ADELAIDE: Bans close on Hydroponic Cannabis gear!! .. for real, like WTF?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I just stumble upon this article, that states that as of tomorrow, hydro stores will be banned from selling any equipment used to 'grow cannabis' including HID lamps, CO2 systems, looks like basically everything that COULD be used to grow canna.

On top of this, buyers of ANY hydro equipment will be required to produce 100 points of ID, which - within 72 hours - will be forwarded to the police so they can 'moniter buyers'. Surely they cannot stop hydro shops selling.. hydro stuff? Fuckin.. seriously???

Here's the link. Anyone in Australia and certainly Adelaide, should read this:


GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
glad I live in Cali
Well I dunno which is worse: The Pigs for actually imposing such regulations, or the fact that of the 30~40 hydro shops in Adelaide (long considered the Cannabis Capital of Australia owing to the ratio of hydro shops-to-populice), only one bothered to apply for one of the new licenses to sell the now banned "could-be-used-to-grow-cannabis" equipment.

The one, solitary hydro shop who did apply for a license, was rejected. And so, the manager of Glandore Hydroponics is now suing the South Australian Police force, for damages caused by the several hundred thousand dollars of lost income caused by these arbitrary new regulations. God BLESS the man, I feel like emailing him find out how it's goin :)

He demands to know why his application was rejected, stating that he has never broken the law in his life.

It's all very interesting, but it's as if not a single person of the 'drug squad' had the intelligence to mention that people use hydroponic systems and equipment to grow all SORTS of plants: If you want tomatoes out of season, you need to supply them with enough light and warmth. It's also staggering to me that they didn't consider that a great majority of Cannabis growers don't even buy pre-built equipment other than electrics, and would prefer to make their own systems. All we really need are the lights, fans and pumps, and we can create ALL the rest ourselves. You'd think they'd have known that - being 'drug squad' members.

So they've passed a set of laws that run hydro shops out of business here in Adelaide, whilst growers can simply order online from any of the other - less fascist - Australian states.


Active Member
I just stumble upon this article, that states that as of tomorrow, hydro stores will be banned from selling any equipment used to 'grow cannabis' including HID lamps, CO2 systems, looks like basically everything that COULD be used to grow canna.

On top of this, buyers of ANY hydro equipment will be required to produce 100 points of ID, which - within 72 hours - will be forwarded to the police so they can 'moniter buyers'. Surely they cannot stop hydro shops selling.. hydro stuff? Fuckin.. seriously???

Here's the link. Anyone in Australia and certainly Adelaide, should read this:


Man that suks bro', really! I feel for you but like you wrote, you'll simply have to go out of your area to get your gear. You'd think that they'd put 2 and 2 together. If you guys could get Cannabis ca. the 70's, how on Earth do they think they can stop the flow of gear? D-u-u-u-u-h. I can hear it now... In jail talking... "What you in for? Man, I sold eighteen reflectors, ballasts and HPS bulbs to an undercover pig. I mean he fooled me real good". Oh well, it makes it more exciting to say the least.
Those retailers need to get "creative" in how they advertise and describe their wares. If one starts a business growing and buys a lot of equipment & supplies, here in the USA of Cannabis, the monies spent are not tax deductible by the Federal Government. Selling the equipment falls under the heading of: "Retailer (re-seller) of Horticultural Equipment & Supplies", is legal and is tax deductible. A real and standard form of business just like selling plumbing faucets. I am a cultivator as well as a retailer of the equipment & supplies. I stay below the Radar and try to help other growers out by giving a ridiculously low discount, typically a min. of 25% off SRP. Word-of-mouth advertising. This way, all my "purchases" for the cultivation displays we have are tax deductible. Cost of doing business or COGS. Much better feeling being legal. Sorry for you loss...


Active Member
I just stumble upon this article, that states that as of tomorrow, hydro stores will be banned from selling any equipment used to 'grow cannabis' including HID lamps, CO2 systems, looks like basically everything that COULD be used to grow canna.

On top of this, buyers of ANY hydro equipment will be required to produce 100 points of ID, which - within 72 hours - will be forwarded to the police so they can 'moniter buyers'. Surely they cannot stop hydro shops selling.. hydro stuff? Fuckin.. seriously???

Here's the link. Anyone in Australia and certainly Adelaide, should read this:

Good Heads Up


I just stumble upon this article, that states that as of tomorrow, hydro stores will be banned from selling any equipment used to 'grow cannabis' including HID lamps, CO2 systems, looks like basically everything that COULD be used to grow canna.

On top of this, buyers of ANY hydro equipment will be required to produce 100 points of ID, which - within 72 hours - will be forwarded to the police so they can 'moniter buyers'. Surely they cannot stop hydro shops selling.. hydro stuff? Fuckin.. seriously???

Here's the link. Anyone in Australia and certainly Adelaide, should read this:

heya Grass,
lol glad i'm in WA.

You did realise this article is dated back in May 2010?
That being said they did bring in the laws to restrict the sale of HID lights 400 watts and over.

Can anyone say "nanny state" or "police state"

Lol gone are the days where we have the right to get ourselves in trouble.

If you need anything man just holler and i can post it over.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
heya Grass,
lol glad i'm in WA.

You did realise this article is dated back in May 2010?
That being said they did bring in the laws to restrict the sale of HID lights 400 watts and over.

Can anyone say "nanny state" or "police state"

Lol gone are the days where we have the right to get ourselves in trouble.

If you need anything man just holler and i can post it over.
Thanks man.

Yeah Police state indeed. The stupid thing of course, is that we can still order from any other state in Australia, any wattage anything that we want, and although people DO use HID lights for Cannabis growing, they also use them for other plants too. Some old people apparently find Hydroponics more suitable than organic, because they don't have to bend over, it's easier on their arthritis, and the don't have to till or toss the soil with hydro.

I coulda sworn the date on that AdelaideNOW article said the 13th-2-2012 when I read it, but I knew they'd passed SOME restrictions a few years ago, I thought this one was new though. My bad :)

Still, it just demonstrates - again - how f*ckin stupid Australian police are, and the assertion that anyone buying a 400W+ HID lamp or Carbon filter is part of a 'biker gang' or 'organized crime', where do they get their fucking info from? A christian newsletter??

"Go arrest some real criminals", is becoming the standard opinion these days, it seems.


Active Member
I just stumble upon this article, that states that as of tomorrow, hydro stores will be banned from selling any equipment used to 'grow cannabis' including HID lamps, CO2 systems, looks like basically everything that COULD be used to grow canna.

On top of this, buyers of ANY hydro equipment will be required to produce 100 points of ID, which - within 72 hours - will be forwarded to the police so they can 'moniter buyers'. Surely they cannot stop hydro shops selling.. hydro stuff? Fuckin.. seriously???

Here's the link. Anyone in Australia and certainly Adelaide, should read this:

Thank god for internet shopping...or Melbourne.

Pretty bad when people from the U.S. are thanking thier lucky stars for where they live.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Thank god for internet shopping...or Melbourne.

Pretty bad when people from the U.S. are thanking thier lucky stars for where they live.
It's also a great pity for Adelaide's reputation too.

Adelaide has ALWAYS been considered the Cannabis Capital of Oz and it was one of the first states ever to decriminalize personal use marijuana. Only the ACT and SA (in which Adelaide is located), ever ammended the law to allow for more liberal canna laws, and now.. *shrug*.

Have to find myself some Ducksfoot before the Nazis REALLY change things too much.

They've EVEN made it MORE of an offence to grow Hydro, than organic, so JUST for choosing hydro as your grow method, you'll get a heavier sentence if you're caught. Dirt is fine, Water is EVIL.

I swear Police have shit for brains.


It's also a great pity for Adelaide's reputation too.

Adelaide has ALWAYS been considered the Cannabis Capital of Oz and it was one of the first states ever to decriminalize personal use marijuana. Only the ACT and SA (in which Adelaide is located), ever ammended the law to allow for more liberal canna laws, and now.. *shrug*.

Have to find myself some Ducksfoot before the Nazis REALLY change things too much.

They've EVEN made it MORE of an offence to grow Hydro, than organic, so JUST for choosing hydro as your grow method, you'll get a heavier sentence if you're caught. Dirt is fine, Water is EVIL.

I swear Police have shit for brains.
LOL Grass. gotta love your rants.
over here the laws were tightened up and water was made evil.
Anything over 10 grams here will get you a date at the courthouse.
Bloody stupid if you ask me.
Yet they haven't made growing equipment illegal.

Probably the day will come when it is.

Take it easy.


Active Member
so just no more AN then? I can't think of another company that says they market to the cannabis grower. I really don't see this impacting anything really...