leaf: Oh and I just received my 4" fan today and that is blowing on them now. I also watered the pots before the transplant and I did again today the soil between the 2nd and 3rd knuckle of my finger was pretty dry, just a tiny bit of moisture so I watered them again till it barely had some run off about 35-40 ounces of straight RO water.



So since my last post I got a humidifier, FIM on all the tops, some LST and built my SCROG screen. The temps are pegged at 75 and humidity 45-50%. I also ordered a new tent, should be here next week. I also decided to go with blue planet nutrients (trio) and will start with the first feed next week. Suggestions/help/comments please!

