smokey de bear
Active Member
I have been gardening for years and have tried just about everything that I have read or heard about. Then when I had purchased new carpet for my mothers house, I had ripped all the old out and was going to take it to the dump when it occured to me to give it a try. I wanted to expand my existing garden at the time so I mowed the grass as close as I could and pinned it down and put landscape timbers all around. I did not even till it up. When I want to transplant a seedling, I cut an X in the carpet. Then I use a bulb planter to pull a plug of dirt out. I put a tablespoon of Osmocote fertilizer in the hole. I mix another tablespoon of Osmocote into a bowl with the dirt from the hole for backfill around my seedlings. Since it worked so well I added a few more squares over the next few years. I am convinced it keeps the bugs down too. The worms love it under there and help the soil. Most people ask me how do you till it then ? There is no tilling. It is the easiest thing to do and it conserves water too. I water it a little every other day and the carpet lets it go right through unlike plastic, but keeps it from evaporating off. I wish I had tried this years ago. The only other thing you have to do is pick produce !
I bet it's easy on the knees too, keeps the clothes cleaner. Im going to give it a try, I have some pieces left over from a project. I'm open to new methods, the carpeting Im using is left over new pieces tho no cat and dog piss with 20 years of human sheddings carpet. But who knows it may be a new form of fertilizing lol. If this works good +rep to u, Bah you get it either way because I know Imma get worms for fishing just laying it down whether it works or not. lol
i hate weeds but this time of year is great for me cuz its so hot any thing that don't get water dies so the sun is like a nuke for all un wanted plants , and about the judging of gardens, i think growing Mj is the same, unless you can really taste it you can never really knowhell i wish there was tech that could transmit smell. like a scratch n sniff for comps hahaha. but that has the potential to be evil lol
Lol thats awesome a scratch and sniff text, I can see scooby snacks being sent all around. lol

The comp could be something like anyone participating has to order the same veggy or fruit seed from the same site, everyone uses the same container and put it in the dirt at the same time, deadline date for the harvest thats it, soil mix and ferts is up to the grower, there could be diff classes like biggest, heaviest, largest plant, largest harvest, most creative grow style, etc.. I know taste would be great but i like the false sense of anonymity i have and sending out addresses to sample the winners would kill that. lol