What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

I was getting some homework done but now my stomach hurts and I can't concentrate so I decided to take a break and check out RIU. Busy Friday night for you?
Not at all, I ate some food and went to sleep lol.

But now I'm fully rested at 5am on a Saturday morning with nothing to do.
So I'm going through my friends amazon wishlist to look at all the weird shit he likes, and there's a lot of weird shit.

What kind of homework?
Math and history. I have to alternate them so the math doesn't make me cry. I hate, hate, hate math classes. There is absolutely no reason why any average person should ever need to do a fucking math problem that has more letters than it does numbers. If you plan on having some bizarre job that requires that kind of knowledge, then I understand why you'd take the class. I don't understand why it's mandatory for the rest of us.
I barely know algebra, so I wouldn't know shit about math lmfao.
And I tried really fucking hard to understand that shit in school, just not something my mind could do.

They need to get rid of it.

But what's the thing that you're going to college for, like what do you want to do?

Sorry, I'm like half awake and I never went to college so I cant remember the word for it.
Major :) My major. I'm majoring at one college for Elementary Education and at my other college I'm double majoring in Business and Women's Studies with an emphasis in Nonprofit Adminstration.

I want to start a school for girls in an underprivileged country where girls aren't given the same opportunities as boys. I was thinking Guatemala or South Africa. I think Oprah has South Africa covered though. But in some of these areas, girls have to go to school, and then they also have to come home and help with the household needs, so doing schoolwork doesn't always come first. Then, if they fail a grade, instead of having to do it all over again, they're actually permanently expelled. Then they just train as housewives and they're stuck as far as what they can do in life. So. I'ma go help my sisters :cuss:fight the injustice.
I hate strap ons. They hurt when you're receiving because they are hard and unyielding. And they hurt when you're wearing them too. The first morning after I used one, I had mad respect for men lol. My inner thighs were sore for DAYS from all that gyrating!
Major :) My major. I'm majoring at one college for Elementary Education and at my other college I'm double majoring in Business and Women's Studies with an emphasis in Nonprofit Adminstration.

I want to start a school for girls in an underprivileged country where girls aren't given the same opportunities as boys. I was thinking Guatemala or South Africa. I think Oprah has South Africa covered though. But in some of these areas, girls have to go to school, and then they also have to come home and help with the household needs, so doing schoolwork doesn't always come first. Then, if they fail a grade, instead of having to do it all over again, they're actually permanently expelled. Then they just train as housewives and they're stuck as far as what they can do in life. So. I'ma go help my sisters :cuss:fight the injustice.

Well dont I feel like a failure.
You had an electric toothbrush in your girlfriends ass. How could you be a failure? That's some smooth talkin as far as i'm concerned lol.
LMFAO, they never say no either... girls are weird.

Fo a girl to ask, she is a whore. For a girl to accept... well, its behind closed doors...
rainbow im working on a similar but antipodal venture
i intend on going to saudi arabia to provide additional burkas for the areas that are having a shortage
that way no man has to worry about his whore wife being promiscuous by showing a bit of face