What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

I remember before I was married.. I was a bit of a free spirit and had ZERO morals :) !! On one occasion I new of this Girl who had huge sexy tanned boobs a trim waste and perfect BJ lip's BUT!!! She was as thick as shit, and had a borderline ugly face.. So I used to chill with her n smoke weed in her parents garage during the day...When an idea struck me, kinda like Newton and the apple.. I said I have no interest in going out with you, but how do ya feel about sucking my Dick ... as practice for when you find a dude that actually wants you!

Anyhow she Ummed and ermed (thought it over) and then I added I'll roll ya a fatty doob for your efforts.. :) :) :) Worked like a charm :) and so we started this arrangement.. anyhow I told a mate about the arrangement and he congratulated me on my idea.. then I said I have no feelings for her so if he fancied a go :) .. just roll her a doob and get to it, soon a few of my mates were in on it and 5 days out of 7 she was sucking Dick and pretty smashed to boot :)

One day a few months later she came over and threw-up a spunky concoxion in my mates Bathroom... and it smelt un-fresh to say the least anyhow we said we're all ordering Pizza and she was skint so we said if she downed a half Pint of Absinthe we'd buy her a Pizza too..... lol she did it !! and she had no idea of how strong it was (Black Absinthe exported from Ibiza - 170% Proof) :) :) then she tried to get rid of the taste by downing a couple of pints of cold tap water... (which makes it stronger) lol... she was KO'd but started stripping and mumbling some random crap and then started sucking my mate off in front of us all (5 of us) we were all pissed n high and although shocked, were both amused to say the least..

By the end of the evening she had taken a load from each of us too the face and had spunky wet stains all over her top... we then filled her shoes up with cold water from the tap, stuck a piece of paper on her back that read "I am a cum whore" gave her a slice of Pizza and sent her on her way in broad daylight... she turned around and said "thank-you for having me" and staggered off home to be greeted by her mum n familly...

God knows what happened then... But long story short she moved and I've not seen or heard from her since !! lol I'am not proud of this and as I previously stated I just did't care back in the day.. But that was just one of the sluttiest things I can remember :) - STELTHY :leaf:
Somebody. Tell me again. How forced sterilization should not be USED ON THIS MAN. Call me Hitler if you want. I'll do it myself. Cumere.
Fuck That. It sounds like she had fun.

Fun? Poor girl probably wakes up every day thinking about how much she hates herself and your kind.

Gimme some beautiful women, I've had it with menfolk! Oh Raaaainnnnboowwwww...
She was barely aware of what was going on, they publicly humiliated her and probably permanently shattered her sense of self-worth. literally used her, like a fleshlight with a pulse. Sick.
my buddy owed me cash so i did his slut wife and emailed him a pic of her panties sayin that i took 20 off for using the cum-dump...shes showering now!
All they did was just leave her a little reminder note on her back cause she was a little drunk.I'm sure she was thankful for it.
I remember before I was married.. I was a bit of a free spirit and had ZERO morals :) !! On one occasion I new of this Girl who had huge sexy tanned boobs a trim waste and perfect BJ lip's BUT!!! She was as thick as shit, and had a borderline ugly face.. So I used to chill with her n smoke weed in her parents garage during the day...When an idea struck me, kinda like Newton and the apple.. I said I have no interest in going out with you, but how do ya feel about sucking my Dick ... as practice for when you find a dude that actually wants you!

Anyhow she Ummed and ermed (thought it over) and then I added I'll roll ya a fatty doob for your efforts.. :) :) :) Worked like a charm :) and so we started this arrangement.. anyhow I told a mate about the arrangement and he congratulated me on my idea.. then I said I have no feelings for her so if he fancied a go :) .. just roll her a doob and get to it, soon a few of my mates were in on it and 5 days out of 7 she was sucking Dick and pretty smashed to boot :)

One day a few months later she came over and threw-up a spunky concoxion in my mates Bathroom... and it smelt un-fresh to say the least anyhow we said we're all ordering Pizza and she was skint so we said if she downed a half Pint of Absinthe we'd buy her a Pizza too..... lol she did it !! and she had no idea of how strong it was (Black Absinthe exported from Ibiza - 170% Proof) :) :) then she tried to get rid of the taste by downing a couple of pints of cold tap water... (which makes it stronger) lol... she was KO'd but started stripping and mumbling some random crap and then started sucking my mate off in front of us all (5 of us) we were all pissed n high and although shocked, were both amused to say the least..

By the end of the evening she had taken a load from each of us too the face and had spunky wet stains all over her top... we then filled her shoes up with cold water from the tap, stuck a piece of paper on her back that read "I am a cum whore" gave her a slice of Pizza and sent her on her way in broad daylight... she turned around and said "thank-you for having me" and staggered off home to be greeted by her mum n familly...

God knows what happened then... But long story short she moved and I've not seen or heard from her since !! lol I'am not proud of this and as I previously stated I just did't care back in the day.. But that was just one of the sluttiest things I can remember :) - STELTHY :leaf:

This is hilarious, but I can only assume you're from the UK.
Small island, small genepool.
She was barely aware of what was going on, they publicly humiliated her and probably permanently shattered her sense of self-worth. literally used her, like a fleshlight with a pulse. Sick.

whats really sick is that she may have been into that.... people are sick ;)

that being said, I guess I gotta share my story to get on topic.
Last year I was banging a local narcotics agent, well, for two obvious reasons, one being she had a banging body, two being that she was a cop of the worst order to a pothead. This chick had issues and liked to be slapped around and choked out during sex; which I found really damn weird, i dont really mix violence with my sex... but to get to the point, I came home one day after being out w her all night drinking, kinky sex, anal included. About an hour after I come in, my wife decides to give me head, to which I couldnt say no for fear of being busted, so she sucked another girls asshole off of me basically.

I'm not sayin I'm proud of it, and she knows about it all now, but it IS the sluttiest thing I've ever done to date.
Still havent learned my lesson completely, but I'm trying to get a threesome with the wife and the newest temptation before I give in and just go it solo with her..... See, men have some morals :D
well i was a party and their were a lot of girls this one was just not drinking she was tweeking it this was in my younger years lolz a she followed a friend to the rest room and fucked him i looking that way she did look good and they both came out with a smile she then left to a bedroom with another friend in the same house their was beer weed many people in and outside cars for days out parked... so he walk out with a smile girls loving it lolz im like wow!!!! no body has notice she goes outside with the crowed outside and the walks in with a friend he is all kissing on her she holding his hand he is all like DAM i got a looker next to him. wen the party finally ended he gets her number and a big fat wet kiss.... lolz the first guy Ronald seas to omor HEY DUDE DONT GET TO ATTACHED MAN I FUCKED HER IN THE RESTROOM omars eyes open up like WOOOWWW..... The next dude seas ya man i fucked her hear in this bedroom.. and both were like FUCKKK!!!!!! did you were a condom.. they are all worried.... another guy seas dude i hat to say this but she grabed my sack outside and wisperd DO YOU WANT HEAD!!!!! and he took her to the car.... and Omar just about threw up HAHAHAHAHA he was kissing on her and didn't even get fucked the strange guy asked WOW DUDE!! IM REALY SORRY and omar runs outside and throws up.... i nevor ran into omar again...
well i was a party and their were a lot of girls this one was just not drinking she was tweeking it this was in my younger years lolz a she followed a friend to the rest room and fucked him i looking that way she did look good and they both came out with a smile she then left to a bedroom with another friend in the same house their was beer weed many people in and outside cars for days out parked... so he walk out with a smile girls loving it lolz im like wow!!!! no body has notice she goes outside with the crowed outside and the walks in with a friend he is all kissing on her she holding his hand he is all like DAM i got a looker next to him. wen the party finally ended he gets her number and a big fat wet kiss.... lolz the first guy Ronald seas to omor HEY DUDE DONT GET TO ATTACHED MAN I FUCKED HER IN THE RESTROOM omars eyes open up like WOOOWWW..... The next dude seas ya man i fucked her hear in this bedroom.. and both were like FUCKKK!!!!!! did you were a condom.. they are all worried.... another guy seas dude i hat to say this but she grabed my sack outside and wisperd DO YOU WANT HEAD!!!!! and he took her to the car.... and Omar just about threw up HAHAHAHAHA he was kissing on her and didn't even get fucked the strange guy asked WOW DUDE!! IM REALY SORRY and omar runs outside and throws up.... i nevor ran into omar again...

Punctuation and pargraphs dude, damn.