What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

There's a big difference between slutty and sleaze ball douche bag. I think we know which category you fall under.
you can't spell, use correct grammar, formulate sentences, speak English, or make sense. Yeah, you'll get shit, just as a homeless man spouting incomprehensive nonsense will get shit. I'd seriously have considered staying in school because you'll have a hard time getting respect talking like this :D
i just asked to be band.. dont worry it must be me who is wong if so many people think so than it must be so hopefully she can do her job cuzz i cant. lolz fairwell ;)
I've never done anything that crazy. I did a chick on a bed where it was me, her and 2 other people sleeping but that was the "sluttiest" thing I've ever done. Thats all I got lol. At least its something.
Right, okay, I'm staying out of the slut thread. There's no talking sense to some of you...

They're obviously just trying to get under your skin. But I agree. This thread was fun until people started sharing really fucked up stories. There's a difference between a slut story and a completely fucked up tale of using women for sex and then treating them like shit. I'm out too.
my buddy owed me cash so i did his slut wife and emailed him a pic of her panties sayin that i took 20 off for using the cum-dump...shes showering now!
Lol i hope ur not bullshitting thats mean but funny XD, i f@#ked some guys wife too ,before they were married he has a bitter ass grudge id beat his ass anyways just saying XD
well i was a party and their were a lot of girls this one was just not drinking she was tweeking it this was in my younger years lolz a she followed a friend to the rest room and fucked him i looking that way she did look good and they both came out with a smile she then left to a bedroom with another friend in the same house their was beer weed many people in and outside cars for days out parked... so he walk out with a smile girls loving it lolz im like wow!!!! no body has notice she goes outside with the crowed outside and the walks in with a friend he is all kissing on her she holding his hand he is all like DAM i got a looker next to him. wen the party finally ended he gets her number and a big fat wet kiss.... lolz the first guy Ronald seas to omor HEY DUDE DONT GET TO ATTACHED MAN I FUCKED HER IN THE RESTROOM omars eyes open up like WOOOWWW..... The next dude seas ya man i fucked her hear in this bedroom.. and both were like FUCKKK!!!!!! did you were a condom.. they are all worried.... another guy seas dude i hat to say this but she grabed my sack outside and wisperd DO YOU WANT HEAD!!!!! and he took her to the car.... and Omar just about threw up HAHAHAHAHA he was kissing on her and didn't even get fucked the strange guy asked WOW DUDE!! IM REALY SORRY and omar runs outside and throws up.... i nevor ran into omar again...
why would u even tell that gay story... u watched ur friend get head thats ur story? sure ur not a closet fag keep that to yourself
well i was a party and their were a lot of girls this one was just not drinking she was tweeking it this was in my younger years lolz a she followed a friend to the rest room and fucked him i looking that way she did look good and they both came out with a smile she then left to a bedroom with another friend in the same house their was beer weed many people in and outside cars for days out parked... so he walk out with a smile girls loving it lolz im like wow!!!! no body has notice she goes outside with the crowed outside and the walks in with a friend he is all kissing on her she holding his hand he is all like DAM i got a looker next to him. wen the party finally ended he gets her number and a big fat wet kiss.... lolz the first guy Ronald seas to omor HEY DUDE DONT GET TO ATTACHED MAN I FUCKED HER IN THE RESTROOM omars eyes open up like WOOOWWW..... The next dude seas ya man i fucked her hear in this bedroom.. and both were like FUCKKK!!!!!! did you were a condom.. they are all worried.... another guy seas dude i hat to say this but she grabed my sack outside and wisperd DO YOU WANT HEAD!!!!! and he took her to the car.... and Omar just about threw up HAHAHAHAHA he was kissing on her and didn't even get fucked the strange guy asked WOW DUDE!! IM REALY SORRY and omar runs outside and throws up.... i nevor ran into omar again...

I've actually learned how to read thump easy typing so I found it to be pretty amusing. haters haters everywhere.
I've actually learned how to read thump easy typing so I found it to be pretty amusing. haters haters everywhere.

I'm with you on this. Once I got past the unique style, the stories and the general good-natured fun from his posts won me over. But maaaan, what a dedicated and hardworking heterosexual. Leave us some, y'know? ;) cn
I'm with you on this. Once I got past the unique style, the stories and the general good-natured fun from his posts won me over. But maaaan, what a dedicated and hardworking heterosexual. Leave us some, y'know? ;) cn

That may very well be, but I can get past the first few words to detect a personality. I'm not hatin dude, you seem like a cool dude by how you initially reacted to the criticism, all I said was I couldn't read it. I don't care how smart you are or aren't and I don't think the way you type on the internet is a good barometer of intelligence, but if you're not gonna bother to make it intelligible, then don't be surprised when people don't read it. Sorry.
its not liek he thumps hard....he does it easy....hes a funny dude

hopefully Brad Meltzer will feature and decode his lingo for the haters LOL
That may very well be, but I can get past the first few words to detect a personality. I'm not hatin dude, you seem like a cool dude by how you initially reacted to the criticism, all I said was I couldn't read it. I don't care how smart you are or aren't and I don't think the way you type on the internet is a good barometer of intelligence, but if you're not gonna bother to make it intelligible, then don't be surprised when people don't read it. Sorry.

Not certain at whom this was directed. cn
Oh, I gotta another 'Old-Skool' slutty story for ya... Again when I was young (19) and had no morals ~ I had been with my 1st Girlfriend for approx 2 years, I was to much of a pussy to dump her cos she was my first real GF and I wasn't sure how to handle the situation.. Anyhow I did what most college students would do and got myself wasted on a bottle of Jack Daniels, and after geeking off to some Rock songs on Kerrang! I decided to phone her.....

I used my 'Dutch Courage' and invited her over for 'the talk'..... anyhow being as drunk as I was I completly forgot I'd called her and went on to call another girl from my place of work. An hour or so later the girl from my work turned up and we went upstairs and started having drunken sex... about 20 mins or so later a knock at the door was heard.. I went downstairs and opened the front door only to find said Girlfriend at the door.. she just walked in... I was like OH!.....Shiiit..!! lol

Anyhow she goes up the stairs and see's this other girl in my bed and starts yelling 'Who the Fuck! is this!?? I drunkenly introduced them to each other and did the best thing I could - and fell asleep whilst they talked it out amoung themselves :) :) .. lol, when I awoke it was about 3am-ish and dark as fuck in the room I rolled over to my left and saw the shaddow of the girl from my work and again started to fuck her :) .. It seemed to last for a while and it seemed to take forever to finish..but once done I passed out again..

When morning came I rolled to my right to look at the time on my Digi-Clock Radio.. and to my horror... my gf was still there laying passed out clutching the empty bottle of JD.. Being as in-experienced as I was back then.. I completly overlooked the possibility of a 3-some.. the girl from my work would have been up for it too! But - looking back ~ I was unsure how my GF would play her hand.. anyhow the girl from my work gets up, dressed n leaves, we exchange a brief conversation and agreed to keep seeing each other..

After she left I went back up stairs to find my soon to be dumped girlfriend stirring in bed. I told her as soon as she was awake and alert that I needed to have the belated "talk" with her.. But before I even started...she screamed Fuckin' Asshole :) !! lol not only did you fuck her whilst I was here, your new friend was laying on my arm.. and she felt every thrust & hump :) lol... I dunno really why she hadn't left ages before but basically she dumped me and saved me the hassle .. this just set the ball in motion and along followed a string of slutty experienses :) - STELTHY :leaf: