I actually think it's possible. If we had a donate button and indicator of how much money raised so far some of us could literally just come by, click and give whatever few $ they have spare instead of thinking up something complex and PMing lots of people.
The difficulty is, not to keep beating the drum...but...., nobody knows what the charges are, what the bail is, nor what the alternatives might be. This is the horrible reality of how Americans live these days, but most still don't realize it and live in happy oblivion.
As I understand this situation, THREE PEOPLE, not just one, have been scooped from their lives, transported across the country, and are incarcerated without having been charged with a crime. Making it worse, it would appear any alleged crime they were involved with involved a plant.
There is no evidence of violence, death, weapons, or any intentional infliction of harm on a living thing.
Yet, it is impracticable to formulate a plan to help these people until there is some idea of what obstacles they are facing. Once they are charged, the energy can be focused on a specific solution.
People who know the names and have "standing" should contact their elected officials and demand accounting of the "disappeared". The rest of us need to stand at the ready to help how we can productively. Donations without a focus will only lead to hard feelings.