Would You Do This?

Would you do this?

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Well-Known Member
I just saw this on our local evening news. Hell yeah I'd do it...what a rush!.



Well-Known Member
lol that looks pretty fucking intense, it would give quite the adrenaline rush. Thats pretty neat how that rock formed in the shape it is in.


Well-Known Member

After thoroughly inspecting the rope anchor point, fibers, and the arc the others form on descent and ascent. If you;re not paying attention... SMACK! Whether or not the rope holds out.


Well-Known Member
Well nobody is thinking about it..they are either on board or not...so no wishy washers...


Well-Known Member

After thoroughly inspecting the rope anchor point, fibers, and the arc the others form on descent and ascent. If you;re not paying attention... SMACK! Whether or not the rope holds out.
Which would have the same effect as jumping with no rope at all. I wonder how many of our yes answers would change if we had to be the first to test what angle and where to jump?.

Mine would.


Ursus marijanus
I voted Maybe.
It looks like great fun, but I'd have to "work up" to it so that I can see if my old body is up to it. cn