So you 'Juana Cut Corners, eh? Simple Comparison Grow in Progress...

Hey Dill - I am in uncharted territory; in fact you know more than I. I had no idea I could risk mold with this kind of contact.

You guys may think I'm a bit manic in my actions (if not in my speech) - I decided to super crop one of my big branches to see if this method may save my ass in this grow.

. I believe my next move is to investigate this "Heisenberg's" tea. I hear nothing but great things. Peace, and Happy Holidays.

did you ever elaborate on this heisenbergs tea? couldnt find it. thanks! and looks good! should be interesting.

Whoa they stretched thiinnnn.
Hope they shapeout, those things are skinnier than my 46w T5 plants..

Yeah, no kidding - growing a tree with 400watts isn't advisable. We'll see what gets thick where, and learn a bit from plant nutrient distribution. Peace.
did you ever elaborate on this heisenbergs tea? couldnt find it. thanks! and looks good! should be interesting.


I never did get around to investing in this due to my small scale and aggressive reservoir change schedule. I haven't had a single root problem since I became adept at pH'ing and nutrient reading. But look up the DWC root slime cure thread to find Heisenberg's tea. Peace.
First, an update: Thanks again to MomaP. and the whole Doggies Nuts crew for giving me the gumption to Super Crop (you'll notice I've bent this girl over a few times; not to be too crass). Crystals are popping and the smell is a waft of stinky cheese up front and a back-nose sweetness like blueberries and bubblegum, if that makes any sense.


Second, a rant about the bad-talk on quality at collectives (cooperatives, dispensaries - whatever the current legal jargon is): in thread after thread I read people slinging disparaging talk about how collective bud is shit, and the operators don't know what they're talking about, or they try to pull fast-ones over on would be patients; anyway, I'm here to say that I would never make the same comments about the collectives that I frequent.

I happen to have had the outstanding opportunity to live in both Northern California and the Pacific Northwest, and though I realize that good dank has steadily made its way to the far corners of the earth, this little part of the West happens to have some of the most committed grows and pickiest connoisseurs. I just snagged the below smokables for the evening from my collective up the road - the owners are exemplary of beautiful humans, they treat me like a long-time friend, and they give me personal donation levels on dank they would choose from their own selection (sorry, I'm not going to divulge my $ per zip, but my point is really about the quality anyway). I'll get off my soapbox now (visual pun intended). PEACE.

How do those "dispensaries" work exactly? do you need some sortof card that shows your prescription?
seems crazy to me, I don't watch the news much so I lack any knowlegde on marijuana laws... I'm pretty sure we don't have those here in canada(at least not where I live)
Hehe...I hear you, dillest; I read up on mine in WA State because I felt I owed my girlfriend the courtesy of legitimacy in a house we co-own. In WA, prescriptions are illegal, dispensaries are illegal, and doctors can simply sign recommendations that state (well, county by county) enforcement agencies accept as legitimate documentation. Collective gardens or cooperatives are designed to be patient collectives who share meds and resource ($) to keep each other and the gardens healthy. In other words: loopholes ;-)
Hehe...I hear you, dillest; I read up on mine in WA State because I felt I owed my girlfriend the courtesy of legitimacy in a house we co-own. In WA, prescriptions are illegal, dispensaries are illegal, and doctors can simply sign recommendations that state (well, county by county) enforcement agencies accept as legitimate documentation. Collective gardens or cooperatives are designed to be patient collectives who share meds and resource ($) to keep each other and the gardens healthy. In other words: loopholes ;-)

So they just turn a blind eye

that's pretty cool hopefully its a reliable loop-hole

I'm just going to go with my philosophy... "fuck it. If its illegal.... just don't get caught!"
Truthfully, that's what we're all doing until the Federal Gov. says fuck it - smoke what you wish. The other aspect is that you would have to have a pretty big ego to think that the Federal Gov. has time or a care to fuck with a punk growing two plants in a plastic tent. Peace.
Bummer that some journaling was lost, but hey, no one's hacking our plants.

Looks like we're on about day 70. Long Tall Sally the Sativa is a beast; supercropped the heck out of her to finish out this grow. The buds are actually making me quite pleased. One small limb dropped during a reservoir change, so I kept it, hung it, and stashed it in a curing jar. It will be way premature (almost no milk in them trichs). Enjoy the pics, and peace!

I'm sorry all, but now I'm a stranger with zero linking to my history here; it's not worth it any more. I've gone to join the other DOGGIES. Peace and thanks for hanging out.