What is the best way to grow without my girlfriend finding out?


Active Member
My last post was just an idea soo my girlfriend wouldn't find out but after reading some of the replies what is the best way to grow indoors without her or anyone else finding out?
Do you live with her, or have your own place? Are there any areas you can use that she doesn't spend time in? Will she ask questions if new things start appearing, or if you get equipment delivered. Does she know the details of your cash flow. How much money can you spend on equipment? How much weed do you need per harvest?

The most stealthy way would probably be something like a PC tower grow, but I personally don't think they are worth it, due to limited yields. If you are going to grow, you may as well grow enough to supply your needs.
You better have a huge piece of property or a secret passage way if you don't want your girlfriend to find out. Choose either her or your grow.
it will be very hard. a pc case might work i suppose. i dont see you being able to grow any real quanity but if you only smoke a bit you can supplement your smoking stash by growing a bit. Google "Diy pc case grow"
Trying to hide it will hurt her and insult her intelligence. Either tell her u are, break up and find somebody whose cool about pot, or give it up.
If she lives with you don't even attempt it, she will find it and the results will be much worse in the end.
If she doesn't live with you it can be done (and in many cases should be) but you have to tell us what your plans are......
I never understood why someone would want a "partner" that they had to hide things from, especially a plant.

If the mindset of that person (your GF) is anti-pot, and you're pro-pot, it really doesn't matter how well you get along... the fact remains that she is ignorant, and you're not. Get rid of her if you really need to hide it.

If you have to question her integrity as to whether or not she would rat you out on a grow, get rid of her. If you have to question someone in regards to how they may dictate your freedom, that person should not be in your life, unless you like your freedom dictated by others.

Do as you please, but it boggles my mind as to how someone could be around another human being who would have a problem with how you live your life, if they're trying to be a part of it.
There are so many amazing people out there.. open-minded, smart, beautiful women.. who love pot as much as the rest of us.