Poutine - Why Canadians? Why?

Poutine made an appearance here about 1990ish. Going strong ever since. We have 5 restaurant that just specialize in poutine... Im not in a city big enough to HAVE 5 restaurant that specialize in poutine.

Very good shit though. Gravy, cheese.. oh yeah. They have bacon poutine, curry poutine, mexican poutine, nuffie poutine (reg poutine with a hamburger patty in the mix), Chicken poutine, Italian poutine, greek poutine.. kinda like Shrimp on Forest Gump.. Lots of different styles!
And it's Ice Cream...DUMBASS :mrgreen:

I have an old and faulty keyboard... You are such a brilliant addition to the moderating staff Beaner ;) Fucking bellend. (i assume it's perfectly acceptable fo me to insult you if you are allowed to insult me, i say allowed, being a mod you surely wouldn't be doing something you're not allowed to do ;)) Only mine is an accurate insult, yours is simply childish and based on ignorance.

Remember my comment in the other thread about cowboy mods who were completely incapable of doing their job? ;)
What's the matter Beany? Where've you run off to, cus you're still around psoting elsewhere. Oh that's right, you showed your incompetence as a mod :lol: Good job mate.
Hey now, I love you both, you cranky bunny-rabbits.

Tip Top, I saw 'Ice ream' and got scared... You're not talking about paper are you...
On topic, i'm going to make a poutine soon, will take photos if I don't eat it all before that haha
Hey now, I love you both, you cranky bunny-rabbits.

Tip Top, I saw 'Ice ream' and got scared... You're not talking about paper are you...

Love you too :p And i have been nicknamed by woen as a hobbit or an ostrich, never a bunny!

I have no issue against Beany as a person at all, it just really get's to me when mods can't keep to the rules they're meant to be enforcing on other people.
I always thought it was ream, then cream.


My poppa always told me that there was more'n one way to scan a cat. :mrgreen: cn
I always thought it was ream, then cream.


My poppa always told me that there was more'n one way to scan a cat. :mrgreen: cn

That cat looks hella ornery. We used to have a cat that came directly from Hell. She was the most evil piece of fur I've ever encountered. She always had that same expression on her evil little face. I once scared the shit out of her. I turned on the vacuum right when she was walking by and she jumped about 4 feet into the air. I laughed my ass off and went about my business. Twenty or thirty minutes later she came out of nowhere and raked her claws down my face. I bled for hours. Needless to say I never fucked with that cat again.