Space Thread!

think about this why would we fly to the moon put a mirror up there and fly back to shoot a laser at it to find out how far away it is thats the stupidest waste of time and money.
Argument from incredulity
and your images are crystal clear btw good job you cleared everything up for us.
the quality of those pictures are only going to get better over the years. moon hoaxers are going to find it harder and harder to deny it
what about prop c? ever hear of it? its a rock that the astronauts took a picture of. it had a perfect c on the top i can see why they would take a picture but 30 years later they changed the picture. why?
prop c? why dont you show us some evidence of what your saying
Four nuclear powered seismic stations were installed during the Apollo project to collect seismic data about the interior of the Moon. There is only residual tectonic activity due to cooling and tidal forcing, but other moonquakes have been caused by meteor impacts and artificial means, such as deliberately crashing the Lunar Module into the moon. The results have shown the Moon to have a crust 60 kilometers (37 miles) thick at the center of the near side. If this crust is uniform over the Moon, it would constitute about 10% of the Moon's volume as compared to the less than 1% on Earth. The seismic determinations of a crust and mantle on the Moon indicate a layered planet with differentiation by igneous processes. There is no evidence for an iron-rich core unless it were a small one. Seismic information has influenced theories about the formation and evolution of the Moon.

I suppose that is all a lie, part of the cover story thought up by the government.
Four nuclear powered seismic stations were installed during the Apollo project to collect seismic data about the interior of the Moon. There is only residual tectonic activity due to cooling and tidal forcing, but other moonquakes have been caused by meteor impacts and artificial means, such as deliberately crashing the Lunar Module into the moon. The results have shown the Moon to have a crust 60 kilometers (37 miles) thick at the center of the near side. If this crust is uniform over the Moon, it would constitute about 10% of the Moon's volume as compared to the less than 1% on Earth. The seismic determinations of a crust and mantle on the Moon indicate a layered planet with differentiation by igneous processes. There is no evidence for an iron-rich core unless it were a small one. Seismic information has influenced theories about the formation and evolution of the Moon.

I suppose that is all a lie, part of the cover story thought up by the government.

well they had to make it believable
think about this why would we fly to the moon put a mirror up there and fly back to shoot a laser at it to find out how far away it is thats the stupidest waste of time and money. and your images are crystal clear btw good job you cleared everything up for us. what about prop c? ever hear of it? its a rock that the astronauts took a picture of. it had a perfect c on the top i can see why they would take a picture but 30 years later they changed the picture. why?

Of course this is all a made up story.

[h=3]What Neil & Buzz Left on the Moon[/h]
What Neil & Buzz Left on the Moon
A cutting-edge science experiment left behind in the Sea of Tranquility by Apollo 11 astronauts is still running today.
Listen to this story via streaming audio, a downloadable file, or get help.​
July 20, 2004: The most famous thing Neil Armstrong left on the moon 35 years ago is a footprint, a boot-shaped depression in the gray moondust. Millions of people have seen pictures of it, and one day, years from now, lunar tourists will flock to the Sea of Tranquility to see it in person. Peering over the rails ‌ "hey, mom, is that the first one?"
Will anyone notice, 100 feet away, something else Armstrong left behind?
Ringed by footprints, sitting in the moondust, lies a 2-foot wide panel studded with 100 mirrors pointing at Earth: the "lunar laser ranging retroreflector array." Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong put it there on July 21, 1969, about an hour before the end of their final moonwalk. Thirty-five years later, it's the only Apollo science experiment still running.
Right: The Apollo 11 lunar laser ranging retroreflector array. [More]
University of Maryland physics professor Carroll Alley was the project's principal investigator during the Apollo years, and he follows its progress today. "Using these mirrors," explains Alley, "we can 'ping' the moon with laser pulses and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely. This is a wonderful way to learn about the moon's orbit and to test theories of gravity."
Here's how it works: A laser pulse shoots out of a telescope on Earth, crosses the Earth-moon divide, and hits the array. Because the mirrors are "corner-cube reflectors," they send the pulse straight back where it came from. "It's like hitting a ball into the corner of a squash court," explains Alley. Back on Earth, telescopes intercept the returning pulse--"usually just a single photon," he marvels.

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The round-trip travel time pinpoints the moon's distance with staggering precision: better than a few centimeters out of 385,000 km, typically. Targeting the mirrors and catching their faint reflections is a challenge, but astronomers have been doing it for 35 years. A key observing site is the McDonald Observatory in Texas where a 0.7 meter telescope regularly pings reflectors in the Sea of Tranquility (Apollo 11), at Fra Mauro (Apollo 14) and Hadley Rille (Apollo 15), and, sometimes, in the Sea of Serenity. There's a set of mirrors there onboard the parked Soviet Lunokhud 2 moon rover--maybe the coolest-looking robot ever built.
In this way, for decades, researchers have carefully traced the moon's orbit, and they've learned some remarkable things, among them:
(1) The moon is spiraling away from Earth at a rate of 3.8 cm per year. Why? Earth's ocean tides are responsible.
(2) The moon probably has a liquid core.
(3) The universal force of gravity is very stable. Newton's gravitational constant G has changed less than 1 part in 100-billion since the laser experiments began.
Physicists have also used the laser results to check Einstein's theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity. So far, so good: Einstein's equations predict the shape of the moon's orbit as well as laser ranging can measure it. But Einstein, constantly tested, isn't out of the woods yet. Some physicists (Alley is one of them) believe his general theory of relativity is flawed. If there is a flaw, lunar laser ranging might yet find it.
Right: Lunar laser ranging at the McDonald Observatory. [More]
NASA and the National Science Foundation are funding a new facility in New Mexico, the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation or, appropriately, "APOLLO" for short. Using a 3.5-meter telescope with good atmospheric "seeing," researchers there will examine the moon's orbit with millimeter precision, 10 times better than before.
"Who knows what they'll discover?" wonders Alley.
More and better data could reveal strange fluctuations in gravity, amendments to Einstein, the "sloshing" of the moon's core. Time will tell ... and there's plenty of time. Lunar mirrors require no power source. They haven't been covered with moondust or pelted by meteoroids, as early Apollo planners feared. Lunar ranging should continue for decades, perhaps for centuries.
Picture this: Tourists in the Sea of Tranquility, looking up at Earth. Half of the planet is dark, including New Mexico where a pinprick of light appears. A laser.
"Hey, mom," stepping over a footprint, "what's that star?"
Editor's Note: Among many early contributors to the the lunar laser ranging retroreflector array project, Prof. Alley credits Robert Henry Dicke, James Faller, Peter Bender, Douglas Currie and Bendix Corporation. A complete list may be found in Alley's account of the project, "Laser ranging to retro-reflectors on the Moon as a test of theories of gravity," published in Quantum Optics, Experimental Gravitation, and Measurement Theory, Eds. P Meystre and M.O. Scully, Plenum Publishing (1982).

Did they also fake the deaths of the Apollo 1 astronauts?

The one bit of trickery that I have not yet been able to figure out was how when I was a kid and my family went to one of the Apollo moon landing launches, which I cannot remember at the moment, and looking through binoculars I could clearly see astronauts walk the gantry and enter the capsule .... how did they slip them out before launch? Was there something like a water slide that went from the capsule down through the Saturn V rocket and they slid out unseen underground and an empty capsule was blasted off, or did they go up and just hang out while someone else here on earth, in Hollywood or Area 51 or something, do the fake shit that was seen on TV?
The only thing I'll add is a comment on the term "nuclear power". Almost all nuclear power in space relies on thermoelectric junctions driven by the delta T between a heat sink and a hot slug of radioisotopes, typically plutonium-238, which has a fast enough rate of decay to make a lot of heat in a small package, and slow enough to provide useful power for many years, as the Pioneers and Voyagers demonstrate to this day. The Lem had a radiothermal generator that required a hands-on step by an astronaut to bring on line.
Terrestrial nuclear power, and "nuclear power" by default (imo), means throttlable neutronic fission reactors heating an exchange fluid that then drives an expansion turbine.
I would favor referring to the space application as "radiothermal" in order to minimize the confusion with fission power. cn
prop c? why dont you show us some evidence of what your saying
He's talking about a piece of hair or something that got caught in the plate during reproduction. This mysterious "C" doesn't show up on the original photograph nor the pictures of the same scene preceding and following. Thorough explanation and debunking here
If you're going to believe in stupid conspiracies, it is only intellectually honest to read what the 'opposition' says, at a minimum. The fact that people like marcopolo and ismokealotofpot don't even know what the standard response to their claims are tells me that they have no interest in the truth or facts but merely hear something, sounds plausible (to them), so they immediately believe it without spending an ounce of energy trying to look for alternate explanations for the 'evidence.' Why is it that someone can be skeptical of the real explanations but be so credulous when it comes to their crazy claims about conspiracy? It's interesting that both of these posters not only believe the moon landing was faked but they also accept the dubious Loose Change 9/11 conspiracy as well. I guess it's more fun to be a contrarian and believe you have special knowledge than to spend valuable brain resources and learning how to think critically.
Look dude I can be cool with you, but do not insult my intelligence. I always say people make the best pets we are so docile and let our masters tell us whats good for us. If you never question things and ask why then the devil will run his ass all over you. Ive read both sides looked at all the info. Space is interesting to me and ill continue to be interested for years to come. If you believe it go ahead see I don't care. im not saying your wasting brain resources on a pot forum am I?

15 Reasons Why Man Has Never Set Foot on The Moon


15. "Tricky Dick" Richard Nixon was president at the time. He was the king of cover-up, secret tapes and scandal. Think about all of his potential antics that were not discovered.

14. A successful manned mission to the moon offered a wonderful pride-boosting distraction for the near revolt of the US citizens over 50,000 deaths in the Vietnam War.

13. The Soviets had a five-to-one superiority to the U.S. in manned hours in space. They were first in achieving the following seven important milestones:

1. First manmade satellite in earth orbit

2. First man in space

3. First man to orbit the earth

4. First woman in space

5. The first crew of three astronauts onboard one spacecraft

6. The first space walk

7. The first of two orbiting space craft rendezvousing

This put America at a perceived military disadvantage in missile technology during the very height of the Cold War.

12. Neil Armstrong, the first man to supposedly walk on the moon, refuses to give interviews to anyone on the subject. "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies." Collins also refuses to be interviewed. Aldrin, who granted an interview, threatened to sue us if we showed it to anyone.

11. Newly retouched photographs correct errors from previously released versions. Why would they be updating thirty-year-old pictures if they really went to the moon?


With Prop ID "C"


After: "C" Removed

10. Rediscovered lost footage shows the American flag blowing in the wind. The wind was probably caused by intense air-conditioning used to cool the astronauts in their lightened, uncirculated, space suits. The cooling systems in the backpacks would have been removed to lighten the load not designed for earth's six times heavier gravity, otherwise they might have fallen over.


9. Enlarged photographs underneath the lunar lander's 10,000 lb. thrust engine show the soil completely undisturbed. During ground tests there was grave concern for the vehicle falling into the hole the engine created as it descended. An oversight that they would have to keep consistent for all subsequent moon missions. They attributed it to the effect of no atmosphere (except for the flag blowing in the wind - see # 10!)


8. Rare, uncirculated photographs, allegedly from the moon's surface, show scenes supposedly lit solely by sunlight. Yet they contain shadows that do not run parallel with each other, indicating supplemental artificial light. Sunlight would cast shadows that would never intersect.

7. The moon is 250,000 miles away. The space shuttle has never gone more than 400 miles from the Earth. Except for Apollo astronauts, no humans even claim to have gone beyond low-earth orbit. When the space shuttle astronauts did get to an altitude of 400 miles, the radiation of the Van Allen belts forced them to a lower altitude. The Van Allen radiation belts exist because the Earth's magnetic field traps the solar wind.

6. The top portion of the lunar module which landed on the moon supposedly popped up off the moon with two astronauts aboard, entered lunar orbit 60 miles up, and docked with the command module in lunar orbit. To look at its design and think such could have actually occurred is absolutely ludicrous. The fuel tanks were nowhere near one-sixth the size of those on the space shuttle as one would expect to achieve lunar orbit

5. The surface of the moon is a vacuum. The landing module would have been heated to 250 degrees on the light side where they landed. There is no way they could have rejected the heat for as long as 72 hours as they claim on some Apollo missions. How long do you think you could keep your car cool on a hot day running off battery power?

4. Take a look at the lunar module which supposedly flew from lunar orbit to the surface of the moon. It is a cylindrical shape with a high center of gravity and one big thrust engine at the bottom. Upon just looking at this design, to think it would not immediately pinwheel and crash, as the lunar module trainer did three weeks prior on Earth, is absurd.


3. After the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin gave a press conference. When asked whether they remembered seeing any stars from the surface of the moon, Collins, who was supposedly in the command module the whole time, gave a wrong answer to a question he should not have been answering. The relevant portion of this clip is in my documentary; viewing it with an understanding of the circumstances makes it clear they were lying about having traveled to the moon. I'm saying Collins blew it right then and there and I honestly cannot understand why there is even further discussion on the whole topic. Furthermore, if you obtain a written transcript of the press conference you'll see that the comment is erroneously attributed to Aldrin. Honest mistake or cover-up?

2. In 1967 three astronauts were burned alive on the launch pad. The upshot of the congressional inquiry was that the entire Apollo program was in shambles and it was a miracle no one was killed sooner. All of the problems were supposedly fixed by 1969, just two years later. How could they have made such a large improvement in "quality control" in such a short period of time.

1. All Apollo missions stayed in low-earth orbit for the duration of the trip. We uncovered some mislabeled, unedited, behind-the-scenes footage from NASA that shows the crew of Apollo 11 clearly staging a shot of being half-way to the moon.
do you see any disturbance on the grown from the main thruster?
Actually yes, it does look like there is radial disturbance of the regolith.

Also see AS11-40-5892 or AS11-40-5921 (from the ALSJ) which shows not only some discoloration under the descent engine, but also some radial disturbance in the soil from the outward blast. Also, see AS12-46-6781 which shows a trail of disturbed soil along the ground track of the Apollo 12 lunar module. On the left edge of this frame is the TV camera with some footprints right next to the small crater. The engine exhaust trail goes almost straight across the lower part of the image, about a quarter of the way from the bottom of the frame. There is some disturbed soil caused by an astronaut's footprints that angles diagonally across the exhaust trail, meeting it at the right edge of the image. If the landings were faked, placing a blast crater under the LM would be the most obvious thing to do in order to "fool" the unwitting public. In fact, there was plenty of dust, but the moons' regolith is rather densely packed due to billions of years of gardening and a lack of air on the moon.

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Something else to ponder from this website.

If in fact we did go to the Moon, as NASA contends, then the evidence that we did go to the Moon should stand up to scrutiny. That evidence has been in the public domain for 30 years now in the form of photographs, images of spacecraft taken by astronauts in other spacecraft as well as images of the spacecraft heading towards the moon by telescope from the Earth, video records broadcast in real-time and seen in real-time, scientific experiments placed on the moon (whose placement was clearly documented by the lunar photography including still photography by the astronauts and video images transmitted in real-time), moonrocks and samples returned from the surface of the moon which support the supposition that they resided on the Moon (by examining the chemical makeup of the rocks, isotopic abundances, cosmic ray exposure ages, radioactive dating techniques, etc.), and by the astronauts themselves both in situ on the lunar surface and after their return to Earth.

The TMLWF crowd usually falls back on the typical large and complex, self sustaining conspiracy theory arguments, including the grand notion that they were faked by elaborate Hollywood style film fakery on some secret sound stage. Lets stop to ponder this for a moment. Think of the best special effects movies that you have ever seen. Now think of the inconsistencies and visual errors that even the casual and uninformed audience can see in these films. Now think back to 1969 and the movies that were made then. Could we have produced such fakery that it would not only stand up to the scrutiny of a 1969 audience, but also a whole generation of scientists familiar with the geologic study of celestial bodies? In fact, the only ones to find fault in this record is a small "cottage industry" group of TMLWFers.​

And who is this person that seems to have an answer for every claim you have made about a moon landing hoax?

I am a Planetary Scientist at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory where I work on the Spacewatch Project to survey for small objects in the solar system, especially Near-Earth Objects and comets. I watched the Apollo Moonlandings on TV as a young boy, following every crew as they traveled to the moon and back and explored the lunar surface. It seemed like magic to an 8 or 9 year old, but as I grew, the Apollo program spurred my interest in science and I ate up everything I could about Apollo. My present interest in Apollo is historical. I love the details of how and why the Apollo spacecraft and the Saturn V launch vehicle worked as well as the details of the lunar exploration. I watched astronauts setting out experiments, picking up moonrocks, taking pictures and so forth, especially during the last few flights to the moon, but it wasn't until later that I really understood how and why they would pick a particular rock to sample or crater to visit. Understanding Apollo has lead to a great appreciation of it as well as a firm belief in the genuineness of the moonlandings. Everything fits together far too well to be a fake as some of the hoax proponents such as Mr. Overstreet in his website imply. Flying to the moon was not faked. It was not magic. It was engineering and applied science. And it was a spectacular achievment!
Jim Scotti

Don't claim to have looked at both sides if you haven't heard of any of these objections to your claims. These claims have been going around for a long time and all have logical, rational answers but true to the conspiracy nature of this topic, evidence to the contrary is disregarded as part of the conspiracy. If no amount of evidence will convince you, then you are in denial.
why dont they point the hubble at the moon and settle this this debate
Probably because there is really no debate. NASA and Hubble engineers don't have anything to prove. I posted pictures from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Higher res pictures are forthcoming but I doubt Hubble will be able to see more clearly than the LROC.

Regarding the 15 points you posted, among the ones that have already been debunked, it is very clear that this person is not very bright and doesn't have very good understanding of the moon, let alone lighting and photography. Ignoring the lies about astronauts like Armstrong not giving interviews, just ponder question 5 for a minute and tell me if you can figure out what's wrong with his premise.

5. The surface of the moon is a vacuum. The landing module would have been heated to 250 degrees on the light side where they landed. There is no way they could have rejected the heat for as long as 72 hours as they claim on some Apollo missions. How long do you think you could keep your car cool on a hot day running off battery power?

Here. I'll give you a hint:

5. The surface of the moon is a vacuum. The landing module would have been heated to 250 degrees on the light side where they landed. There is no way they could have rejected the heat for as long as 72 hours as they claim on some Apollo missions. How long do you think you could keep your car cool on a hot day running off battery power?

15 Reasons Why Man Has Never Set Foot on The Moon


15. "Tricky Dick" Richard Nixon was president at the time. He was the king of cover-up, secret tapes and scandal. Think about all of his potential antics that were not discovered.

14. A successful manned mission to the moon offered a wonderful pride-boosting distraction for the near revolt of the US citizens over 50,000 deaths in the Vietnam War.

13. The Soviets had a five-to-one superiority to the U.S. in manned hours in space. They were first in achieving the following seven important milestones:

1. First manmade satellite in earth orbit

2. First man in space

3. First man to orbit the earth

4. First woman in space

5. The first crew of three astronauts onboard one spacecraft

6. The first space walk

7. The first of two orbiting space craft rendezvousing

This put America at a perceived military disadvantage in missile technology during the very height of the Cold War.

12. Neil Armstrong, the first man to supposedly walk on the moon, refuses to give interviews to anyone on the subject. "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies." Collins also refuses to be interviewed. Aldrin, who granted an interview, threatened to sue us if we showed it to anyone.

11. Newly retouched photographs correct errors from previously released versions. Why would they be updating thirty-year-old pictures if they really went to the moon?


With Prop ID "C"


After: "C" Removed

10. Rediscovered lost footage shows the American flag blowing in the wind. The wind was probably caused by intense air-conditioning used to cool the astronauts in their lightened, uncirculated, space suits. The cooling systems in the backpacks would have been removed to lighten the load not designed for earth's six times heavier gravity, otherwise they might have fallen over.


9. Enlarged photographs underneath the lunar lander's 10,000 lb. thrust engine show the soil completely undisturbed. During ground tests there was grave concern for the vehicle falling into the hole the engine created as it descended. An oversight that they would have to keep consistent for all subsequent moon missions. They attributed it to the effect of no atmosphere (except for the flag blowing in the wind - see # 10!)


8. Rare, uncirculated photographs, allegedly from the moon's surface, show scenes supposedly lit solely by sunlight. Yet they contain shadows that do not run parallel with each other, indicating supplemental artificial light. Sunlight would cast shadows that would never intersect.

7. The moon is 250,000 miles away. The space shuttle has never gone more than 400 miles from the Earth. Except for Apollo astronauts, no humans even claim to have gone beyond low-earth orbit. When the space shuttle astronauts did get to an altitude of 400 miles, the radiation of the Van Allen belts forced them to a lower altitude. The Van Allen radiation belts exist because the Earth's magnetic field traps the solar wind.

6. The top portion of the lunar module which landed on the moon supposedly popped up off the moon with two astronauts aboard, entered lunar orbit 60 miles up, and docked with the command module in lunar orbit. To look at its design and think such could have actually occurred is absolutely ludicrous. The fuel tanks were nowhere near one-sixth the size of those on the space shuttle as one would expect to achieve lunar orbit

5. The surface of the moon is a vacuum. The landing module would have been heated to 250 degrees on the light side where they landed. There is no way they could have rejected the heat for as long as 72 hours as they claim on some Apollo missions. How long do you think you could keep your car cool on a hot day running off battery power?

4. Take a look at the lunar module which supposedly flew from lunar orbit to the surface of the moon. It is a cylindrical shape with a high center of gravity and one big thrust engine at the bottom. Upon just looking at this design, to think it would not immediately pinwheel and crash, as the lunar module trainer did three weeks prior on Earth, is absurd.


3. After the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin gave a press conference. When asked whether they remembered seeing any stars from the surface of the moon, Collins, who was supposedly in the command module the whole time, gave a wrong answer to a question he should not have been answering. The relevant portion of this clip is in my documentary; viewing it with an understanding of the circumstances makes it clear they were lying about having traveled to the moon. I'm saying Collins blew it right then and there and I honestly cannot understand why there is even further discussion on the whole topic. Furthermore, if you obtain a written transcript of the press conference you'll see that the comment is erroneously attributed to Aldrin. Honest mistake or cover-up?

2. In 1967 three astronauts were burned alive on the launch pad. The upshot of the congressional inquiry was that the entire Apollo program was in shambles and it was a miracle no one was killed sooner. All of the problems were supposedly fixed by 1969, just two years later. How could they have made such a large improvement in "quality control" in such a short period of time.

1. All Apollo missions stayed in low-earth orbit for the duration of the trip. We uncovered some mislabeled, unedited, behind-the-scenes footage from NASA that shows the crew of Apollo 11 clearly staging a shot of being half-way to the moon.

You already know that Russians had the first man spacewalk, first woman, satellite etc. But all of a sudden USA claims to put a man on the moon in response to Soviet accomplishments and basically undercutting rpevious Russian space achievements. With this in mind and if the landings were faked(although I do find the Apollo 16 boondoggle debatable), where's the Soviet rebuttal? I think the Russians had more than enough radar capabilities and more reason to be the first to openly flame this Amerikan hoax.

Oh wait a minute! I forgot!

The truth is that the shadow Zionist rulers in the USSR and Nazi Amerika collaborated and orchestrated the space/military industrial complex during the cold war that the whole time!
why dont they point the hubble at the moon and settle this this debate

What would be the point? Optic resolution knows an absolute limit: diffraction. For Hubble, the geometric linmit is about 0.05 arcsecond, and the practical limit has proven to be 0.1 arcsecond. (The optics were polished to such near-perfection.) At lunar distances, 0.1 arcsecond converts to a minimum feature size of about six hundred feet. The Lem main stage is about twenty feet across, so you'd need to orbit an optically near-perfect mirror (to Hubble spec, but scaled up) close to 300 feet in diameter! just to see the Lem as a barely-resolved smudge.
They sent imaging orbiters to the Moon since Apollo. Clementine was cheap and dirty, and when it was pointed at the Apollo 15 landing site, it saw this.
To get an equivalent photo quality from earth, you'd need an optical mirror bigger than Arecibo, placed above the atmosphere.

Other, better imagers have been sent since, such as LRO, the lunar reconnaissance orbiter. Better resolution; correspondingly better results.

I canot believe that this thread has deteriorated into a tin-hat snowball fight. cn
Here. I'll give you a hint:

5. The surface of the moon is a vacuum. The landing module would have been heated to 250 degrees on the light side where they landed. There is no way they could have rejected the heat for as long as 72 hours as they claim on some Apollo missions. How long do you think you could keep your car cool on a hot day running off battery power?

I have never encountered a hot day that ran off battery power.

As to the original question, my answer would be primitively simple ... dump the heat out the Lem's shaded side. Its equilibrium temp was minus two hundred. It worked a treat for the CSM ... in fact they had a slow-rotating "spit roast" mode to keep the temp in the spacecraft uniform and comfy. cncn
CN -- What area is your postdoctoral research in? I'm going out on a limb guessing you have a specific area of study..........