how long should i veg???


Hey guys just got a few questions before I embark on my new sog journey.I'm growing straight up recycle ebb n flow in 6x6 rockwool blocks, they're gonna be tightly packed into a 4x6 tray so I can fit 96 in with no gaps between the blocks. All plants will be started as clones in 1x1 cubes then fitted into 4x4 blocks to veg. The idea was that when they go into flower the 4x4s will sit directly ontop of the 6x6s where they will remain for the duration of the flowering cycle. When the plants are in the 4x4s in veg ill be lollipopping them and totally doing away with the bottom 2\3rds. My question is giving that ill be growing a short indica strain, how long should I allow my plants to veg for before flowering them in order to make sure they fill the 6x6 inch space designated to each plant without overgrowing it and me being forced to disgard a bunch to make room for others? I was thinking 3 weeks should probably be the max but what do you guys think? Thanks dudes peace out

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I think this very much depends on strain. Also, I wouldn't think you could veg them long at all before they would overgrow a space that small. Maybe even 12/12 from seed.


I'm growing from cuttings dude, 6 mother plants 2 different strains, 3 ak 47 and 3 northern lights. Each 4x6 trays gonna have a dif strain havested every four weeks perpetuall style


Well-Known Member
I'm growing from cuttings dude, 6 mother plants 2 different strains, 3 ak 47 and 3 northern lights. Each 4x6 trays gonna have a dif strain havested every four weeks perpetuall style
Wouldnt act like your some pro. also should be nicer to the people responding.

j to the c

Well-Known Member
After they root, a week, that's it any longer then your going to suffer....Maybe instead of the 6x6 RW blocks get a 50L bag of hydroton and nestle the 4x4 blocks into that, it will provide a ton more air to the roots and is much much much easier to work with than all that rockwool. if you go 2 weeks veg then I would cut that number by half they will grow, stretch, and put on a ton of sides with your ebbandflow. $.02


To big z 227. I don't know where u would get the impression I'm trying to act like a pro when its blatantly obvious that I'm asking for advice. Although I am by all means no pro, I have realised that when trying to achieve something new (I.e my first sog) there is no harm in acting professionally. Maybe if you had the decency or common courtesy to appreciate my efforts you would realise my actions are for the best. In my opinion it is narrow minded people like you who's stupid posts like this make noobs scared to ask, we all start somewhere and everyones trying to get somewhere. And your post states that I should be nicer to people with usefull input, I am very gratefull for even the smallest advice other growers can give me. Can I just ask where you get off just posting in my thread purely for the purpouse of causing bad feelings between users. You have no input? I have never spoke to you nor have I singled you out in the way you have I. I would like to thank both illegal smile and j to the c for their input as I truly value the opinions of others. But you are just an asshole so if you got nothing usefull to stay keep out my thread.J to the c, that's a good idea, never used hydroton, should there be a layer both underneath and covering the cube? What ph should I run at? Would it be ok to just stick at 5.6 or would the hydroton dictate the ph ? Thanks dude peace


Well-Known Member
T I have never spoke to you nor have I singled you out in the way you have I. I would like to thank both illegal smile and j to the c for their input as I truly value the opinions of others. But you are just an asshole so if you got nothing usefull to stay keep out my thread.J to the c, that's a good idea, never used hydroton, should there be a layer both underneath and covering the cube? What ph should I run at? Would it be ok to just stick at 5.6 or would the hydroton dictate the ph ? Thanks dude peace
gave you an ebb and flow tutorial on your last post, which u did say thanks, ill give you that. wont post on yours and dont post on mine. peace


Bigz I'm sorry for going on like that before I geuss I seen ur post n tuk it to heart. Regardless of what got said I have no problem with u chipping in with criticism, I acctually like it. The way I see it is no one person knows everything and I am very passionate about learning, and I like to hear everybodys ideas to allow me to make informed decisions. I viewed the tutorial you gave me and it was a great help and I allways appreciate new knowlege from other growers. Geuss we just got off on the wrong foot. I wish you all the best in ur cultivation as I do with everyone. Peace


Well-Known Member
Bigz I'm sorry for going on like that before I geuss I seen ur post n tuk it to heart. Regardless of what got said I have no problem with u chipping in with criticism, I acctually like it. The way I see it is no one person knows everything and I am very passionate about learning, and I like to hear everybodys ideas to allow me to make informed decisions. I viewed the tutorial you gave me and it was a great help and I allways appreciate new knowlege from other growers. Geuss we just got off on the wrong foot. I wish you all the best in ur cultivation as I do with everyone. Peace
Glad we could be civil ^_^. you should make a post thats for your grow
follow mine if u want
just getting started on mine