Why wont my plants stand up? (pix)


Well-Known Member
I have 10 seedlings that sprouted less than a week ago. My PH is fine, room temp is fine, CFLs are just a couple is inches away, and I'm using the same soil that I used on my other plants that hasn't given me any problems. Thing is, none of them seem to want to be able to support their own weight, they keep falling over. It's even to the point where I'll bury them up to their leaves, they'll grow alittle more and fall over again. About half of them got to the point where I had to bury them, the rest I just did as a preventitive maintenance. Can someone please tell me what is going on with these plants and how I can fix it? I don't have access to my camera right now, I'll get pix up tonight at around 10pm e.s.t. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan on them? maybe they are just weak, blow a fan on them so that they break and fix themselves, there-by strengthening the stems.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
how many cfls and wattage? cause 10 is a lit for lust like 2 cfls and try the fan or u can cut the lowest leaves like the bottom 2 and it waill send all thei energy the the rest of the plant just a idea try it on 1 if it woks have a feild day


Well-Known Member
where are the pictures?

i would say water them less initially, see if that helps them. just give them alot of light waterings instead of a few heavier ones ( this was a problem i had )


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan on them? maybe they are just weak, blow a fan on them so that they break and fix themselves, there-by strengthening the stems.
I did have a fan on them, I turned it off yesterday becuase I thought it might have been part of the problem. It was the only thing I could think of that I was doing differently between them and my first few plants.


Well-Known Member
how many cfls and wattage? cause 10 is a lit for lust like 2 cfls and try the fan or u can cut the lowest leaves like the bottom 2 and it waill send all thei energy the the rest of the plant just a idea try it on 1 if it woks have a feild day
The 10 plants are sharing 5 23 watt 6500K CFLs. If I cut the leaves then wont the plant use its energy to try to repair/rebuild them?


Well-Known Member
where are the pictures?

i would say water them less initially, see if that helps them. just give them alot of light waterings instead of a few heavier ones ( this was a problem i had )
Pix will be up tonight around 10 est. They are already only getting light waterings and only when I see that the soil 3" down is dry.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you are watering too little when you do, then? How strong is your fan? Perhaps keep it on them, but place it further away so that the there is only a light breeze on them? Then you could use plastic twist ties to tie them to a toothpick or BBQ skewer?

What pH is your soil?

Also, you should not be giving nutes yet. I don't know if you are or not, but just throwing that out there.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
The 10 plants are sharing 5 23 watt 6500K CFLs. If I cut the leaves then wont the plant use its energy to try to repair/rebuild them?
yes if a cut is made or a bend or break the plant will halt growth and repair itself a continue growing strong


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you are watering too little when you do, then? How strong is your fan? Perhaps keep it on them, but place it further away so that the there is only a light breeze on them? Then you could use plastic twist ties to tie them to a toothpick or BBQ skewer?

What pH is your soil?

Also, you should not be giving nutes yet. I don't know if you are or not, but just throwing that out there.
Right now they're on just water. I don't have $300 for a fancy meter so I don't know exactly where my ph is. I keep the water around 6.5


Well-Known Member
let the entire pot dry out, like until they start to slightly wilt

if that doesnt help you can rule it out. i was so sure that i was underwatering for a long time, and my shit was mad droopy. eventually i gave them that time and they perked right up


Well-Known Member
Right now they're on just water. I don't have $300 for a fancy meter so I don't know exactly where my ph is. I keep the water around 6.5
You should test your soil. It's not that hard. You can but a test kit from Home Depot for like 6 bucks. Soil I'm not entirely familiar with, but from what I understand optimal pH for soil is 6.5. But the fact that the water you are using is 6.5 is not insurance that your soil pH is that. Also, I believe there are test kits for various concentrations of nutes, as well.

If your plants wont stand then something is pretty wrong with them. It could be a lot of things. In order to understand better I'll have to take a look at your journal.


Well-Known Member
oh! they don't look that bad. give em time. sounds like you are freaking out over not much. It's cool. Smoke some bud and relax. Just let them dry a bit before watering again. :)


Well-Known Member
oh! they don't look that bad. give em time. sounds like you are freaking out over not much. It's cool. Smoke some bud and relax. Just let them dry a bit before watering again. :)
I wish I could smoke. I'm trying to find a new job and most offices don't like it when you pee out drugs.


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah. there's that. I personally refuse to work somewhere that insists I pass a drug test. I feel it's a violation of my fourth amendment rights -- the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. If an employer feels the need to violate that right, then I feel the need to not be employed by them.

But, uh, don't let anything I say stop ya! Good luck on your job search!! I hope it passes quickly for you so that you can toke toke toke! :joint: ;)


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah. there's that. I personally refuse to work somewhere that insists I pass a drug test. I feel it's a violation of my fourth amendment rights -- the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. If an employer feels the need to violate that right, then I feel the need to not be employed by them.

But, uh, don't let anything I say stop ya! Good luck on your job search!! I hope it passes quickly for you so that you can toke toke toke! :joint: ;)
I hope it goes quick. It sucks so much now cause I just stopped smoking like a week ago, but there's nothing stopping my roommate from smoking. Three more weeks till I should be clean then hopefully I can find something within a month.