The 12-12 From Seed Thread

kevin murphy

New Member
8th january 2012 start of flower



just popped 2 Violator Kushes, gonna try 12/12 from seed..

Growing in coco with only canna A+B, big bud and overdrive you think i could hit 2oz ea?

..theyre under the 400hps with a couple tomato plants

...oh yeah ill put pics when it gets interesting

kevin murphy

New Member
lmao mantazim..differnet people different views mate ..pot full of dirt is always sumat to be interested in could sprout buds lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I think they needed more butter...
I wanted to start low and gauge from there..
How much did you use for say 12 cookies?
lol.. i never really said how much for 12 cookies.. lol
if i were you i would do One oz of trim to One lb of butter. Just keep eating more cookies, somethings bound to happen eventually. just wait a bit in between cookies. but eat them all if need

Not A Game

Well-Known Member
Truly inspirational.

I am about to start my 2nd grow EVER. I just started germinating my AK48 seeds last night. I will be growing them 12/12 from seed ;)


Well-Known Member
I did.. Lolz..
But the recipe I used only wanted 30g of butter.. I ate almost all of them..
The recipe I'm using next is 100g.. So I'm going to put 150g in and see what happens.. It's 5 times the amount so will hopefully do the trick ;)

lol.. i never really said how much for 12 cookies.. lol
if i were you i would do One oz of trim to One lb of butter. Just keep eating more cookies, somethings bound to happen eventually. just wait a bit in between cookies. but eat them all if need


Active Member
found what looks like the entire line of Canna products on a 20ft long wall at new hydro shop...i was so ready to make the switch to coco until i saw those bloody prices :-(...
i seem to recall way back in the thread Del and a few others were using it any good?...anyone?...
just curious, cuz if its not too bad it'll be quite convenient to have everything i need at one shop less than a mile away :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It Has Taken Me About A WEEK
But I
have now
read the whole thread
(I apologize in advance to Mrs Del66666)... but I think I am slightly in luv with Delboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
......... after this ...........
my Life has forever been changed!
I have turned Twelver!
Thank You Del for showing me the Light!!!!!!!!! The Big fat 600W and 400W Light!!!!!!!!!!!
I (heart) You