Which swear word is worse? - cunt or fuck


Ursus marijanus
What's wrong with oldtimey words for a difficult woman? Beldam! Harridan! Shrew! Virago! Harpy! (my personal favorite: ) Termagant!
There's a wonderfully awful German word that transliterates as "cunt-of-prey". Imo that is the ne plus ultra. cn


Ursus marijanus
Ooooh ... how could I forget? Those were called into play at those tempestuous times chez 'neer back when there was a Neerine. My xgf was as articulate and bibliophilic as she was a bit ... much at times. :joint: :bigjoint:

Of course her most scathing assault on my dignity was to say to me: "You ... man." I will admit that that stung, especially since it was true ... even if I am definitely not the stereotyped rooster-with-thumbs. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What's wrong with oldtimey words for a difficult woman? Beldam! Harridan! Shrew! Virago! Harpy! (my personal favorite: ) Termagant!
There's a wonderfully awful German word that transliterates as "cunt-of-prey". Imo that is the ne plus ultra. cn
You left out Fishwife.


Ursus marijanus
You made me look that one up. I just learned something. A new arrow for the quiver! Now all I need is a target. cn

Total Head

Well-Known Member
To me, the word "cunt" is as offensive as the "N-word" is to black people. It's a word that's exclusively directed at my gender and has no relevance to any personal characteristics other than being a woman. It's basically saying all a woman is is her vagina, like saying all a black person is is the color of their skin. (Before I get 10,000 responses about other examples, it's just a common one people hear. I know there are other oppresive words besides "cunt" and the "N-word" (I don't like saying it. Or typing it. It's rude.) No need to give me alllll the other similar words.) But anybody can be a dumbass, or a bastard, or a fuck face. Words like cunt are meant as derogatory statements towards women alone. Yes, you can say it to a man, but when you do, you're comparing him to a woman in a way that's meant to insult him...and what does that say about how you feel about women?
if it makes you feel better i call my male friends cunts all the time :-P

i think it's really a power that we GRANT to the word by being offended in the first place. like the elvis thing.

i've had the shit slapped out of me for just saying the word in front of a woman. it wasn't directed at her but she wasn't having it. i was 18 and i've honestly never uttered the word in female company since.


Well-Known Member
I like putting both together and calling people cunt fucks.it is worse to call a girl a cunt rather than fuck.


Active Member
The dirtiest is when a female says "cunt" because you can tell they mean business. Also kinda sexy.


Well-Known Member
Why? At least a discussion about your character flaws means that someone took the time to actually get to know you before they wrote you off...

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Why? At least a discussion about your character flaws means that someone took the time to actually get to know you before they wrote you off...
Which makes it worse.

I'd rather hear: "Fuck you, cunt." Then: "I'm leaving. You are a self-absorbed, cocky, arrogant, asshole who always has to be right."

Because I've tried both and neither do a damn thing to cause people to change. People change if THEY want to. That is it.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
People don't change. Not in any way that really matters.
Not true. Human beings are capable of almost anything. When you see someone like my Uncle, who was a verbally and physically abusive, drank anywhere from 20-30 beers a night, and had no license and almost loosing his job with 2 DUIs, enter treatment and hasn't drank in 2 years...people change.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
Not true. Human beings are capable of almost anything. When you see someone like my Uncle, who was a verbally and physically abusive, drank anywhere from 20-30 beers a night, and had no license and almost loosing his job with 2 DUIs, enter treatment and hasn't drank in 2 years...people change.
i agree people can change if they REALLY want to. they just have to REALLY REALLY want to do it.


Well-Known Member
Not true. Human beings are capable of almost anything. When you see someone like my Uncle, who was a verbally and physically abusive, drank anywhere from 20-30 beers a night, and had no license and almost loosing his job with 2 DUIs, enter treatment and hasn't drank in 2 years...people change.
Why is it every time I say something someone comes back with the exception to the rule instead of the rule?