Hey all! Thanks for the comments on my lineup...yep, looks like it is going to be a good one. All the seedlings are now happily transplanted into their supermix recipe that Karmas a Bitch gave me, this time done right...with coco. That stuff is really nice! I've heard of coco, I've seen the bricks, but I had no idea... It is a pleasure to mix up. I see now why people like it. I think my seedlings will be happy with it too...happier than with the reused soil... I think that was a bit too hot.
So here's what the seedlings are sitting in now:
8 cups of coco, reconstituted
1 Tablespoon each of Bone meal, Blood meal, and Kelp meal
1/2 Tablespoon each of bat guano and marine cuisine
1/2 teaspoon of Plant Success (Endo/Myco mix)
6 Tablespoons each of Perlite and Earthworm casings
Now, I have want to see what y'all think about something ... I have a product that I use on the cat's litter box that I've been researching and finding some interesting information... I have this stuff called "Clear the Air" that I sprinkle on the litter box each time we change it to control odor. Well, I was reading the package, and it turns out, you can also use it in your garden to control odors AND it adds nitrogen to the soil. It is safe for small animal cages and terrariums (even if they eat some of it) and it's all natural. I'm thinking that I could sprinkle a bit all over the floor of my bathtub where everyone is growing. If anybody soaks up any runnoff, they get a little extra nitrogen. What do you think?
According to the company, you can hang vented bags of this stuff in dumpsters to control stink. Sounds like a miracle product to me!