My experience w "balance the herb"


Active Member
I am 24 years old and have quite an extensive medical history for my age. I have been smoking cannabis pretty consistently for the past six years and been dealing with an occipital neuralgia issue for the past three years. I have always been a active and healthy person but in this past year have made some changes with my diet that have had considerable effects on my health. To initiate this change I started with an intense two month herbal detox program ( along with a mostly raw diet--during this period and the months to follow I consuming no cannabis.The months following the detox I slowly transitioned into a mostly vegan diet which I currently still practice and seems to make the most sense for now. When summer of '11 came around and I had recently graduated from college I slipped back into my old marijuana habits (1/2 - 2 peas in volume 5-6 days a week through a bong combusted/vaporized by either magnifying glass/hemp string/ceramic soldering iron).

With my newly detoxified body along with my sensitivity to subtle energies I was able to really feel how marijuana slowly infiltrated my system and changed my physiology. Here is a detailed analysis of how marijuana effects your physical body from a traditional chinese medicine (TCM) standpoint (, and also the non-physical side effects of marijuana ( I didn't discover this information until rather recietly, but it was interesting to read a very detailed analysis after most of these changes had occurred in the moths prior.

As I reintroducing myself to Mary Jane over the summer I was taking a holistic medicin class where I learned a little about TCM and how cannabis ('fire hemp') is considered a toxin--and would would only be administered with other herbs to help balance its hot and drying effect. This was something I decided to overlook at the time due to my fresh and vibrant relationship with mary jane and didn't decide to do more research until this relationship started to dull.

After coming to grips with my enormous debt in college loans and the prospect of getting a j.o.b. I decided that something had to change regarding my relationship with the sacred herb. After cutting back to a more casual habit of 2-3 tokes a week I was reminded of how powerful the immediate side effect (the come down and day after cloudy mindedness) of cannabis can be. I was not until this point that I decided to give 'balance the herb' a go.

In theory it made a lot of sense to me, cannabis is a very strong therapeutic herb that is best consumed with other herbs to help balance its effects on the system, just as they have done for the past 3000 years in TCM. This was was my plan to help counter the effects of cannabis in my more casual habits.

I have been using balance the herb (BTH) for the past month and I like the product! At first first it was hard for me to get my mind around the price (50$ shipped to my door). but after realizing how long it would last (2-3 months > casual frequency and minimum intake) and how comprehensive the formula was, I feel satisfied with my purchase.

When I first took the formula I felt a bit racy-in a good way. Kind of similar to to come down of either shrooms or adderall where you feel like you could smoke endless amounts of herb and still function-but not similar in the unpleasant effects of these experiences where you are unable to get high. Hope that makes sense to some of you. It could also be said this the formula provides the user with more RAM, which is always nice to have. BTH seems to stimulate my digestions which is another good thing as improving transit time is healthy. My high seems to be a fuller which could be compared to a more spiritual experience with the ability to reach higher realms. It is hard to tell is whether my high last longer or the comedown is accompanied by a crash pad landing. I experience much higher energy levels all around when on the formula and it seems to last for a long time (6-9 hours depending on food intake). There has been a few time where I took the formula later in the day and didn't smoke enough to balance the effects and had a little more energy than desirable when lying down for bed. It didnt prove too difficult to fall asleep but I had some of my most lucid dreams ever! This was very enjoyable at the time but could also be described as less restful sleep. The last thing I would like to share is BTH's effect on my libido, when in a a relationship w Mary she seems to consume one's sex drive in certain ways and the formula has definitely had a positive effect on this.

Things to consider:
-I would consider myself more sensitive than the average person and may experience stronger effects than most.
- I gave a dose to three of my friends who all had similar experiences.
-If you are the experimental type and have any desire to make your smoking habits a bit more healthy I think it is worth a try.
-I am simpily sharing all this info out of my LOVE for the plant kingdom and how I think BTH and a balanced lifestyle can help bring more therapeutic value to the sacred herb experience.



Active Member
Take it as you may my friend, interpretation is in the eye of the beholder--just wanted to share my experience and enthusiasm.

Definitely not a cheap formula, twenty years of development has to count for something though. I wish it was available in more affordable sample size making it easier for people to give it a try.
This product isn't for everybody, its targeted for those :sleep:who are discontented with the side effects of cannabis and desire a healthier balance.

BTW I have a 35$ soldering iron from fries with a ceramic heating element, here is a mod I made to make it easier to vape. I plan to drill holes in the glass cylinder to tune the convected air to the desired temp so it will be easy to mate the the vape wand with a bowl piece and vaporize. There is currently a small intake hole in the glass near the end of the handle.



New Member
I am 24 years old and have quite an extensive medical history for my age. I have been smoking cannabis pretty consistently for the past six years and been dealing with an occipital neuralgia issue for the past three years. I have always been a active and healthy person but in this past year have made some changes with my diet that have had considerable effects on my health. To initiate this change I started with an intense two month herbal detox program ( along with a mostly raw diet--during this period and the months to follow I consuming no cannabis.The months following the detox I slowly transitioned into a mostly vegan diet which I currently still practice and seems to make the most sense for now. When summer of '11 came around and I had recently graduated from college I slipped back into my old marijuana habits (1/2 - 2 peas in volume 5-6 days a week through a bong combusted/vaporized by either magnifying glass/hemp string/ceramic soldering iron).

With my newly detoxified body along with my sensitivity to subtle energies I was able to really feel how marijuana slowly infiltrated my system and changed my physiology. Here is a detailed analysis of how marijuana effects your physical body from a traditional chinese medicine (TCM) standpoint (, and also the non-physical side effects of marijuana ( I didn't discover this information until rather recietly, but it was interesting to read a very detailed analysis after most of these changes had occurred in the moths prior.

As I reintroducing myself to Mary Jane over the summer I was taking a holistic medicin class where I learned a little about TCM and how cannabis ('fire hemp') is considered a toxin--and would would only be administered with other herbs to help balance its hot and drying effect. This was something I decided to overlook at the time due to my fresh and vibrant relationship with mary jane and didn't decide to do more research until this relationship started to dull.

After coming to grips with my enormous debt in college loans and the prospect of getting a j.o.b. I decided that something had to change regarding my relationship with the sacred herb. After cutting back to a more casual habit of 2-3 tokes a week I was reminded of how powerful the immediate side effect (the come down and day after cloudy mindedness) of cannabis can be. I was not until this point that I decided to give 'balance the herb' a go.

In theory it made a lot of sense to me, cannabis is a very strong therapeutic herb that is best consumed with other herbs to help balance its effects on the system, just as they have done for the past 3000 years in TCM. This was was my plan to help counter the effects of cannabis in my more casual habits.

I have been using balance the herb (BTH) for the past month and I like the product! At first first it was hard for me to get my mind around the price (50$ shipped to my door). but after realizing how long it would last (2-3 months > casual frequency and minimum intake) and how comprehensive the formula was, I feel satisfied with my purchase.

When I first took the formula I felt a bit racy-in a good way. Kind of similar to to come down of either shrooms or adderall where you feel like you could smoke endless amounts of herb and still function-but not similar in the unpleasant effects of these experiences where you are unable to get high. Hope that makes sense to some of you. It could also be said this the formula provides the user with more RAM, which is always nice to have. BTH seems to stimulate my digestions which is another good thing as improving transit time is healthy. My high seems to be a fuller which could be compared to a more spiritual experience with the ability to reach higher realms. It is hard to tell is whether my high last longer or the comedown is accompanied by a crash pad landing. I experience much higher energy levels all around when on the formula and it seems to last for a long time (6-9 hours depending on food intake). There has been a few time where I took the formula later in the day and didn't smoke enough to balance the effects and had a little more energy than desirable when lying down for bed. It didnt prove too difficult to fall asleep but I had some of my most lucid dreams ever! This was very enjoyable at the time but could also be described as less restful sleep. The last thing I would like to share is BTH's effect on my libido, when in a a relationship w Mary she seems to consume one's sex drive in certain ways and the formula has definitely had a positive effect on this.

Things to consider:
-I would consider myself more sensitive than the average person and may experience stronger effects than most.
- I gave a dose to three of my friends who all had similar experiences.
-If you are the experimental type and have any desire to make your smoking habits a bit more healthy I think it is worth a try.
-I am simpily sharing all this info out of my LOVE for the plant kingdom and how I think BTH and a balanced lifestyle can help bring more therapeutic value to the sacred herb experience.


Thanks, I've been researching this as well. Simply because of the study(ies) that recently came out talking about inhibiting gastric acid secretion. Did you get the book or just the herbal product?