No work today!


Active Member
Is it a bad thing?
It feels good not having to go to work this morning but it also feels bad not getting paid today.
Its a mix of both worlds, atleast i get to sit at home and watch my plants grow.
Anybody else got the day off to do fuck all?


Well-Known Member
Is it a bad thing?
It feels good not having to go to work this morning but it also feels bad not getting paid today.
Its a mix of both worlds, atleast i get to sit at home and watch my plants grow.
Anybody else got the day off to do fuck all?
I've had the whole winter off to do fuck all. I have a work expo to go to on Thursday, then another 4 weeks of vacation, then back to the grind.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If all i was going to use the day off to do was look at my plants i'd much rather have had a days work. I enver take a single day off work unless there is something specific that i need the day off to do. I'd rather be working than trying to find ways of killing time around the house.


Active Member
I've decided to play all my old playstation 1 games and beat em all again lol.
Crash warped, done
Spyro, on my way
Crash Bash, trying to locate game lol
Original Crash is Next lol
Just got laid off from my day job, and only am working about 20 hrs a week at night...Sucks ass being bored and off schedule...Plus i smoke more not having much to keep me occupied during the day, but my buddy is hookin me up with some work with his pops..


Well-Known Member
I'd like to learn Black Smithing and shawing.
I know every thing about working steel but to go back in time and learn a real trade from the days
of the steam engine would be a trip.
Wonder if I could find a class at Shasta Collage instead??

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I did 3 hours at work today. I acme back cleaned up the flat, oiled some work surfaces, sorted out some paperwork and such, not a bad day at all. No cigs, no weed, no issues. Once i start toking, nothing get's done that should. Although the flatmate did get a bit pissed off whe i told him and his girlfriend they couldn't use the kitchen surfaces :D sod them and their valentines meal, i'm stopping things from rotting and such :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Got a few hours of plowing in today woohooo
I'm currently reading the Utopian Dream by Tobias Jones, really makes you think about life, makes me want to go and work the fields and such. A truly meaningful existence. Achieving something, not simply getting that pay cheque. I would definately recomend stoners to give it a read, first chapter, well fuck knows what he was on about, i only understood every other word he used, let alone the pint he was trying to convery, ubt come chapter two, i reckon a bunch of tokers could have aball setting up that kind of commune.


Active Member
I hate being off work in the winter, theres nothing too do.
Just internet shopping, video games and boring ass day time tv..