Drug test help?

Anyone passed a drug test lately in MI using synthetic urine or by subbing in someones clean urine?
May have a drug test coming up and I've heard people saying that synthetics like Quick Fix work, BUT just
tonight I saw people on other forums when I did a search saying they failed using Quick Fix because of I guess
"no urine smell, no foaming". These people were all out on the West Coast though so I'm hoping to get some insight
from some people around here. At this point I'm thinking I'd better get some "real" clean urine from someone.

Thanks, DroSmokin bongsmilie
Keep clean urine in a double ziplock bag and close to your body (armpit, taped to leg) because they will check it for temperature. Some piss tests are supervised where someone will observe. Be careful. Using clean piss is the best way.
I have taken hundreds of piss tests. It all depends on the test. Your biggest factor is supervised or unsupervised, without a doubt. Do you know?
i just took a ua on last tuesday using quick fix and passed with flying colors.. i have used the quick fix at least a good 10 / 20 times or so now and have never failed...
the people who said that they failed because there was no foam or no smell are full of shit as it is not required for a ua for the urine to foam or to smell...
so long as you follow the directions on the box, keep the quick fix in the right temperature range, you'll have no problems using the quick fix.. best $30 i spent...
i have to give monitored ua's about once a month, not for probi or anything, but anyhoo's, i have been using the quick fix and a whizzinator and have had nada problem with either of them.. highly recommend both products if you're going to be monitored, if not, the quick fix on it's on is plenty enough to pass a ua... :)
Your terminology is eerily similar to the feds in the western district. I had many many monitored ua's and I did not fuck with them guys. I quit for five years, but I never quit smoking for anything else and passed most of my tests. For the 20 years I have been taking them, it has gradually evolved. First the test, then the way to beat it. The same company probably makes both and fucks with us all! lol
Your terminology is eerily similar to the feds in the western district. I had many many monitored ua's and I did not fuck with them guys. I quit for five years, but I never quit smoking for anything else and passed most of my tests. For the 20 years I have been taking them, it has gradually evolved. First the test, then the way to beat it. The same company probably makes both and fucks with us all! lol

who's terminology are you referring to gladstoned???
how long can u store clean piss in a fridge?

that's the thing cary, i don't really know, but what i do know is that piss not kept in the fridge gets nasty in hours..

i'd think that piss kept in the fridge in a dark container would keep longer than piss not in the fridge, that's for sure, but exactly how long... i've no idea.. it would suck to risk it though imo..
i just took a ua on last tuesday using quick fix and passed with flying colors.. i have used the quick fix at least a good 10 / 20 times or so now and have never failed...
the people who said that they failed because there was no foam or no smell are full of shit as it is not required for a ua for the urine to foam or to smell...
so long as you follow the directions on the box, keep the quick fix in the right temperature range, you'll have no problems using the quick fix.. best $30 i spent...
i have to give monitored ua's about once a month, not for probi or anything, but anyhoo's, i have been using the quick fix and a whizzinator and have had nada problem with either of them.. highly recommend both products if you're going to be monitored, if not, the quick fix on it's on is plenty enough to pass a ua... :)

"Whizzinator". LMAO!!

I'm assuming that's a device that makes it look like you're taking a piss?
quick fix works fine. if you are being monitored you'll need a whizzinator. just make sure you get the right color lol
"Whizzinator". LMAO!!

I'm assuming that's a device that makes it look like you're taking a piss?

You've never seen the whizzinator? It's a pair of briefs with a synthetic penis that pees. I don't get drug tested, but I always wanted to get a black wizzinator for a supervised ua.
idk if mentioned, but use Certo, there are some tricks to getting it to work but effective for less than 5 bucks!!! trust me I've used this a million times...

use the directions in this thread and you can smoke day of test.... its legit. http://www.420magazine.com/forums/420-drug-testing/61433-certo-help-pass-test.html

Thanks for the input but I'm not gonna do any kind of dilution, not a sure thing at all IMO.

I'm basically debating whether to use a fake synthetic one or to try and get some clean
stuff from a friend of mine, I just don't know how long you can keep it before using and whatnot.

Anyone passed a drug test lately in MI using synthetic urine or by subbing in someones clean urine?
May have a drug test coming up and I've heard people saying that synthetics like Quick Fix work, BUT just
tonight I saw people on other forums when I did a search saying they failed using Quick Fix because of I guess
"no urine smell, no foaming". These people were all out on the West Coast though so I'm hoping to get some insight
from some people around here. At this point I'm thinking I'd better get some "real" clean urine from someone.

Thanks, DroSmokin bongsmilie
I use Ultra Kleen synthetic and never ever had a problem. I also would like to add that I take federal Dot drug screens.
When I was a young lad I passed a court ordered supervised test with certo and was a pretty heavy smoker. Some people swear by it. Drink about an hour before the test, drink a good amount of water, take a piss, and then your NEXT piss is the one you supposedly want to use for the test. My girlfriend recently passed an unsupervised test at a laboratory using the synthetic urine.
Oh and about the whizzinators. I know someone who got caught during a supervised test with one of these. It was whizzinator brand and everything, was with him when he bought it haha. The guy apparently gave his junk a good once over and knew exactly what it was. Had him take it off, and retake the test. Didn't tell his P.O. because he knew he was screwed anyway lol, so that was kind of cool. So word to the wise, people that are supervising probably know about the whizzinator and may be watching for it.