Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
My county is trying to pull a fast one your may be next if they pass this. This is not good!www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/sections/news/local-news/bill-takes-aim-medical-pot.html
Anything they propose is pure bullshit. Officials always claim people are abusing the system, so what. We grow PLANTS! Leave us alone, we don't cause problems.

I've seen people get PROBATION for killing other people (negligence, manslaughter, etc.). You can bet if they caught us with 100+ plants you'd be getting jail time, guarantee. Even pedos get less jail time than ganja farmers. How much time did the guy from C&K get? 1 year? :cuss:



Well-Known Member
I have determined my card was worthless. If your growing for cash you may need it I guess but for me all it does is give all your information to the authorities. It is impossible to not break the law in order to start growing so whats the point? You have to buy some weed and hope to find a seed (good luck) or order some seeds from the net. Both are violations of the law. I figure im better off growing inside and keeping to myself. I dont sell it and give no reason to think im in violation of the law so I dont see when I would need to provide a card to anyone. Just not worth it for me.


Well-Known Member
I have determined my card was worthless. If your growing for cash you may need it I guess but for me all it does is give all your information to the authorities. It is impossible to not break the law in order to start growing so whats the point? You have to buy some weed and hope to find a seed (good luck) or order some seeds from the net. Both are violations of the law. I figure im better off growing inside and keeping to myself. I dont sell it and give no reason to think im in violation of the law so I dont see when I would need to provide a card to anyone. Just not worth it for me.
Yeah we arn't doing anything to hurt anyone (including ourselves as recent federal studies show marijuana as benign and actually preventative to cancers). I don't sell pot. I grow it, I smoke it, and I vomit a lot less.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tardis,

I forgot to ask you how many different pheno's did you find with the KF?
I only grew one seed of KF. Because I smoke all my weed I need variety to keep tolerance from buggin in. So I grow one seed of each strain and I see what I get.


Well-Known Member
I have determined my card was worthless. If your growing for cash you may need it I guess but for me all it does is give all your information to the authorities. It is impossible to not break the law in order to start growing so whats the point? You have to buy some weed and hope to find a seed (good luck) or order some seeds from the net. Both are violations of the law. I figure im better off growing inside and keeping to myself. I dont sell it and give no reason to think im in violation of the law so I dont see when I would need to provide a card to anyone. Just not worth it for me.
I'm beginning to see the light, keep it simple stay under 24 plants and i doubt most law enforcement agencies would even try prosecuting you. (I'm not say that it doesn't happen, but the likely hood of arrest is minimized) So why should us law biding citizen put the blue card target on our backs? I have almost a year left on my current prescription, and I'll really need to weigh out the pro and cons pertaining MMJ program here in Hawaii.....FYI Sell, Smell, or Tell= Busted!


Well-Known Member
I only grew one seed of KF. Because I smoke all my weed I need variety to keep tolerance from buggin in. So I grow one seed of each strain and I see what I get.
Cool! You sure lucked out with that beautiful purple pheno! I've read there is a potent green KF pheno. I'm going to grow mine out all at once to see the variance from plant to plant.


Well-Known Member
Cool! You sure lucked out with that beautiful purple pheno! I've read there is a potent green KF pheno. I'm going to grow mine out all at once to see the variance from plant to plant.
I've seen some beautiful pictures on sannies site of the Pink Pheno. I too heard the green is a powerhouse sativa. But I have to admit after growing this one i'm looking forward to growing more of these in the future.


Well-Known Member
Rajah Dat Big "T"....it's cool to see another Sannie grower here! I'm anxious to see what the ganja god have in store for my KF grow....if the gods a smiling on me I'll have a mixture of pheno's


Well-Known Member
You know how miner 100 plants is when your running a perpetual? When I hear of bust it don't even get my dick hard unless it's 300+


Well-Known Member
You know how miner 100 plants is when your running a perpetual? When I hear of bust it don't even get my dick hard unless it's 300+
Minor for us, but if anyone gets busted look how they (media, law enforcement) over-sensationalize it.


Wtf is processed? All I did was trim the leaves off it and dried it lol


Well-Known Member
Minor for us, but if anyone gets busted look how they (media, law enforcement) over-sensationalize it.


Wtf is processed? All I did was trim the leaves off it and dried it lol
Man I only have 14 plants. 6 in flower the rest in veg till I weed out the males. Plant limits suck but I stick to them because I want to follow the rules so I can continue to not vomit daily and feel like I just saw 2 girls one cup every time I eat. I am a caregiver for one person who has serious liver problems as well as myself who has stomach issues. I just want to say, growing only 14 plants when I want to grow 300+ sucks donkey dick. I don't grow for sale and I smoke what I get, I just wish there was a law that if you didn't sell and used it you could grow all you want. I'd make so many edibles.


Active Member
Wow how sad, how very very sad, I wondeer if epilepsy still would quailfy someone? or migraines ? lol probably not huh?
gotta get my labs and scan films to show my lymphoma and still may not qualify if this passes . its a mess , to overturn a law thats already a law is a crime itself right?