Sorry if a little off-topic.
The best tool we humans have to find any objective truth, is the scientific method:
"The chief thing which separates a scientific method of inquiry from other methods of acquiring knowledge is that scientists seek to let reality speak for itself, and contradict their theories about it when those theories are incorrect."
And it's a very good tool, just look around - and you'll see the fruits of the scientific method: your computer, lightbulbs, AC, your car, etc - and the city outside your window. All made possible because of the scienctific method of finding true knowlegde.
After this, you might be surprised to know I do have a notion of "God":
To me, "God" is whatever made the universe happen.
Science know the universe had a beginning, and to me - the reason behind this beginning - the birth of the universe - is my god.
What made the universe happen? Whatever did - that is my God.
But this "God" could even be a mechanism! (to me God = X, and X is what made the universe).
It does not have to be a "person-God", nor does humans even have to be intented - for all I know humans are only a sideeffect of the universe.
So do I believe in God? No, but I often say "God is whatever was behind the birth of the universe, and claiming anyting more is just speculating"
(which is why I hate organized religion, they claim to much to be literally true)