Shot Glass Germination Help


Active Member
Hey !

I putted 2 Purple Haze and 2 Northen Lights seeds in shot glasses ( 2 diffrent ) yesterday about 23:00..
Its passed 2 days and i they still havent germinated ? But they have sinked down and one SEEMS bit opened.
Should they be germinated by now ?

edit: room temp. is 23 celsius


Well-Known Member
they are just said it. relax, mon. be chill with this endeavor, or you'll be posting...."Help!!!! Plants Dying!!!"


Well-Known Member
........... me thinks you are drowning them......... put them in damp kitchen towel... put the kitchen towel in a plastic baggie.... put the baggie in the cupboard.... keep it damp.... wait till the seedling sprouts... then if you want life to be even easier... simply leave the seedling till you see the leaves emerge... then plant roots down! leaves up!


Active Member
i'm not familiar with this way of germinating, from what i've read before you only leave them in the water until they sink otherwise you drown them? then let them finish on a paper towel or what not.. i don't know why you don't just buy rock wool cubes, i planted 3 dutch passion blueberries yesterday in rock wool cubes and no shit today they have nearly half an inch taproots already .. (i was expecting a few days, not 24 hours) so now i gta get to the hydroshop tomorrow rather then next week like planned!


Active Member
Okay i took them out from shot glass and putted between toilet paper, how wet should toilet paber be ?
Should i just put 1 water drop on each seed ?

joliet jake

Active Member
Yea i have lost a few seeds by drowning them as some seeds open very quickly and if not taken out of the water very soon after they will die.
I prefer just to put them between a moist paper towel and put in a zip lock


Active Member
Imma check in morning and night ( 23.00 ) and put more water if its dry ?
Just check once a day, and drop a little amount of water if it looks/feels dry, it shouldn't dry out if you damped it enough it should stay that way for a few days. enough to get it into soil or what ever you're planting into.


Active Member
AND WE HAVE GERMINATON ! Thank you everyone ..
One last question peple say that u should put right away in soil if it germinates, other says ( i mean internet:D) wait till its 5-8 mm .
Which is better ?


Well-Known Member
in the future if you put your seeds in a paper towel then put the towel in a cd case and put it somewhere vertically it'll sprout faster gravity naturally will make the taproot grow down so its not growing against the surface


Active Member
Im sorry for so many questions but if i put germinated seed in soil, does it need light ? can they get light or they will die ?