World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Ok Sambo/Pukka the pistils on the blue cheese are majority a would say have receeded and are orange with some goin quite dark,would u say nearly there or there? (me sittin quietly hoping please please please b ready) lol


Well-Known Member
Ok Sambo/Pukka the pistils on the blue cheese are majority a would say have receeded and are orange with some goin quite dark,would u say nearly there or there? (me sittin quietly hoping please please please b ready) lol
another 6 weeks mate ;)


Well-Known Member
Av not got one mate,usually jst try n judge it by wks,pistils n the occassional strenth test lol.

Am a very basic grower m8,probs a lot of luck,but adding to the equipment as a go,hopin to be where am stayin for a long while so can hopefully get a pretty decent set up together in the end


Well-Known Member
Lol a didnt think they were that cheap, pity the delivery is a few dys. Goin to look for somethin with nxt day, dnt mind payin postage, am not tight just not very flush at the moment lol


Well-Known Member
can get a small hand held from a place like radio shack for about $12.oo
you will need sumthing one the most critical parts of growin after you past seedling stage
is to flush and chop at the right time
do you understand the trichomb change process
whut it means
whut your looking for

i hope so for your sake

get yoself a scope
to do this hobby
an yo plant justice
an most of all yo satisfaction

the finish
its not a roll of the dice


Well-Known Member
how do mr scotia? am avoiding th uk thread also now. way to much bull for my liking...
hope alls well with u n the plants
Am good MDB how's u? Yip the uk thread is now full of chancers n wannabe gangsters. Av no been on since that unlucky joined up!!

Plants r doin good m8. Chopped a tester of the ronnie cheese but.still waitin on the fooker dryin,smokin some tasty trainwreck jst now wiz some trip 2 get it lol... How's ur's many wks u got left now?


Well-Known Member
Ok Sambo/Pukka the pistils on the blue cheese are majority a would say have receeded and are orange with some goin quite dark,would u say nearly there or there? (me sittin quietly hoping please please please b ready) lol
Has it been over 8weeks mate? just chop the fucker if needs be, like sambo said its sound at 8 but better more like 9-10!


Well-Known Member
Has it been over 8weeks mate? just chop the fucker if needs be, like sambo said its sound at 8 but better more like 9-10!
Its just comin up on 8 m8,still got a few dys ripen to go but was wonderin if any tell tale sign,av ordered a loupe but probs wed before it be here. Cut a bit off it & the livers this.mornin but dnt wanna dry it too quick. How do u quick dry mate?


Well-Known Member
i quick dry mine by sticking it on a small peice of tin foil and sitting it ontop of my lights reflector while the lights are on :) dries it in about 5 hrs if you use small buds , takes a day for big buds


Well-Known Member
Do u think it changes the flavour a lot,a know its more for a strength test but u know what a mean u dnt wanna ruin the taste. A usual jst stick it on the radiator which does ruin the taste :-(


Well-Known Member
Ive dried it on my light before and also i dry it for a day rapped in tissue in the airing cupboard stinks the place out tho if you do it like that lol but seems better!


Well-Known Member
Av had this.sittin in the cupboard all dy but now on radiator.

U can see the swollen calyx's on the blue cheese now,really staetin to puff ojt since a gve it ripen a couple of dys ago,goin to hold out as long as poss got some trainwreck through an old friend n got bout 3g of gumby which is really nice,almost tastes like the cotton candy which a really didnt expect and it blows the balls of u ;-)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
not to sure how long i got left? got mixed with dates. but i got seeds seeds seeeds, loads the lil feckers.
i hacked of small bud took out seeds(seem alot smaller then others i got waiting). after de seeding the bud i was gagging for a j so i poped it in tin foil and put in bottom oven to quick dry,
now this i wouldnt recommend as tastes crap n after oven looks like bush weed haha. now my point this story is i had 3 seeds still in my bud i hadnt noticed before. i put one the oven roasted seeds in cup water to test if dead and 8 hour later i got tap root.
wot hardy lil seeds am dead impressed.


Well-Known Member
Its just comin up on 8 m8,still got a few dys ripen to go but was wonderin if any tell tale sign,av ordered a loupe but probs wed before it be here. Cut a bit off it & the livers this.mornin but dnt wanna dry it too quick. How do u quick dry mate?
If you cant wait mate lol just take a branch for now an the rest when its done propa, what you goin for trich wise if your usin the loupe?


Well-Known Member
Lol so u got some ne babies then?? Am on the malts 2nite been a rough week.

So it smoked shit then m8,it get u high?


Well-Known Member
If you cant wait mate lol just take a branch for now an the rest when its done propa, what you goin for trich wise if your usin the loupe?
Think al b goin for mostly cloudy with a few ambers. Dnt think al b waitin longer,gotta b able to function lmao


Well-Known Member
Av had this.sittin in the cupboard all dy but now on radiator.

U can see the swollen calyx's on the blue cheese now,really staetin to puff ojt since a gve it ripen a couple of dys ago,goin to hold out as long as poss got some trainwreck through an old friend n got bout 3g of gumby which is really nice,almost tastes like the cotton candy which a really didnt expect and it blows the balls of u ;-)
Ya should be sound mate till chop then lol id wait it out mate an chop um when there done right specialy as its all yours mate, that gumby sounds nice mate send me some down next time ya tight twat lol seriously tho im gunna have a go at some after this grows done got the last 3 grows trim in the freezer and this runs to come so should be a decent amount.