King size roller use for smaller papers, how?


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Ok I can't roll a joint for many reasons so I have to resort to those little obnoxious rolling 'machines'. I bought a 'king size' roller because it said that it could handle all the smaller paper sizes. It just can't roll any other size but full length, or at least I can't make it work? Is there something I'm missing or is it just sales hype and larger rollers can not roll small joints. I'd be grateful for help or point to videos that can illustrate how to roll a 79 mm joint in a 110 mm roller.
you can definitely roll a standard size J in it. i have one that i use frequently. i find the trick is to make sure the paper is going in perfectly level. if its going in crooked, back it up and re-insert it. other than that sometimes near the end you have to back it up and go forwards again near the end of the rolling process. as sometimes the paper comes out the top rather than rolls around inside the machine. they take a bit of getting used to.

If you are using the machine due to joint pain or arthritis, is not a great help as i find it actually puts a greater strain on your hands. my advice would be to find a good friend that will visit often and roll a bunch at a time.....i hope my tips help a little.
Thank you smallop. The problem seems to be that the roller apron sort of mangles the rolling papers because it tightens up at the edges where there is no Marijuana or tip. I'll try backing it up and see if that will work.
Thank you smallop. The problem seems to be that the roller apron sort of mangles the rolling papers because it tightens up at the edges where there is no Marijuana or tip. I'll try backing it up and see if that will work.

I think I have your solution curious2garden. Roll up a piece of printer paper around a pen to make a filter for the joint then tighten it to your desired diameter or preferably roll the paper around a pen that is the diameter of the joint you want to roll. Then put a small piece of tape on the far end away from the mouth of the joint to keep it from unrolling and cut it to a length that it fill's the gap where there would originally be no smoke or filter. Then after you roll the joint and have a protruding filter you cut it off and then you have a perfectly rolled joint. btw the printer paper gets really stiff and is a admirable filter after you roll it over it self 4 or 5 times.
You could fill the entire 110mm with weed then insert and roll a 79mm paper.

Just add what didnt get rolled to the pile for the next one.
^^^ That...

Also, just buy paper filters. I like the artisino elements packs, comes with papers, filters, and a lil mini rolling tray.

And last, maybe try stuff-able cones instead?

Or use one of those keychain things like the Rollmate.