Poutine - Why Canadians? Why?

I wonder if you guys have heard of the new restaurant in Las Vegas known as the Heart Attack Grill. Where every customer over 350 pounds eats for free, burgers are the single, double, triple or quadruple bypass burger, and the fries, fried in lard, are all-you-can-eat. Want something to drink? How about a butter-fat shake?
Every customer has to wear a hospital gown and the people over 350 pounds are put in a wheel chair and wheeled to their table.
Their 546 pound spokes person recently dropped dead at the age of 29.
Gotta love Las Vegas.

I actually looked that up to make sure it wasn't a hoax. I didn't see anything about wearing hospital gowns but everything else was spot on. Except the spokesperson didn't "drop dead." He died due to complications from pneumonia. This is one of the reasons I don't eat fast food. Blech.
I actually looked that up to make sure it wasn't a hoax. I didn't see anything about wearing hospital gowns but everything else was spot on. Except the spokesperson didn't "drop dead." He died due to complications from pneumonia. This is one of the reasons I don't eat fast food. Blech.

Anything that can be caught and killed by a 400-pound human ain't fast food by any stretch. cn

... sneak up on them donuts slow now ... they ain't quick but they're all sorts of wily ...
That's also the dish of Cornwall which is somewhere in Eng;land and I don't know where the fuck it is. I've never been there pr met anyone from there but looking at it, I'm hungry.
Y'all are so polite and rational. It makes no sense to me.


Is that...
Butter, Syrup, and French fries?
If it were then it would definitely be an American dish. :D

What American do you know eating straight up butter?

The female population starves themselves, and the male population is eating meat...Or dick (If they're vegan and stuff)

Butter hasn't been popular in America since people stopped cooking pies at home :dunce:
What American do you know eating straight up butter?

The female population starves themselves, and the male population is eating meat...Or dick (If they're vegan and stuff)

Butter hasn't been popular in America since people stopped cooking pies at home :dunce:

I knew this guy named Carl that lived with my cousin for like a week. He would melt a ton of butter in a glass and dump it on everything he ate. He had multiple glasses with butter residue sitting on the counter top. The guy would eat a fish stick that was on the stove since the day before. He would also eat 2 of the greasy steak bagel breakfast things and 2 hash browns from Mcdonalds every morning before work. Then at lunch he would inhale 3 double cheeseburgers. All while sitting on his ass driving a van around all day. He was actually talking in his sleep one day and he said, "C'mon baby, lets go get some pizza." in a nasaly fat guy voice. I think his tongue was even fat, he talked like he was drunk all the time. And boy did Carl have an impressive butt crack that he prominently showed off whenever he wasn't sitting down (rare sight).
I knew this guy named Carl that lived with my cousin for like a week. He would melt a ton of butter in a glass and dump it on everything he ate. He had multiple glasses with butter residue sitting on the counter top. The guy would eat a fish stick that was on the stove since the day before. He would also eat 2 of the greasy steak bagel breakfast things and 2 hash browns from Mcdonalds every morning before work. Then at lunch he would inhale 3 double cheeseburgers. All while sitting on his ass driving a van around all day. He was actually talking in his sleep one day and he said, "C'mon baby, lets go get some pizza." in a nasaly fat guy voice. I think his tongue was even fat, he talked like he was drunk all the time. And boy did Carl have an impressive butt crack that he prominently showed off whenever he wasn't sitting down (rare sight).

That's nasty.
I just got a glimpse into someone's life that I never wanted to see. :lol:
Does anyone else see it? That map of England looks like a dog sitting up, and its brain (Northern Ireland) just exploded out the back of its head.
I can't figure out if Cornwall would have been wagged, or licked a lot. cn
These things are all over in Michigan's Upper Peninsula
They're called Pasties....ugh. Sounds fucking gross.

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It's a pasty, a real one is beef steak, potato, swede, carrot, seasoning, pastry and maybe a couple of other vegetables. Yeah sounds really disgusting, almost as bad as sausage rolls, ewwwwwww.

Again though, it's like saying that beef burgers are horrible because mcdonalds can't made a decent one, food comes in a whole range of qualities... ;)

And you do know that that big dark green section at the top is scotland right? Maybe call it a map of the UK and not england and you won't look like a fool :lol: