1st outdoor grow


Active Member
this is my first time growing outdoors. i have 2 plants gowing on 3 days indoor right now too. 2 mangos. but i have planted 4 durban posions outdoors last night while it was dark. the seeds were germed inside an brought out in a bookbag to my site. i dug holes in straight soil and poured in miracle grow organic soil in the holes. i moistened the soil last night when i planted them. but it rained last night a little bit. an it is still raining right now just a drizzle. do you think my plants are alright? i will get pictures of them next time i head back there to see if they sprouted. im using deer repelent along with fishing line around the area at 18 inches, 3 ft. 4 1/2 ft, and 6ft an 6 1/2 ft.


Well-Known Member
Keep an eye on your overhead tree canopy it looks a little tight. I'd also be a little concerned that nothing is growing there ?? It looks like the soil there is either sun starved or eroided from something... Dam elephant trail, now you're fucked, just kidding
:):):):) It's prob. a good spot it's just how the picture looks...
Good Luck


Active Member
hahah i know exactly what ur talking about. ther was alot growing there but i took my kabota back there an cleared it out. haha i live in the middle of nowhere an thers never cops or helicopters or anything like that. so i really have no worries on that. and i got my tree clipers and im gonna go back there in a few days to get all that out of the way before the leaves start comin back. thanks for the input


Active Member
hahah nah the ground is fine. i just cleared it out. (dumb idea i know) but ther looking good so far in the process. im just gettin excited for them huge 5-10 ft fuckers to bud. hahah hopin all goes well. i will show more pictures of how ther doin probly in a week to show u how ther doin