The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Less than a prayer and hope. The cable tie is the fix, the buckle bit of the cable tie is the only thing keeping the plant out of the reservoir lol :D Never grown a plant this large before so never had this problem before, every bit of common sense would have said buy a propper side net pot but i tuck with the 3" job :D the scrog also went at 45 degrees during veg for some reason ,so as it was, the entire weight of the plant was placed on one side of the netpot, the plastic tu could only take so much lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
oh yeah back to the pricing Tip Top i think you should charge a little more mate i charge 180's and that's still at the low end of the market, i know your thoughts on pricing as you've mentioned in the past mate but this is the money for your trip isn't it? at £180 your still doing right by who ever takes it off your hands in todays market


Well-Known Member
. And i have to ask how a mutilated corpse is deemed as "fun", it's not fun it's utterly and completely fucked up and will not do anything positive for your friend count or peoples respect for you as a person. Again, just a helpful bit of advice

what did i miss?

anyways more importatnt shit LEG UPDATES HAHAHA


and just bought this :(
i think the stalk weighs ..4

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Less than a prayer and hope. The cable tie is the fix, the buckle bit of the cable tie is the only thing keeping the plant out of the reservoir lol :D Never grown a plant this large before so never had this problem before, every bit of common sense would have said buy a propper side net pot but i tuck with the 3" job :D the scrog also went at 45 degrees during veg for some reason ,so as it was, the entire weight of the plant was placed on one side of the netpot, the plastic tu could only take so much lol
lol well hopefully you'll make it to end without having to do to much, she looks like she maybe coming up close to the end have you got much more time left on her? she really does look lovely mate

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh yeah back to the pricing Tip Top i think you should charge a little more mate i charge 180's and that's still at the low end of the market, i know your thoughts on pricing as you've mentioned in the past mate but this is the money for your trip isn't it? at £180 your still doing right by who ever takes it off your hands in todays market
aye, all depends on finding a buyer willing to pay. It's at a time like this that i am rather regretting not having a greater social circle lol. As you say, my next 2 years are pretty much dependent on this plant so yeah, my morals on greed are not being applied in this circumstance. Was a pretty stupid thing to do though, grow a single unknown plant as your lifeline cash crop lol, i literally woke up one day thought right, canada it is and realised i only had one plant in the veg tent and nothing else. Should come down around tuesday wednesday it think. Only working till 10am on those days so plenty of time to get some trimming done. It's ready to chop now (given what the ragamuffins are used to, i could have chopped it 3 weeks ago and they'd have thought it killer lol) but i figured that as i'm not entirely sure what the smoke is like, i'll give it 5-7 days flush just in case and give yself every chance :)


Well-Known Member
aye, all depends on finding a buyer willing to pay
shit im having issues finding sum1 willing to pay more than 150 these are the same people who go and pay 110 for half and 2-240 for a oz!!!

nurses having to come in everyday now,,as long as i saty moderatly does up i can deal with the pain



anyone grown black widow before? is there much maintence on her? much to watch out for?

we got sum blue widow down mate seems to be doing well atm


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
oz of the sugar dusted crap goes for 300 euro here, and if you can find decent home grown the price goes up....

your spoilt over there...:)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
aye, all depends on finding a buyer willing to pay. It's at a time like this that i am rather regretting not having a greater social circle lol. As you say, my next 2 years are pretty much dependent on this plant so yeah, my morals on greed are not being applied in this circumstance. Was a pretty stupid thing to do though, grow a single unknown plant as your lifeline cash crop lol, i literally woke up one day thought right, canada it is and realised i only had one plant in the veg tent and nothing else. Should come down around tuesday wednesday it think. Only working till 10am on those days so plenty of time to get some trimming done. It's ready to chop now (given what the ragamuffins are used to, i could have chopped it 3 weeks ago and they'd have thought it killer lol) but i figured that as i'm not entirely sure what the smoke is like, i'll give it 5-7 days flush just in case and give yself every chance :)
good man get what they're worth mate, nothing greedy about it especially when you see what others are paying. you shouldn't struggle to shift it mate, if the people you are selling to can't afford oz's break it down and add a couple of quid for the extra risk and headache also you could get the numbers of the people they're buying off and see if they want it? i only know a few people off the top of my head that are trustworthy or realise the consequences if they were to try and screw me but if they didn't want what i have there is plenty of others out there i could get numbers for just through friends of friends and that's the way i'd go if the worst were to come to it, just have to make sure your not too nice or soft when you speak to them, and like you said they're getting ripped off and think the shit they're buying is the bollax, yours will be remembered well after your gone regardless of the price you charge

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@U.....cough cough i mean ice3mal3 hate to say this mate but there's only 2 reasons they would be complaining about 150's it's either because they're taking you for a mug or your stuff simply is bunk? might be an idea to find out which one it is and if the answer is they're taking you for a mug just sell it to others surely living on an estate you can find some candidates


Well-Known Member
@U.....cough cough i mean ice3mal3 hate to say this mate but there's only 2 reasons they would be complaining about 150's it's either because they're taking you for a mug or your stuff simply is bunk? might be an idea to find out which one it is and if the answer is they're taking you for a mug just sell it to others surely living on an estate you can find some candidates
mate my stuff is grade ask ttt nothing worng with it lol u should red bak a few pages dude u would have seen

dont worry though ur reasoning is spot on but na its coz ther muppets and KNOW im a soft cunt they said the last lot was too dence! wtf lol let em go pay 2+ for sprayed shit it goes bak to my p[revious comment i need a regular bulk no fuking about buyer,but im not from wer i live so dont really know the people i need to know

gunna skin sum of this shit up il giya the smoke report


what do u prefer guys joints with ciggarettes or rolling tobacco?

me its amber leaf all the way fuk fags ther bloody awful


Well-Known Member
mate my stuff is grade ask ttt nothing worng with it lol u should red bak a few pages dude u would have seen

dont worry though ur reasoning is spot on but na its coz ther muppets and KNOW im a soft cunt they said the last lot was too dence! wtf lol let em go pay 2+ for sprayed shit it goes bak to my p[revious comment i need a regular bulk no fuking about buyer,but im not from wer i live so dont really know the people i need to know

Then W Dragon is correct then lol


Well-Known Member
Then W Dragon is correct then lol

yeh trying to take me for a mug lol hey im the first to admit im far to placid i really am unless i get really fucked of or my home is threatened(family) then im realy soft

these are the people who cant grow and have the gaul to tell me i know fuk all about weed,lol there all in the IF ITS NOT BERRIES THEY DONT WANT IT THING,fuk next grow il just buy sum berries spray if thats how they like it!!haha fukin idyots

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
mate my stuff is grade ask ttt nothing worng with it lol u should red bak a few pages dude u would have seen

dont worry though ur reasoning is spot on but na its coz ther muppets and KNOW im a soft cunt they said the last lot was too dence! wtf lol let em go pay 2+ for sprayed shit it goes bak to my p[revious comment i need a regular bulk no fuking about buyer,but im not from wer i live so dont really know the people i need to know

gunna skin sum of this shit up il giya the smoke report


what do u prefer guys joints with ciggarettes or rolling tobacco?

me its amber leaf all the way fuk fags ther bloody awful
I must have missed the earlier convo you had about it then mate, but somethings obviously going wrong. If your that soft they're not just taking the piss but borderline robbing you, if i were to produce commercial crap i'd still get between £100=£120 for it so need to stand up to them and tell them how it is X amount like it or don't and fuck off. baccy all the way haven't smoked a fag in years

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
just finished my cooked dinner and now feel fat as fuck i was beaten by the half way point but just kept on chewing managed to eat all of it apart from 2 sprouts, time for my last joint i think


Well-Known Member
I must have missed the earlier convo you had about it then mate, but somethings obviously going wrong. If your that soft they're not just taking the piss but borderline robbing you, if i were to produce commercial crap i'd still get between £100=£120 for it so need to stand up to them and tell them how it is X amount like it or don't and fuck off. baccy all the way haven't smoked a fag in years

yeh thats the point they dident buy it at 150's lol the ounces wer small they this cummin of a guy who sells 1.4gramm eighths u know wat i mean lol and oz is a oz

if id sed gimmi 80 it would hav been fine i guess
i wouldt take less than 150 so fuk them
the next big grow we got going its gunna be 160's all the way up wen i find a buyer or 10 oz for 1500

OH and that lad lol wouldnt even come for the dvds sent his pal,,,,sunday now stil waitingf ro me clones :(


Well-Known Member
i won't give you a hard time love, i imagine some of the others will though with all the banter you've been exchanging but don't worry about it shit happens and this site would be worse off without it. get ya pics up and don't worry about the comments the plants come first and damn near everyone on here has had some problem or other at some point, i know i have not so much plant health but just about everything else you can think of including nearly being caught and the neighbours around me blatantly knowing, this run in the new room has gone pete tong aswell, like i said shit happens to the best of us and all you can do is learn from it and move on it's part of the game and most of us have been there and done it. DON'T worry get ya pics up love
ok my plants that are not looking to good :-(

plants 4weeks and 2days old

