First CFL grow:Purple Maroc


Well-Known Member
Not anymore.. :/ she is suffering from nute burn. Not that bad though. I will be flushing my soil with pure watering during her next 3 waterings and then back to her nutes.
Those leaves are just wild.. lovely looking plant, very healthy


Well-Known Member
Hey you guys well i am back to give you guys an update. At 33 days from seed i have topped her once and removed all of the fan leaves where i topped and down. She has grown in some new fan leaves that will remain on till i lollipop her. I am doing some LST so the other 2 tops wont stay behind in growth. I managed to get my 4 tops which is good news. I will flower her towards the end of April depending if she is to my expectation in height. She is not in her growing closet in the pics. I had some vibrant sun rays coming in through my window so i let her soak up some real sun:)


Active Member
Still loving the detail in those leaves.
I hav been lucky enough to get my girls into some sunlight for only a few hours
but everybit helps hehe.
Keep it up doing great!