Grandma's Growing Again

Hi Joey! I've missed you too. When I am around, it seems that you are not. And welcome medicalmaster. I'm glad you are learning here. That's what it's all about! I learned practically everything I know about growing right here on RIU. If you have pics of a grow you want to share, please feel free!

Here's what's new in the grow room.

I harvested both the big girls. The Vanilla Kush yielded 18 grams and the Strawberry Kiss gave me 30 grams. Left in the grow room is one Strawberry Kiss clone and two pygmy Vanilla Kush clones. No really, pygmies... these girls are starting week 4 of flowering and neither of them is over 5" tall. Of course, these are the clones of the ill-fated Vanilla Kush. I swear, next time a plant tries to die on me, it's as good as dead. This one cost me a lot of time and frustration for very little yield...not impressed. Good smoke, though :lol:

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And my seedlings are doing fantastic!!!

From top to bottom are Amnesia, Moby Dick (L), Wonder Woman (R), and Flash Back #2.

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And, I am proud to announce that ALL FOUR BUBBLEBOMB SEEDS are now above the soil. Two of them came right up and are in their enriched coco pots. The other two are still unfurling so they will be transplanted into the coco mix in the next couple of days. These are the first reg seeds I've ever grown so now I get to play the "is it a girl" game. You guys gotta stick with me while I stress over every little hair and bump! :lol:

as always looking good!
Great update
My granny could make great donuts but you got her in the herb department!
I love the 100 vials Idea
Need a little help on the small plant whats the issue with the claws??? and why so much smaller than the other two all planted on same day? Also should i start 12/12? Unknown seeds i hope they are Female but if not i will start over :-(!!! Here are a few pics for everyone. First indoor Grow!!!!

Top 3 smaller plant with claw leaves???




Next 2 bigger bushier happy looking baby girl (I HOPE)



Pic of all 3

Tall but not as bushy dew to the fact i pruined in veg stage idk if i should have or not??!!??
Great update
My granny could make great donuts but you got her in the herb department!
I love the 100 vials Idea

Everybody has their talent :lol: I can't make donuts.

I gotta remember to take a picture of my little collection. I already have 5 strains stored!
Looking good Bluejeans. I just harvested I think eight diff strains. Plus diff phenos of each. And I'm adding like ten new flavors in the next weekish.
Looking good Bluejeans. I just harvested I think eight diff strains. Plus diff phenos of each. And I'm adding like ten new flavors in the next weekish.

Nice! I have seedlings of 5 different strains in this grow and I'm thinking of starting an auto on the side just for giggles. I am excited to see what's gonna happen with these girls. Once I put everything in coco as it should be, the seedlings did fine. They are strong and healthy this time. I think my reused soil was just too hot for seedlings. I'm on the right track now.
Nice! I have seedlings of 5 different strains in this grow and I'm thinking of starting an auto on the side just for giggles. I am excited to see what's gonna happen with these girls. Once I put everything in coco as it should be, the seedlings did fine. They are strong and healthy this time. I think my reused soil was just too hot for seedlings. I'm on the right track now.

I've never tried pure coco, I just might have to give it a whirl!
I've never tried pure coco, I just might have to give it a whirl!

Not sure what you mean by "pure coco"...mine is not just plain coco, ya know... Gots lots of stuff in there. There's the coco with and earthworm casings and perlite, and bone meal, kelp meal, and blood meal, mychos, bat guano, and Marine cuisine (Happy Frog). *** Hey Karma...I can rattle that off by heart now! LOL***
Not sure what you mean by "pure coco"...mine is not just plain coco, ya know... Gots lots of stuff in there. There's the coco with and earthworm casings and perlite, and bone meal, kelp meal, and blood meal, mychos, bat guano, and Marine cuisine (Happy Frog). *** Hey Karma...I can rattle that off by heart now! LOL***

I should've said only buffered coarse coco coir.
Not sure what you mean by "pure coco"...mine is not just plain coco, ya know... Gots lots of stuff in there. There's the coco with and earthworm casings and perlite, and bone meal, kelp meal, and blood meal, mychos, bat guano, and Marine cuisine (Happy Frog). *** Hey Karma...I can rattle that off by heart now! LOL***

Please be very careful using bat poop! We all tend to overlook the safety issues in our quest for organics, some products are safe if used the right way, but use them in the wrong way and your looking at a life time of health issues. I stopped using bat poop years ago when I found out what it can do you you with one breath. If you do use it wear an approved respirator for dust (5$ cheap one at any lumber store)(as I tell my friends who buy bikes (HD) if you got a ten dollar head than buy a ten dollar helmet. I rather say something than nothing as I know your just starting down the road.

Histoplasmosis can cause serious respiratory diseases in humans, causing fever and chest pains. If left untreated, histoplsmosis can turn into a chronic lung disease that resembles tuburculosis. In the very young and the very old, or people who already have cancer, AIDS or other serious illnesses, histoplasmosis can be fatal. Histoplasmosis can also travel from the lungs to the eyes, causing ocular histoplasmosis syndrome, which destroys the central vision (not periphreal). The lung problems can many times be cured with anti-fungal medications, but the ocular disease has no cure.

As a replacement use any sea & land compost or for that matter just about any composted poop. Sheep shit is real good, cow ect. Don't worry it does not smell, used the stuff for years in the basement grow rooms.
Thanks! I have read some of the warning re: bat poop. And I do use a carpenters mask when I mix my dirt. I started that cuz the perlite really bugs my nose... but it's a good practice anyway. Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Joey! I've missed you too. When I am around, it seems that you are not. And welcome medicalmaster. I'm glad you are learning here. That's what it's all about! I learned practically everything I know about growing right here on RIU. If you have pics of a grow you want to share, please feel free!

Here's what's new in the grow room.

I harvested both the big girls. The Vanilla Kush yielded 18 grams and the Strawberry Kiss gave me 30 grams. Left in the grow room is one Strawberry Kiss clone and two pygmy Vanilla Kush clones. No really, pygmies... these girls are starting week 4 of flowering and neither of them is over 5" tall. Of course, these are the clones of the ill-fated Vanilla Kush. I swear, next time a plant tries to die on me, it's as good as dead. This one cost me a lot of time and frustration for very little yield...not impressed. Good smoke, though :lol:

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And my seedlings are doing fantastic!!!

From top to bottom are Amnesia, Moby Dick (L), Wonder Woman (R), and Flash Back #2.

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And, I am proud to announce that ALL FOUR BUBBLEBOMB SEEDS are now above the soil. Two of them came right up and are in their enriched coco pots. The other two are still unfurling so they will be transplanted into the coco mix in the next couple of days. These are the first reg seeds I've ever grown so now I get to play the "is it a girl" game. You guys gotta stick with me while I stress over every little hair and bump! :lol:

Very nice bluejeans

coming along beautifully