What's the best strain for dwc???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The post shown above is of a very well gorwn plant, it has absoltely nothing to do with it being better than others when grown in DWC ;) Every single plant i have grown does better in DWC, that is the nature of hydroponics, or are you unaware of this? Hydroponics means bigger yields at a potential loss of quality. There is a reason i stated you don't seem to understand DWC, let alone cannabis it seems.

Good luck in finding you answer loll


Well-Known Member

I grew a single Dyna-Fem : Royal Haze in DWC, I used the SCROG method as well as the Super-crop method and pulled 17.5oZ Dry Weight so thats defo a good one to grow, also Jack Herer yields really well in DWC. But again nuits and lighting also plays an important part, as does the amount of time you veg for :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
I grew a single Dyna-Fem : Royal Haze in DWC, I used the SCROG method as well as the Super-crop method and pulled 17.5oZ Dry Weight so thats defo a good one to grow, also Jack Herer yields really well in DWC. But again nuits and lighting also plays an important part :) - STELTHY :leaf:
Great info thank you sir.


Active Member
The post shown above is of a very well gorwn plant, it has absoltely nothing to do with it being better than others when grown in DWC ;) Every single plant i have grown does better in DWC, that is the nature of hydroponics, or are you unaware of this? Hydroponics means bigger yields at a potential loss of quality. There is a reason i stated you don't seem to understand DWC, let alone cannabis it seems.

Good luck in finding you answer loll
Look at that I found an answer.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No you didn't lol

You got told that a plant did well in DWC, it has absolutely nothing to do with whether it is genetically disposesed to do better in DWC than in soil or coco etc ;)

The posts from stelthy and wiimb proved absolutely nothing with reagrd to the aim of this thread ;)

Smarten up..


New Member
No you didn't lol

You got told that a plant did well in DWC, it has absolutely nothing to do with whether it is genetically disposesed to do better in DWC than in soil or coco etc ;)

The posts from stelthy and wiimb proved absolutely nothing with reagrd to the aim of this thread ;)
he is right, it all balls down to how you grow them plants :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The only kind of "proof" tha would indicate that a plant is "better" than another when grown in DWc over say soil, would be to look into the statistics of yields between a variety of plants grown in both, that is to say X offers a 40% greater yield when grown in DWC over soil, wheras Y offers only a 15% increase in yield when grown in DWC. This is all VERY basic stuff. You seem to think that a simple statement of a yield from a DWC plant answers your question :lol:


Active Member
Tip I am well aware of dwc that's why I use it. As for cannabis that's why I'm here to further my knowledge of my grows.


Well-Known Member
Its true, dude... you'll only know which strains provail by growing 2 identical (clones) plants one in Hydro/DWC and one in Soil or Coco etc..& give the same/similar nuits to each top them both the same amount of times and give them both the same amount/strength of light..at the same distance away.. and then measure your findings....and then do that for every strain to find the ones that work best for you with your setup.. I just stated I did particuly well with the 2 strains I mentioned... and implied if you grew the same strain in a similar way under similar conditions the end result is defo achievable.. but there are alot of things to consider... Sometimes you do loose some quality with hydro but only experience will allow you to master the potency/quality production... I wish you the best of luck and hope my words of wisdom are helpful to you - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Medium prefrence does vary to an extent, as does methods of growth like topping and lsting. I'm going for sour diesel and og kush for my next hydro run. Those don't give a shit what they grow in lol.


Active Member
Its true, dude... you'll only know which strains provail by growing 2 identical (clones) plants one in Hydro/DWC and one in Soil or Coco etc..& give the same/similar nuits to each top them both the same amount of times and give them both the same amount/strength of light..at the same distance away.. and then measure your findings....and then do that for every strain to find the ones that work best for you with your setup.. I just stated I did particuly well with the 2 strains I mentioned... and implied if you grew the same strain in a similar way under similar conditions the end result is defo achievable.. but there are alot of things to consider... Sometimes you do loose some quality with hydro but only experience will allow you to master the potency/quality production... I wish you the best of luck and hope my words of wisdom are helpful to you - STELTHY :leaf:
Right now I have a strain I crossbreeded and have one in dwc and other in soil. The one in soil wasn't done at the same time as the dwc so looks like I'll have to do it again at the time to see the end results.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And you will then have to compare that off to multiple alternative strains under the exact same conditions and then repeat all strains under the same conditions multiple times to have any form of meaningful results with regard to the question you are posing in this thread.


Blue dream elephant or super lemon haze the blue dream I pulled a pound alight on my first grow in bad conditions just veg for 6 weeks and your good


Active Member
I tried asking the same question you did not too long ago. Didn't really get any straight up answers either. I think they are right about any strain doing well in dwc. I was looking/hoping for a strain that was specifically bred for bubble buckets.

Good luck fellow dwc'er.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm after reading most of these comments i am reminded that asking a question on a forum is like bending over in a gay bar ,you just don't know what your about to be poked with. OK first off i disagree with most of the posts.some strains do better in hydro or dwc fact!!!! I'm currently running kc36 and cali orange the kc is kicking the shit out of the cali same bucket ,and i have this result with 2 buckets .also was growing shark attack it fell so far behind it got covered by the kc 36 so yeah some strains do better .And unless you have ran out multiple strains in the same buckets your advice is shit!! so tip top and others should take your own advice and compare before you give your so called facts.100_2997.jpg cali is on left kc36 on right same bucket