Club 600

I've had this song stuck in my head all last night and still this morning and I don't know where it came from. Haven't heard it in some time, I don't think. Happy Valentines Day??



Good morning 6rs. I'm also sold on dual spectrum/blended spectrum. Nodes are closer during flower stretch, and trichomes seem to love it. I'm constructing a flower room now, which will have a journal. I'll post the "Gear Porn" after I pick up the ballasts. (They were out of stock) I'll be using 2 600MH over head on 4 plants. The other 4 will receive primarily red spectrum's. It will illustrate or debunk the mixed spectrum theory. I am predicting shorter, heavier colas from the mixed spectrum plants, but we'll all see.
I love me some gear pr0n!

Thanks for the tune duchie, seems appropriate enough ;-)

I miss growing erb, but not having to constantly look over my back feels great. I'll be back with ya at a better time my love :peace:

Thank you whodat. That Stephen Marley was cool. My wife really enjoyed it too. I have one more. 1927 this was done. Some of you will probably already be familiar with the song. This is the original.


I thought this piece was from 1938...
Evening 6double. looks like I got too many DOG's for the pound, think I am going to have to extend it somehow.......plans are afoot.
I stand corrected. Thanks afrawfraw. I was checking out a few of those oldies. I'm pretty sure the Cocaine Blues is 29 but now I'm second guessing myself so I'm gonna double check.

thats some fucked up shit. i have had first hand police brutality here in the uk got jumped on by 4 of the fuckers, had to see a doctor after they got me to custody my legs were black and blue wrists cut to fuck from the cuffs cut above my eye. teach me for hitting a copper lol.
When I got arrested I told the guy the cuffs were kinda tight, so he undid them and loosened them up a little. He also thanked me at the end of our little interview.
there are some goodens out there no doubt about it. if your generally ok with them there ok with you. but i have come across my fair share of the cunts too ..
I stand corrected. Thanks afrawfraw. I was checking out a few of those oldies. I'm pretty sure the Cocaine Blues is 29 but now I'm second guessing myself so I'm gonna double check.


I question my sanity every day, because it's highly questionable. I thought I was wrong...LOL
that is one disturbing vid BC. Holy shit!!

From an earlier conversation, I too am a fan of Tosh.o and the Colbert report
I was cuffed, told I had no rights because I was on private property, and told I had weed on me. I refused a search, so they "Arrested" me. Then they gave my WIFE a "Tri-met exclusion" because I lawyer-ed up! I was released, suspiciously seeing as I was "Under Arrest". She couldn't ride the bus for 2 months. Too bad today's cops are watching videos from the Ronald Reagan administration. :-(

Some real big men there fair play kicking 7 shades of shit out of a guy unconscious and face down and punching a guy when his hands are handcuffed behind his back real tough guys fair play
I've been arrested before, been roughed up a bit by cops, falsely accused of shit too but never anything like the shit in that video. Worst thing I had was a cop choked me with his baton while I was on the ground, handcuffed. He had his knee on my back and slipped the baton between my throat and the ground. Then he pulled up on it until I couldn't breathe and I passed out. Woke up in the back of a cop car, not knowing what was going on. He just pulled over on the side of the freeway, pulled me out of the back seat by my feet, removed the cuffs and drove off. Left me on the side of the 5 freeway at around 2AM, dazed and confused. Fucking dick....

I can laugh about it now with friends since it'sbeen over 10 years but it was pretty fucked up.

EDIT: This was after being kicked out of a bar when some buddies got into a fight. I was just guilty by association I guess. Only me and one other guy I was with didn't actually get taken to jail and processed that night. He was told to sit down and shut up and did as told while I was on the ground and he later told me it looked like I died, LOL. He was scared shitless. Before cell phones but there were plenty of people around so I don't know why he did that. I wasn't resisting at all and never said anything to the cop. Not even when he pulled me out of the car on the side if the freeway. I was scared out of my mind but couldn't say anything because I was a little drunk and still recovering from being unconscious. Thought for a second he might shoot me or something and that is what scared me.